Solved Help please! Can’t get iCloud to save my game!


Help!! I play Stardew Valley on my IPad Pro and the entire game crashed after my second Fall Festival. The game never let me in and I tried everything. Online it said to save the backups to your files and reinstall the game. The only problem is that it’s not showing me an option to load a save game. I really don’t want to lose all of my progress!!


I’ve figured it out, if anyone has the same problem! Save all of your stardew files to a backup file and delete your game and reinstall it. Once you reinstall the game, create another character then go back to your files. You’ll see another file dedicated to stardew. Open that file and add another one with your characters name with its following numbers, like, “charcter_5283820.” Add your SaveGameInfo and “character_5283820” to that file as well and delete the character file you just made. When you get back into the game you should see your character save! Sorry if it was confusing!