stardew valley

  1. Danieru Dazukii

    PC [Bug] Problem wiht hats pixels in vanilla game

    Hello, I have a problem wiht the game hats where when having them equipped misplaced/replaces pixels and make the hats look weird, I am using the hairstyle number 11 but i dont know if that specific hairstyle is bug or if it can be another thing causing this problem .(I do uses mods but I did...
  2. Danieru Dazukii

    Art I made a portrait of my self as a Stardew Valley Character.

    I made this Portrait of my self as a Stardew Valley Character, I think that for my first Pixal Art Attempt it's pretty good .:happy::stardrop: (I had to put it as a foto I took at my laptop screen since I made it 65×64 so when using it comes out blurry because it's small so for my Fan Art to be...
  3. iridium quality

    What's your favorite part of the game?

    Hi everyone! So I wanted to ask the community a question: What is your favorite part of the game? No, I don't mean mechanics such as fishing or mining. I also am not talking about NPCs or quests or even house upgrades. I'm talking about time! I like to classify my saves (timewise) in three...
  4. Danieru Dazukii

    Be able to have the option enable and disable a hunger feature.

    Helo me and other people like @cafjic202 have the following suggestions and a in post here in the game suggestion there is a post from @cafjic202 talking about this but unfortunately he/she doesn't know English and his/hers post is in Russian so he/she asks me to post in English about this ideas...
  5. Danieru Dazukii

    Be able to eat while sitting

    Hey, I would like to suggest something and it is to be able to eat while sitting, I think this could be a good quality of life feature. Hope that this could be a thing in the near future of stardew valley.
  6. Danieru Dazukii

    Be able to change/choose the screen when playing split screen CO-OP 2 players form vertical to horizontal

    Hey I got a suggestion and it is to be able to change/choose the screen when playing split screen CO-OP with two players form vertical to horizontal. Hope that this can be a thing on stardew valley on a near future.
  7. Danieru Dazukii

    Be able to change/choose the clock from the civilian hours (hr 12) or military hours (hr 24) on different languages.

    Hey, I would like to suggest something and it is to have the option to change/choose what clock to have on stardew valley, what i am trying to say it is that when the language of the game is on English the clock is civilian (hr 12) and if you have the language on Spanish the clock is military...
  8. Danieru Dazukii

    PC [HELP] Lag when playing Split screen CO-OP

    Hey, I have been experiencing lag when I am playing split screen CO-OP with my wife and I didn't have this issue before, the only different thing we have done it is that now we are using a xbox one wireless control(I am using the mouse and keyboard and she is using the control) and before we...
  9. PC [HELP] Save Files Erased

    I recently started a new game, just after the beach update was released and I played through the first week. Till just after Lewis’ birthday. Then my game crashed and my PC restarted. After that my PC continually crashed with different error messages to the point where I couldn’t use it...
  10. Danieru Dazukii

    PC [BUG] No sound when is transmitted to others devices and resolutions problems when playing split screen CO-OP.

    Hey, I have a problem with my PC Stardew valley that I play in my laptop and it is that the game dos not sound when I transmit it to my TV though my HDMI cable everything else can be heard like the laptop sound ect. It only sounds when I have the sound transmitted on my laptop , And this only...
  11. venusqwe

    I have a trouble going down the mines, and I need help

    So I'm on almost fall year 3, and I only gone to the first level of "The Weeds" which isn't even level 10, and I'm afraid that I'm not progressing. I saw the "multiple by 5" tip, but it's not helping. Do you have any advice for me? thank you very much if you reply to this thread! :) BTW, I have...
  12. Chililover

    Art Chili's art thread!

    This is some of my pixel art, it was originally supposed to be a pattern but I think is worthy of a thread (The junimos i did not draw, or the trees!) The first two are just patterns Junimos star and bundle is from the sprite set of...
  13. dolce-elegy

    "From Grandpa's Farm: A Stardew Valley OC Zine" Illustration Preview

    Hey all! Sorry that I haven't been around for a while. My call center job has been...killing me...which is putting it lightly... :'3 Anyways, I got into a Stardew Valley themed zine run by LBZines on tumblr! They're running a zine called "From Grandpa's Farm" that focuses on people's SDV farmer...
  14. Bloodmowon

    Howdy farmers!

    Howdy farmers, I’m new in town I’ve played the game for a while now but only recently started looking online for a forum and following ConcernedApe on twitter for updates. Just wanted to say that it’s amazing to know there’s a community out there and forum for this amazing game that I absolutely...
  15. Android co_op version

    Why not put an online or co_op section for the Android version of this game
  16. Switch [HELP] Local connection disconnecting??

    I'm playing with my sister on our nintendo switches (co-op, local) and every few minutes I get booted off of the game for no reason, any help??
  17. Switch Co-op

    Anyone wanna play sometime today? please send your dicord and we could play sometime today btw im from Australia if that helps with the timezone
  18. simplylogan93

    PC [BUG] Passing through fence while riding horse [VIDEO]

    I am able to pass through fences if I hold both the down and right/left arrow keys at the same time. Kind of cool, but probably shouldn't be happening 😄
  19. Switch Anyone want to coop

    just downloaded and is there anyone available for multi-player?
  20. Stardew Valley Community

    Farm editor

    Create your own unique farms. Why not make a farm editor? From the very beginning, as soon as I started this unforgettable adventure, I wanted to create my own farm with its own landscape, terrain and location of houses.