help please

  1. Issue My game keeps crashing This is my log, any help would be appreciated
  2. Solved (HELP) I am stuck inside a fence and cannot get out

    I got excited about getting my chicken coop done and getting my first chicken. I started making a fence around my chicken coop so the chicken could get outside and I forgot a gate. Now I am stuck. My energy level won't go down. I've just been stuck and I am unsure how to fix it. I attached a...
  3. Xbox [HELP] No Available Cabins Issue in Coop

    Hey There! My family and I really love the game, but we’re having issues playing together on the Xbox version. We played quite successfully over and over together in co-op mode for a while. Then, my fiancé and I started having issues connecting to our co-op farm (which is saved on our...
  4. Person090

    Android [HELP] Heart event with Pam not working

    So I've had the community upgrade for a long time now, and I still have not seen Pam's nine heart event. I've been checking the house regularly, but still nothing. I need help, it's the only heart event that I can possibly achieve in on my first save. I will attach my save file
  5. manuscript

    Android [BUG] [GAME-BREAKING] [SPOILER] Elliott's 14-heart event in Android

    Hello, all. I'm playing the Android version of Stardew and have reached the end of Elliott's 14-heart event. Unfortunately, the game is stuck every time I sign in now. Elliott returns home, my player character welcomes him, and is stuck jumping up and down over and over again infinitely. I...
  6. Android [Help] I don't have access to my cellar

    Hey, so Robin finished my house yesterday in the game and when I woke up I noticed that I can't go down to the cellar. I restarted the day (last save) but it didn't change. I don't know what to do! I attached an image, not really helpful but..
  7. iOS [BUG] Game Crashes on launching

    When I enter the game, the game kicks me out before I come to the main screen
  8. iOS HELP! My hoe disappeared

    I put my hoe into the chest, and it has dissapeared, and now I can’t forage in the snow or plant crops. How do I get it back?
  9. PS4 HELP! Recipe ancient seed

    Hey i need Help. Gunther give me Not the recipe for anicent seeds. That is my Last recipe for the trophy (create master) What can i do?
  10. PC [HELP] No Sound From Speakers only w Headset

    When I try and play the game w/o my headset plugged in, even with restarting the game and checking file integrity I am unable to play the game with sound unless using my headset. I'm really sad because while I can play with headset on, I can only do it for so long before I get a headache or my...