stardew valley

  1. Polar45

    An error occurred in the base update loop: System.Exception: Error on new day:

    Hello, every time i try to sleep to pass the day this bug happens, i don't know what to do to fix it... I already installed all the mods again and it still happens when i sleep. Please help me I play on Windows and in the steam This is the error log smapi...
  2. Windows The Game keeps crashing every 30 mins on point

    Hello, Me an my Friend started a new stardew valley world. We play on the xbox app with the xbox gamepass. The problem is for some reason the game crashes every 30 mins on point. The weird thing is if i play the game for 27 mins and rejoin it will kick me out after 3 mins so 30 mins on point...
  3. zecx

    Leah isn't leaving her house.

    Hello, I am playing stardew valley mod for the first time. I've met all the people in stardew valley, only Leah is left and she's not leaving her house. What should I do? Mods:seasonal cute characters.
  4. vip

    Native control mapping.

    Does anyone know if they will, or when they will add some kind of key mapping natively to stardew valley mobile, I have a ps5 controller it even works in the game itself, but the fact that it doesn't have a native mapping method makes the experience with the controller somewhat bad, the keys in...
  5. Windows Toolbar is scrolling when I am trying to use an Item

    I know that there may be already a thread about that but I do not know if there is one with a solved answer for ti and I can't find anything on Google. So, when I Join my friend's Server via Steam and I try to pick the pickaxt, then the toolbar scrolls uninteruptedly e.g. to the pickaxt. Can...
  6. Switch [HELP] Clint hasn't given me a furnace blueprint

    Clint has not given me furnace blueprint: Ive already been in the mines and hit mining level 1. By the way, I've already tried putting it on the table and picking it up and mining some more. I already have 7 pieces of copper!! Please help
  7. T1nycarrot

    PC Looking to play multiplayer (uk)

    Hi! I've recently got back into Stardew after not playing for a few months and I was hoping to find people to play with. I play on both xbox and pc and I have a discord as well so we can VC. I'd prefer people 17+ as I'm 19 and maybe someone from the uk as it's my timezone! Thanks :smile:
  8. Is an ending of stardew valleys development in sight?

    I bought this game 2 days ago on Playstation and i got so addicted to this game so of course i'd love to see it getting more updates. Is it coming to an end or will it keep getting new content, what do you guys and girls think?
  9. Stardew Valley 3D Cubes

    Hi everyone! I just launched a tiny shop and I made some Stardew Valley 3D diorama cubes. I’m working on a heart event collection and so far have one for Shane, Sebastian, and Abigail ~ more to come! :hlevel:
  10. GreenTeaAndCats

    Switch 15-17yrs old for a chill cozy casual multiplayer server

    im 15 and my discord is GreenTea#0698. just add me and we can make a sever for multiplayers.
  11. Board Game Rule Book Imperfections

    So I received my board game today and was extremely excited, everything turn out perfectly except for the rule book. A few pages on the rule book were not printed correctly and cut off at the bottom, a couple other pages weren't cut all the way so they are stuck together. This aren't that big of...
  12. Windows [HELP] Problem with online coop

    (We play through Xbox Game Pass for PC) I was playing Stardew Valley for the first time with a friend in online co-op mode (each on their own pc). We were playing and PAD! Out of nowhere the game closed, without any explanation or message (closed my friend's first one and after a few minutes)...
  13. AthinaCrown

    Sebby frog

    Hey guys theres another draw, there is Sebitas and his froggie
  14. AthinaCrown

    Eric Baron/ Concernedape fanart

    Hey guys, I made this fanart of Concernedape. If he looks this... Hi!! I hope you like it. You are one of my favorites game devoldemers and I can wait your new project. Stardew Valley change my life.You are the best, hace a Nice day!!
  15. Issue Crashed when start a new day

    Hello forum, just say happy new year. and I have trouble when I start a new day. I have bunch of mods in my game and everything was running fine until it crashed upon going to bed. I have no idea what wrong with mods so here is my smapi log.
  16. Windows [BUG] I've been playing the game for over 400 hours, and it hasn't gone in a month.

    스팀에서 잘 구매하고 문제없이 잘 하다가 한달전부터 안들어가져요. 전번에 이랬을때는 인터넷따라 했더니 잘됐는데 이번엔 무슨일인지 뭘 해도 안들어가져요. 플레이를 누르면 몇초정도 대기하다가 갑자기 자기혼자꺼져요. 스마피를 깔아서 그걸로 들어가려고 하니까 밑에 있는 사진과 같은 문장이 나오는데 혹시 무슨문제인지 알수있을까요? English- I buy well on Steam, do well without problems, and I don't go in a month ago. The other time I did this...
  17. Issue Stardew crash upon new day?

    Hello forum, hope you are all well during this time of year. I have a bunch of mods in my game and everything was running fine until it crashed upon going to bed. I assume its a mod incompatibility and seems to be to do with an npc, perhaps a custom npc. Other than that I'm not entirely sure...
  18. Cisiu

    Polish language in Stardew Valley?

    I was redirected to ask a question here. Polish language version will be available soon? Poland really love Stardew Valley, we look forward to add our language. Greetings!
  19. Lunaria Tsukano

    Art Winston Alder

    So this is my first time drawing any of my Stardew Valley farmers. Hope you like it
  20. Lunaria Tsukano

    Writing Life in the Countryside

    Prologue ————————— It was just like any other normal day. Wake up, get dressed, get to work on time. Well, that last one was not the case for Winston Alder. They managed to get up and ready, but realized they kinda over slept and the only thing he had was buttered toast and a water bottle to...