switch bug

  1. Switch [BUG] Magic Cowboy Hat & Magic Turban stay white

    Hello, this is kinda a minor bug but after all the effort of getting 333 omni geodes, i found out that the magic cowboy hat stays white and don't cycle trought colors like prismatic clothes. I'm on 1.5.4, the Switch version
  2. Switch Controls Question: right joystick click, how?

    I have a question about the switch controls, there is a cursor that you can use with the right joystick, but how do you "click" it?? If you're not sure what I mean, the specific reason is spoilers: [/SPOILER]
  3. Switch Island Map is blue

    I was so excited to explore the island map, it looked great when I got off Willy's ship, but the second portion of the map leading to the cave - the ground is blue. There's no texture - i can see some bushes and some tree but the parrots are not on their perch and I can't interact with the...
  4. Switch [HELP] no single joycon support?

    i can only play with a single joycon because of drift on my switch :( ever since the update it wont let me use just one joycon is this on purpose? or an accident:( ik no one else uses it so its okay im just wondering thank you
  5. Switch [BUG] Walnut Spot Missing (v 1.5.4)

    I found a missing walnut spot North of the walnut door (the bush is missing). Anyone else have missing walnut spots?
  6. Switch [1.5 Switch] Stucked into Fishing lady cutscene

    After returning the item she wants, we have a dialogue, but then I get stuck into the cutscene, can't Go on with the game. Already tried twice and the same happens. Is anybody also having this problem?!
  7. Solved [BUG] 1.5 SPOILER - Cant Find Mummified Bat

    Has anyone been able to find the mummified bat in the volcano mines on the switch update? Searched every rock and enemy on every floor 20+ times and haven’t found it. Tried fishing and digging spots. I’ve completed the rest of the museum but can’t find the stupid bat. Is this a bug or am I just...
  8. Switch [BUG] Fishing pop-up offscreen

    Hello! The fishing pop-up gets anchored off the bottom of the screen out of view when fishing along the bottom edges of the map! I’ve on tested some other locations and zoom levels to reproduce the behavior. (added more location maps and zoom settings in an edit) Bottom of the mountain lake...
  9. Switch [BUG] 1.5 Feast of the Winter Star crash

    I am able to enter the town square, talk to npcs and buy items from the shop but everytime I give my gift to Maru the game crashes after she says she likes it.
  10. Switch [BUG] Strange Capsule not breaking

    I got the strange capsule on the night of winter 19 and it still has not broken as of spring 1. I read it’s supposed to take 3 days to break, am I doing something wrong?
  11. DigiRhys

    Switch [BUG] Visual bug: 2-hit rocks in mine jittering

    Another visual bug I found, not gamebreaking either, but a little funky lol Base pickaxe in the mines, striking one of the grey rocks that take 2 hits to break will shake upon impact, and then just keep shaking. Not something I've ever noticed them doing before the update, unless I've just...
  12. DigiRhys

    Switch [BUG] Screenshot bug on farm at night

    So I'm not sure if this occurs on other maps, as I've never used the screenshot feature before this, but when I started testing it, I could only replicate it at night. Settings are all vanilla (I think), except enabling monsters during night ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ version 1.5.4, English language Not...