switch bug

  1. Switch Co-op crash

    When using a bomb (cherry bomb hasn’t done it yet) in co-op mode local wireless on switch. It causes the game to completely crash. We repeated the problem 10 times and rebooted both consoles twice. If the host uses a bomb it causes an error and crashes both games and if the ones joined do it...
  2. Switch Co-op crashing

    Co-op farm using online multiplayer. When we are in the mines and drop a bomb, the server crashes. We are both kicked out and have to start the day over.
  3. Switch Horse shortcut and artifact missing

    My wife and i both played stardew valley but on different platforms (her is on ios) so i noticed in her game she could use the horse through shortcuts made around the town while i simply cant. Another issue that i got is the artifact. I had managed to get and donated the ancient sword artifact...
  4. Jzeniathal

    Switch Cant host on switch

    I have been trying to host a farm with my friend and brother, and it won't work. I can join them, but they can't join me. It is bizarre, but I just wanted to know if anyone has this issue as well.
  5. Switch Community Center bug?

    Hi all. I’m on Winter 14, year one of my save on switch and have found a weird bug. I’m trying to add to the community center bundles and added an item to the bulletin board the other day, and my player completely froze. I completed the bundle, and after the junimo was finished moving the bundle...
  6. Switch Friend Unable to Join Online Switch Game

    I have one friend who is absolutely unable to join me or my gfs world. The world shows up but whenever they join they get a NAT error code (2618-0513) and are unable to join. My gf and I have been able to play together perfectly fine, but my friend can’t join either of our worlds at all, and we...
  7. Switch Feast of Winter Star

    I am currently playing on switch and two Feast of Winter Star in a row whenever I give my gift, it crashes my game saying something about the software could not be received.
  8. PlayStation Duplication Glitch coop [Xbox PS4 Switch]

    Place an item on a table then spam [a] with both players to duplicate. Please improve cincronization in co-op mod.
  9. Switch Cant find local multiplayer on switch

    Ive been hosting local coop with my bf. it was going well until we tried to play the game in local at my place. i tried letting him host and it worked but i cant host the farm we played on for hours. is there a fix? whats going on. Online multiplayer coop works but it lags a lot so we really...
  10. TANYA531

    Switch Fishing Bug

    I've played since 2017 on Switch ... I never had any issues until about 6 months ago ... When fishing the controller won't control the fishing rod/bar ... I can get the fish when it bites but I can't control the bar to catch the fish .... I thought it was my controller going bad, even though it...
  11. Switch [ BUG] milk pail is not unique tool in switch version

    So is it normal on nintendo switch that Marne sells a milk pail every day I wake up and milk pail is not unique. I think in 3 days I bought 3 milk pails and cannot trash them. 2000 gold each. I was just thinking that milk pail is a tool and unique but she always restock the pail. I believe it's...
  12. Switch Mysterious Mister Qi quest glitch on coop

    I play local coop mode on the switch with one other player. After the final step of the Mysterious Mr Qi quest I collected the club card and completed the quest. I went to try to go the casino a couple of in-game days later and noticed that the club card was no longer in my wallet. There isn't...
  13. Switch Can’t Attach Bait on Switch

    I can’t attach bait to my fishing rod no mater what I’ve tried. I’ve got a fiberglass rod and watched videos of other switch players selecting the bait then moving their cursor over their fishing rod and pressing Y and bait goes into the bait slot. It doesn’t so that for me. I can use bait with...
  14. Switch [HELP] Crops Disappearing, New Player

    New to Stardew Valley, got the game in the past week for the Switch. I definitely could be doing something wrong, but I am curious if this is a bug. Yesterday this was all soil that was brown with ground tilled, seeds planted, scarecrows and fences (I know in the bottom corner the fences aren’t...
  15. Switch Crashing and losing progress

    I play on the switch and my game has been crashing and lagging during random activities, and often when I sleep. It’s been happening since the last update, and I’ve tried all the bug fixes from Nintendo and in the wiki. Is anyone else having this issue?
  16. Switch Multiplayer: Keyboard window does not stop clock

    Playing on Nintendo Switch, most recent update as of posting, my wife was buying a chicken while I was deep in the mines. When the text editor prompt took up the screen and the visible gameplay behind it was blurred and stopped, this gave the appearance that the game had been paused. I had full...
  17. darklink2458

    Switch Local Multiplayer Crash

    Hi, a friend and I are trying to play local multiplayer but every time one of us tries to join the farm it pushes the one joining back to the main menu. We have tried making a new cabin and waiting a day to no avail. I would greatly appreciate any help you all can provide. The only resource I...
  18. Switch I keep getting Haymaker and Bugkiller

    We play multipler on the switch and have gone through dozens of prismatic shards at this point and only get Haymaker and Bug Killer, sometimes Vampiric. Does anyone know how to break this loop or if there's plans for a fix?
  19. Switch Journal is blank

    Know have several quests underway, specifically Mr Qi quest to deliver 50 heart gifts within specific time period. But when I check on the status, the journal is blank now. Tried restarting the game, but that didn’t help. On Switch.
  20. Switch [HELP] Path Sound

    When walking onto the path in front of Gus' saloon from the east, the sound of grass footsteps will play instead of stone path footsteps.