
Mastery XP appears to be reduced by 50% for all Skills, not just Farming Master XP?
I know the 1.6.4 patch notes state that:
  • Farming experience now contributes to mastery experience at a 50% rate.
However when comparing my Mastery XP progress counter to the expected XP gains from actions such as reading a Skill XP book (250 xp), harvesting a Sweet Gem Berry (64 xp), felling a tree (12 xp), etc. I noticed I was getting 50% the expected amount for not just Farming skill actions but also Foraging, Mining, etc. This happens in all the save files I checked, without any mods.

  • Windows 11
  • English
  • Single-player
Weird movement bugs when summoning the horse. Sprite just stands still and doesn't move their feet, have to jiggle a bit when this happens. Seems to do it when summoning the horse at the top of my crop fields. My PC sprite just faces downward while moving.

Windows 10



Hi! Very lightly modded, no gameplay changes, just portraits, map locations etc. - the big chest didn't work, the space wasn't expanded (but it worked before on other chests).

Upd.: restarting the game and re-crafting didn't work either



Single player 1.6.4. When on Willy's boat or parrot express I can run off the boat or platform during the animation.

Also, not sure if it's a bug or intended, but Powerful pickaxe takes 5 hits to break an iridium crab, instead of 3.


Chest issue: when replacing a small chest with a large chest, the larger chest keeps the sizing of the smaller. when removing items from that chest and picking up the larger chest and resetting it down, it will be the proper size of a large chest.

Note: my friend noticed this issue, then i replicated it on a new save file, since I am more comfortable reporting issues on this form.

Windows 10

View attachment 22140View attachment 22141
this helped, thank you!


I started a new save when 1.6 came out. Now I'm in Year 3, almost achieved perfection, and yet I have no Mr. Fizz. I never got his letter in the mail and he never spawned. I'm not running any mods.


Consistent Crashes on Steam Deck (perhaps linux in general). Whenever I try to dismantle anything like a barrel or a flute block or anything like that, the game just crashes. Game also crashes when I sit on my horse. These problems doesn't seem to appear on Windows.

EDIT: Only after 1.6.4 Update. Before that it was fine.

EDIT 2: I think this was only on my side. I restarted my steam deck and now everything seems back to norma.
Last edited:


I noticed that the birds that drop gems on Ginger Island for the 4 gem puzzle continue to come after the puzzle was solved. I can grab their gem and go back to the puzzle. I can't place the gem in any puzzle slot, however, the N, E, and S, shrines show a "+" to "harvest" when I hover my mouse over them (not the West one).

Unmodded on Windows 11 Pro 23H2, English, Single-Player
That's neither a bug or a 1.6. issue. After the puzzle is solved, you can just enjoy the gems.


not looking for help with this issue but just wanted to bring awareness to it if not known: when using x button on controller to move an empty chest while at exactly 0 energy, the player will move at the super slow speed afterwards, as if "sluggish from over exhaustion", but no message appeared saying that like it normally does when using a tool past 0 energy.
Will admit ours is modded, but the mods we have chosen have no effect on cutscenes or edit gameplay (made horses customizable) Since the mod only interacts and affects the horse, I figured this was a standard, non-mod related bug that should be made known.

But as for everything else asked to be known:
We are using a Windows 10, multiplayer (1 additional person), on English language.

We attended the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies and the person to the left of Hailey on the dock during the cutscene simply turns into a big brown square once the camera starts to pan to the right once Hailey takes her picture. (I don't remember who was standing there)


Pierre's Missing Stocklist causes items to be duplicated if in current season. For instance, in Summer, Wheat seeds can be seen first for 10g and then later down the list seen again for 15g. This is confusing and inconsistent.
Ver. 1.6.4
Discovered 4/19/2024
PC/Windows - Steam
Single player, no mods (ever).
Game save started in 1.6 and the list was purchased and given to Pierre in Summer of year 7 after updating to 1.6.4..


Ver 1.6.4
PC/Windows 11
Multiplayer - Farm Hand
New save for 1.6

During the Desert festival, the egg level is shown in the normal mines based on the floor you are at (goes up every 5 floors). This occurs even if you haven't gone to the Desert Festival and just enter the mines directly.

Cosmetic only, no other obvious changes.


  • explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens): Game crashes whenever I enter Clint's. Can repro 3/3 times with the same save. Not sure if related, but I have two things to do at Clint's: pick up an upgraded pan and deliver him an iron bar.
  • full error text (if any); N/A, game just hard crashes, not seeing anything in .local/share/StardewValley/ErrorLogs
  • what OS you are using: SteamOS (via Steam Deck)
  • in-game language: English.
  • single-player or multiplayer: Single Player
  • anything else you think might be relevant; Game is vanilla, and on most recent update.
  • if you experience a bug that isn't cosmetic, please upload your save file! You can get your save this way: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Saves: See Attached



So I'm on spring 2 and neither my egg incubator or my seed makers work. They're probably unrelated, but my incubator just won't take eggs even though I only have 2 chickens and a duck in my coop so its definitely not full, and my seed makers just don't work, they won't take any vegetables or fruit.
I'm on a MacBook Pro - macOS and I play through steam if that's relevant??
I got the same 2 issues.


Issue: My game has crashed twice in a row while transitioning to the next floor of the mines. I have Willy's 100 bug meat quest active right now. The first time the game crashed, I reopened it and tried again, and the same crash occurred.
OS: Windows 10 - Steam
Language: English
Game mode: Single-player
Anything else: This glitch only occurred after my game updated to 1.6.4; prior to that, everything was fine.



Game crashes when using ladder in level 31 in the mines, no error-message. Restarted game and tried using ladder in other levels (1-3, 35-37, 90-92) and no crash, but it still crashes when using ladder in level 31. Happened both when I went to the mines immediately after waking up and running around doing other stuff before. It's 2nd year fall 15th in-game and I've gone all the way down in the mines. Also, tried crafting a ladder and using it in level 31 and it still crashes. I took the "kill x bats"-quest for Clint (from the board) the first time it crashed, but still crashed when I didn't grab it after restart.
- PC, Windows via Steam
- English in-game language
- Soloplayer
- Not modded
- Just updated the game to 1.6.4

