switch bug

  1. Switch [BUG] Switch Local Co-op Unable to join

    I've seen previous threads on this now but there's no resolution that I can find on any of them nor any noticing from developers on this issue. It seems that if you start a Local Connection game and then ever play the same farm online characters that joined via local connection can never rejoin...
  2. Switch bug? game crashes when going to sleep

    I'm on Winter 16, Year 4, on this file and I can't seem to go to sleep to get to the next day without the game closing unexpectedly. The error screen says "The software was closed because an error occurred" after I go to sleep no matter what time during the day I do it (I've tried 3 separate...
  3. Switch mummified bat questions

    im having the same basic problem as everyone else, cant find the bat in the volcano. the most recent response i can find is on march 7 in this tweet- https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1368746678770003974 does anyone have an update on the progress of it? will it be out soon? are we gonna...
  4. Switch [BUG] The cutscene of Island Field Office It stays stuck

    I'm running the latest, fully-patched up 1.5.4 version on a stock Nintendo Switch lite , original version. Issue occurred today, 19/05/2021. Issue: when I deliver the last snake vertebra the cutscene starts but the game stays stuck and I can't move or open inventory, the music continues to...
  5. Switch [BUG] Local Co-Op File randomly stops working / being seen by other Co-Op Switch over the past year.

    I have two Nintendo Switch units, playing Stardew Valley Local Co-Op exclusively for the past year. we have "never" played co-op through the internet, we don't even have an account to do so. Both Switches are connected to the same Wi-Fi router. Some days the save file will transmit from the...
  6. mistfellrunner

    Switch [HELP] Certain villagers disappear for a day.

    Sometimes I want to complete a community board post or give a villager a gift but they're nowhere to be found, despite looking at their schedule on the wiki. Anyone else having this problem?
  7. Switch [HELP] Unable to get Hidden Path Golden Walnut

    I’m wondering if anyone else has this issue on switch where you cannot go through that hidden path in the forest just above your farm. I’ve tried walking straight from the clump of four flowers but it won’t allow me to walk through the path that I can clearly see is there. Here is a picture of...
  8. RunawayJellyfish

    Switch [BUG] Inventory/Crafting Screen Glitch?

    Whenever I go to open my inventory, it opens up the crafting screen instead. Not really a serious issue, just an annoying one. Been like this since the 1.5 update. I tried including a clip but apparently I can't add that file.
  9. Switch [BUG] Singing Stone bug on Switch

    Hello! I donated to the museum today and received a singing stone as a reward. However, I am unable to place it anywhere. I have made room, rearranged everything in my home, and tried it in multiple areas but it will not let me place it. I’m not sure if this common or just happening to me but I...
  10. Switch [BUG] Text Duplication bug on Switch

    Go collections then scroll over a random food item. Then, go look at the secret notes or artifacts. The food item information will duplicate itself.
  11. Switch [BUG] Lag/glitch on farm

    I’m not sure how to describe this but on my farm it gets laggy and the screen glitches. I was playing tonight and when I went to bed in game, it crashed and I got a message on screen about an error.
  12. Switch [BUG] Perfection is impossible due to bugs

    I have gotten all the stardrops and yet in Qi's Room it says I don't. I have gotten all the rarecrows but the deluxe scarecrow recipe never arrives. Some of the golden walnuts on Ginger Island aren't where they should be and I am stuck at 117/130 walnuts. Seriously, this is frustrating that...
  13. Switch [BUG] Feast of the Winter Star Crash

    Game state: Version Farm started pre-Ginger Island patch. Year 3 Day 25. Secret Santa recipient is Linus. Friendship with Linus is maxed. Repro: -Have cactus fruit in inventory -Wait for festival to begin (9 am) -Walk to town square -Speak with Linus -Give him cactus fruit Observed...
  14. Switch [HELP] Switch Lite Turns WiFi off instead of going to local

    When my daughter tries to join a co-op game using local with her Switch Lite it completely turns her network off. If she tries to host local it shows the network symbol with the little L and it works. I do not have the same issue on my original switch.
  15. Solved [BUG] Missing Journal Scrap #10 - SOLVED

    UPDATE: It was in a dirt spot - using the hoe tool or bombs. For whatever reason the loot was locked until I received the scrap, but I have it now. 🙂 I've played through a full year with the new update [my farm isn't a new save; I'm somewhere past year 10] and can not find scrap #10. I have...
  16. Switch [GAME CRASH] Switch version 1.5 Skull Cavern Bugs

    After taking the Mr. Qi quest to clear out the more advanced monsters in Skull Cavern I enchanted my Galaxy Sword with the Bug Killer perk. And now whenever my character bumps into a bug (both when my weapon is equipped and when nothing is equipped) my game auto crashes. No error #, it just says...
  17. amorydoerr

    Switch [BUG] Local multiplayer issue

    Me and my girlfriend started a new farm with online play. If I try to host local, the farm does not appear on the list UNLESS a new cabin exists. This let's her see and join the farm where she can choose her character or a new one.
  18. voidshouter

    Switch [BUG] Trouble putting beets in mayor’s fridge

    I’ve had this issue for a while now but I can’t put beets in the Mayor’s fridge. I’m certain I have beets, (screenshots included). I’ve tried “gifting” them to the fridge and interacting with it while they’re just in my inventory, I’ve tried it with 10 beets of the same quality, more than 10...
  19. rippytrippy

    Switch Donate to museum grid glitch

    Unfortunately I do not have the ability to upload a photo, so I will describe the glitch as well as I can: When the donate to museum IU opens, there are lines -a grid thingy - that are supposed to go on the shelves to show where on the shelf the item will go. Well, these lines aren't on the...
  20. meg

    Switch Ginger Island missing ground

    So I finally unlocked Ginger Island on the Switch and was super excited to explore! I went north to the area by the volcano and the ground texture is completely missing. It’s just a sea of this blue nothingness and it’s kinda unpleasant to look at. Has anyone else on Switch had this problem and...