stardew valley

  1. Lunaria Tsukano

    Story time updates

    In such a short amount of time, i have decided to do the chapter story in regards to my oc Winston, who is a non-binary farmer (pronouns are They/he), and im thinking about making Krobus my housemate for this run. Which should be interesting. Wish me luck and I’ll keep y’all updated on the first...
  2. Lunaria Tsukano

    Heya! Question

    So i wanna do a chapter story here, and i wanna know what you all think.
  3. Lunaria Tsukano

    Writing Mining Incident

    This is inspiration from a couple of Stardew Valley one shot fics, and a certain dialogue from the game itself. Also a few spoiler alerts for those who want to play the game. Also, TW: implements/mentions of CS, a little graphic gore (in part two), and some mentions of death. —————————————...
  4. HomeintheValley12

    How many hours have you played Stardew?

    I'll admit, I've only played around 40 - 50 hours in the game. Except for some MMOs I tend to move on from games rather quickly. I still come back and play on my farm every once in a while, though. Definitely should be playing the game more than I do. The longest playtime I've seen has been...
  5. Laissez_Faire_Farming

    Please Sell us some Makeup Palettes 💋💄

    Dear SV, Please collaborate with Colorpop or MakeupRevolution. – make them affordable !!!! These companies always collaborated with Disney, World of Warcraft, Warner Brothers, and Sailor Moon. Sell us some makeup palette!!! Create a makeup palette dedicated to each NPC. Do the exclusive...
  6. Switch [HELP] cannot join friends farm

    every time i get on and try to enter my friends farm it won’t show up. i’ve tried restarting my console, restarting the game, i’ve done so much but his farm is not popping up. can someone please help me?
  7. Keksiin

    Question Help, I just can't get this mod to work

    Hi, everyone :) . Can someone help me with this mod? The deer are simply not displayed in Marie's shop :(. I downloaded the update and put it in the mods folder, just like in the bfav deer folder. But nothing: /
  8. benjellyman

    What is your most favorite part of stardew valley?

    There could be many reasons why somebody would love stardew valley. Mining, decorating, fishing, farming, friends, or everything about the game itself...
  9. Keksiin

    Question Objects disappear after placement with the TMXL Map-Toolkit

    Hello everyone :) I really need help! Objects placed with the Mapkit tool will disappear after the game is exited and restarted. Unfortunately I don't know what to do. Does anyone know the solution to this problem
  10. Keksiin

    Solved Xnb files are not displayed in the game (solved)

    Hello everyone ☺️. Hope someone can help me. I have xnb files to replace trees. I overwritten them, but unfortunately they are not showing up in the game. Unfortunately I have no idea what it could be.
  11. Keksiin

    Question Need help with this Map :)

    Hello everybody :) . I have a little problem and I need help urgently. I downloaded this map and the associated waterfall tilesheets, but unfortunately I have no idea where to paste these waterfall files. Can someone please explain this to me...
  12. Keksiin

    Question Look for this mod

    Hey :) can anyone of you help me find this mod. Unfortunately :( I can't find it anywhere anymore. CF Who M Möbel - Happy New Year
  13. Keksiin

    Question Look for this mod

    Hello everyone :), I'm looking for the Goat to Deer Mod from Eemie. Unfortunately my search was in vain. Can someone help me?
  14. Solved SMAPI: Stardrop Saloon Error

    Hey, I'm running SMAPI with several mods, with Stardew Valley Expanded and the Bus Stop Extension being the most prominent. But the thing is, every time I enter the Stardrop Saloon, I can't see a thing and I keep getting this kind of error: 10:52:19 ERROR game An error occurred in the base...
  15. Keksiin

    Question Help with Naver Cafe Mod

    Hi everyone, I came across this link at the Naver Cafe. Unfortunately, I can't see it in order to download it. As I cannot join the Stardew Valley Cafe. Can someone help me please? I'm really desperate: '(
  16. [BUG] This mod failed in the GameLoop.UpdateTicked event. Technical details:

    How do I fix this Bug? "This mod failed in the GameLoop.UpdateTicked event. Technical details: StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Exceptions.SContentLoadException: Stardew Valley Expanded - PyTK loaded map 'assets\SpouseRooms\VictorsRoom.tmx' with invalid tilesheet path 'spring_z_extras.png'. The...
  17. Switch Looking for people to play with (preferably 18-)

    Hey! I’m Skyler! I know I already said that I wanted to play on pc but I also have stardew valley on switch and I’ll play there too. I won’t be able to play from around 6:30 pm today (June 20) until about 7:30 pm on Friday (June 25). These times are in the US central time zone. But after then...
  18. WinterYam

    Stardew Cast for Bachelors/Bachelorettes

    My husband and I made "casts" for Stardew to see who we would choose to play the characters. Here's mine. I am pretty bad at remembering actor names, so I will use some character names. XD Sebastian- Jonathan from Stranger Things Alex- Jimmy Gibbler from Fuller House Sam- Mac from new Saved...
  19. PlayStation STARDEW?

    Hopefully trying to play with some people. Especially because not many people I know play ut
  20. Question Tileset problem

    Hi. and although I have the problem, I have my own tileset in spring, but how do I get it to activate in winter?