help please

  1. Poltrique

    Solved Mail bugged, same mail on repeat.

    So, I've got the same mail when I try to open my mailbox. When I open it, this error pop up: [game] An error occurred in the base update loop: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at...
  2. TreakleFurs

    Issue SMAPI Crashing Co-op - Please Help!

    Please Help!! I've been playing co-op with my partner for 60+ hours heavily modded but recently the game crashes whenever we go to sleep. It boots me from the game and once that happens my partner can continue playing as normal without me. (I have to reload my game but once I'm disconnected...
  3. Windows Please help. Game screen is too small.

    I don't know if this happened because of the 1.5 update or because I got a new, higher resolution computer. I didn't play for a few months before wanting to start up again. But when I try to start the game, whether it be straight from steam or through a mod loader (I've tried all sorts) It's...
  4. galaxyveined

    Issue Help Needed, Please. Game Won't Progress Between Days

    First up, error log: I know it says update Paritee's BFAV to 3.2.4, but the link provided just drops me at the top of the list, rather than jumping to the particular mod like normal. In addition, I've removed and reinstalled the...
  5. Issue SMAPI update help needed

    I downloaded some new mods which asked me to update SMAPI. I downloaded the newest version I could see (3.15.0) and extracted it. I copied all the files and pasted them over to where it's meant to go and just clicked to replace the old files. When I click SMAPI Installer and click for it to...
  6. Issue Smapi error, assets files empty when not? please help

    I've only started modding Stardew recently using Vortex to manage the mods, and have had no problems until now, launched smapi came up with assets folders being empty, checked and their not. ive checked for duplicates but cant find any obvious ones. could multiple files being named the same...
  7. Can multiple players marry one npc?

    I know an npc can date multiple players but is it possible for marriage? If not, is there an existing mod where players can marry one npc? (This might not be a great question for others that find polygamy unsavory so oopsy, please scroll away tehe)
  8. Solved game wont load

    so I got a new SSD and I formatted everything (someone else did this for me) and idk why or what partitions he made but steam is not installing all my files in one place its like multiple folders and the missing files are no where to be found I have done everything and I still cant play this...
  9. iOS [HELP] Settings For Mobile

    There are a few game settings I don't understand. Any help explaining what they do would be appreciated. Here are the settings: - Data Box Size (What does this do and what's the best number for it to be on?) - Invisible Button Width (What does it do and what's the best number for it to be on?)
  10. Mysterious Letter from M?

    I have received a letter from Mr.M? Who is he? Where can I find him?
  11. Solved [HELP] Saved game problem

    Hi, I'm Kai, I was trying to solve an audio bug which I did successfully, but now it doesn't read my saved game. What do I do? I'll provide any detail you need, please help!
  12. Solved Game isn't showing up my save

    Hi guys i was playing game 2 hour ago and when i opened the game my save wasnt seeing. Then i opened the folder but my save was there. How can i solve this (btw im on mobile).
  13. Rose_Palitsky

    Guide Help me if you can, thank you!

    Anyone have stardew foliage redone, the map recolor? (Not the only foliage redone) I am making my own little changes to it, I accidentally deleted my copy while I was clearing my files. My personal edited files are not for redistribution. Just send it me privately if you can. Thank you in advance.
  14. PC [HELP] Game crashes when sleeping! pls help!

    Heya! so the trouble is that when i go sleep to save the game and end the day, the game crashes and i have to re-do the day, and it happens every day! im getting a bit mad about it. here's the error log for you guys see whats happening. thanks! edit:Ideleted some steam games to have more space...
  15. AlyL

    Issue My mods aren't working and I'm out of ideas.

    I used to use Smapi mods on SDV, but it all changed when the fire nation attacked one day. I'm not sure why it suddenly stopped working. I have tried restarting my computer, undownloading all my mods and smapi and then redownloading, making sure I had all the game updates, etc. For a while, my...
  16. Solved Help please! Can’t get iCloud to save my game!

    Help!! I play Stardew Valley on my IPad Pro and the entire game crashed after my second Fall Festival. The game never let me in and I tried everything. Online it said to save the backups to your files and reinstall the game. The only problem is that it’s not showing me an option to load a...
  17. Solved [SOLVED] Im stuck zoomed in too much

    So, Out of curiosity, I zoomed in my game to max. Now I cant play anymore and cant zoom out. Please help im crying.
  18. Hom Tanks

    PlayStation [BUG] Marble brazier problem

    I bought out all the brazier recipes up to the marble one all in one go. I kept on re-enter Robins shop. The marble brazier recipe does not show up. Does anyone know if this is a bug or does it show up later perhaps?
  19. Coding Help Missing recipe in crafting menu

    Hello! I have a bit of a problem. I can't see the campfire in my crafting menu in my main save file. I opened my alt and it was there. I have no problem if I need to unlock it, however, it is a starter recipe. I used mods in my save file but I deleted them and as well as uninstalled stardew...
  20. Solved Game Crashes when Sleeping Before the Game Saves

    Hey. :smile: Whenever I go to bed the game crashes. It shows the money I made that day, then it crashes before the game can save. This has happened before and I usually just re-do the day. No biggie. However, when I re-did the day this time, it crashed again. :sweat: I think these three crash...