switch bug

  1. Switch unable to place items?

    omg can someone please help me lmao. i can’t do anything like put milk in the cheese presses, grapes in kegs, cheese in the cellar barrel things - like the items just remain in my inventory and don’t get placed/processed. it only went whack when i put a void egg in the incubator so idk what’s...
  2. Switch Switch can't use weapons

    Can't use weapons, big time lag. Will they fix this?
  3. Switch [HELP] multiplayer wont work after recent update

    my partner and i made a stardew valley world several weeks before the most recent update and completely forgot about it but recently we've been wanting to play but have found that we cant connect to either of each others hosted games. we have both restarted our modems and our consols and it...
  4. Aashe_J

    Switch Stuff [BUG] Dissapears Randomly..

    NOT WEED/DEBRIS DAMAGE ive had 2 bee houses for around a couple years in-game, ans recently got the perfection statue (the grandpa one which gives iridium) in my grubby mitts. i have seen 1 bee house dissapear, and just now recently, the statue, this is odd, since, nothing has ever "replaced"...
  5. Switch [HELP] Problem with Switch Local Co-op

    Whenever my girlfriend and I try to connect to each other's game, the person joining gets kicked back to the title screen. - We each have a copy of the game on our own Switches - We checked to make sure our Switches are on the same version (14.1.2) - We checked the bottom left of the "?" menu on...
  6. Switch [BUG] Sand Dragon won’t accept his final meal

    I’m in Calico Desert and attempting to give the Sand Dragon a piece of Solar Essence, but he won’t accept it. I’ve tried all angles around the skull, and have tried both the Y (use tool) button and the A (check) button. I’ve also tried “checking” the dragon with a tool in my hand, and then...
  7. Switch [BUG] Tool Hit Location One Square Off on Switch

    Started up a new run recently and occasionally when I'm tilling on the farm, the tool hit location indicator is off by one square. It's always down screen by one. I believe it may also happen when watering, but I apologize, I'm now not sure. It never starts the day incorrect - it'll just start...
  8. nongmoegg

    Switch [BUG] Second player gets disconnected from local coop game

    My partner and I have been playing Stardew in real time for about 6 months local co-op and have never played it online. Recently this last month we keep running into this problem where he is fully disconnected from the game but I stay in. I’m the host of the farm. We haven’t changed anything...
  9. xwixy

    Switch [BUG] Game freezes after saving Professor Snail on switch

    Latest version of the game on switch, russian language . Every time i try and save Prof., the game just freezes after he talks about eating mushrooms. I can still move cursor and background animations are still playing together with music and other ambience but non of the keys work and all i can...
  10. westornn

    Switch [BUG] friend with a switch cannot join any co-op servers or share host server code

    basically the title. my online friend and i want to play stardew valley together; i'm on pc, she's on switch. when i host a server, i can easily see the join code in settings and when i enter the game. my friend, however, does not have the option to join a LAN game or enter a server code. it's...
  11. Tukis J

    My many sugestions for the quality of life update 🔸🔷(1.5.6)🔷🔸

    -Another quality of life would be able the change clothes when we are using the drawer, another one making it the player can use glasses and as well a hat at the same time -There is like this bug idk it has happened when I play on the switch version that when I walk past a sprinkler (the ones...
  12. sahaqu

    Switch Stardrop Bug

    Hey, wondering if this particular bug as been resolved? Updated to Ver, Perfection tracker is No for Stardrops, but I'm certain I have them all. Running through checking every one and no luck, Cannoli's eyes are dark but I've definitely activated and got the Stardrop before... Unsure...
  13. Switch Need help! Game crashes every time I save/go to sleep

    I’m on day 1 of winter, year 5. I have done everything recommended. I’ve uninstalled and redownloaded SV, checked for any new updates, checked for corrupted data, switched stuff around in my chests, I have all the tools in my inventory, everything I could find to do. Every time I sleep to save...
  14. Switch [HELP] Online and Local MP Not working..

    My husband hosted a 4 player farm for myself and two friends because nobody could join when I hosted. We played halfway through spring and logged off for the night. We're trying to get in again and his farm isn't showing up in either local or online in the join tab. Same thing when I try to...
  15. Switch [BUG] Crash when sleeping

    Every few days when playing multiplayer, especially when mining, the game will crash because an error occurred.
  16. Switch [Bug] Prismatic Shard Multiplayer Drop Bug

    Latest Switch English version I was playing local multiplayer with my girl friend on two different switches. She is the host. I was blowing things up with bombs in the skull cavern without getting any prismatic shards. She was outside in the farm or in buildings having prismatic shards...
  17. Switch [BUG] Local Co-op not working

    My sister and I have a farm, it would always work interchangeably from local to online, all of a sudden it isn't working locally, only online. I reset the internet, disconnected from the internet, restarted our switches, manually turned out switches off, but it still will not work. I don't...
  18. froggyweather

    Switch BUG Unknown error crashes game

    I'm at the end of year 2 on my switch's save file, and the current day is the Feast of the Winter Star. So far, my game works perfectly fine when I do things around my farm, and it works once the event has begun and I talk to people. But as soon as I give my gift to my secret gift recipient, a...
  19. Switch [Bug] Unable to Forge

    Noticed since on switch update I am unable to forge any tool/weapon despite having ample cindershards
  20. Switch [Bug]Cows/goats not giving milk

    Since update on switch cows/goats aren't producing milk consistently despite being fed.