Hello, Im guessing this is related to the winter outfits switching over, I'm on Winter 1st Year 1. Only happened with Clint in the friendship tab. I did go to Clint's to open geodes on this day. Profile went back to normal once I slept to the next day. Also, I can't tel if the cat on the bed is supposed to sit on the bed or the posts? Its with the new blue pinstripe bed.20240913_134705.jpg20240913_134707.jpg20240913_134709.jpg20240913_134711.jpg20240913_135713.jpg
Single Player
Windows 11 (running on Steam)


Bug: Drawer Items Disappearing (similar to https://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/help-moved-dresser-now-its-empty.6923/)
Reproducible: Yes (but not 100%, usually easy to do it in the first few days of a new game)
OS: Windows 10 (playing on Steam)
Game Version: 1.6.8 build 24119 (unmodded)
Language: English
Multiplayer: Yes (but also when playing alone, could not reproduce in Single Player)
Playing with gamepad (but probably irrelevant)

  1. Start a new Multiplayer game in meadowlands farm (multiple drawers are required, but only the host is enough for the bug to happen)
  2. Undress and put clothes into drawer
  3. Gather at least 50 wood and craft a chest
  4. Get drawer from starting cabin (1 starting cabin is enough, but also happens when more are there)
  5. Place chest and drawer inside hosts house
Steps to reproduce:
  1. Move drawer with clothes to another location inside house (might not be required)
  2. Move empty drawer to another location inside house (not required but I feel like it makes the bug more likely to happen)
  3. Put drawer with clothes inside chest
  4. Go to sleep
  5. Get drawer with clothes out of the chest
  6. Put drawer with clothes somewhere in the house
  7. Open the empty drawer (IMPORTANT! I never had it happen when I opened the drawer with clothes first)
  8. Open the drawer with clothes
  9. Notice your clothes disappeared and start crying
If the steps to reproduce do not work the first time, just repeating them usually works within 1-3 days for me.

Additional notes:
  • To me it seems that rotating the drawer(s) when moving them makes the bug more likely to appear
  • If on the day the bug appears the day is restarted (go to title or restarting the whole game), the bug does not happen again, even if the drawer is placed in the exact same position as when the bug happened
  • If sleeping after the bug happened, the clothes stay lost to the void. (Although I think I managed to make them reappear once but it was deep magic)
  • Not opening the drawers while doing the steps (until the point where I mention it) seems to increase likelihood for the bug to happen
Attached is a file, saved directly after the bug happened (so there are 2 empty drawers and a clothless farmer, the Clothless.zip)

This happened in my main savefile with some friends where I had a lot of clothes, so if there is any way to recover them, that would be great, but I don't have high hopes as I already continued playing. I attached my main game file as well, where I first noticed the bug (Utopia.zip)

