game suggestions

  1. Dimian

    My list of suggestions for Stardew Valley!

    Here is a list of suggestions, additions and changes i would like see in Stardew Valley: When collecting a processed item from a machine(keg, preserve jar, etc...) while holding an item compatible with that same machine, the game will collect and place the held item onto the machine in one...
  2. Personal Note for Exiting and Re-Entering the Game

    Problem: I find that often I grind Stardew and make a ton of progress, but then have a weekend away or a week where I can’t hop on. then when I come back to the game I have to spend some time remembering all the bits of tasks I may have been in the middle of such as buying more crops, upgrading...
  3. maul

    Some suggestions to game without having to use mods

    Hello, everyone! I'm Maul. I don't know if the dev is currently seeing the suggestions in here or if he's willing to keep working on SV, since he's working on another game but I'll post some anyways, just in case: A official tool to change the type of farm without having to start over a new...
  4. Shane's Room

    I really appreciate Shane's character development and I find him to be, overall, a good spouse in Stardew; however, his spouse room drives me insane. As a person with OCD, it bothers me on a level that I'm not sure how to describe. Just knowing that Shane's room exists like that within the game...
  5. Lalaverse

    Community Center Game Nights! [Some 1.6 spoilers included]

    Hi Everyone! I'm back with another idea that I got while playing! I just recently completed the community center in my new save, and I started thinking about how there's really not any big use for the community center after it's completion (besides the satisfaction of getting rid of Joja for...
  6. Lalaverse

    Spouses still have Schedules/Children Update

    Hello Everyone! I hope all of you that read this are having a wonderful day! I’d like to start off by saying I am thoroughly enjoying the 1.6 update; I’ve been spending days trying to spot new features. I’d like to open the floor to discuss a few ideas that I think about often while playing. I...
  7. Castiliano

    Some General Suggestions

    Hey farmers, hey Eric! After brainstorming with friends, I'm leaving here some suggestions of little things that we really miss in the game! ✹ The option for the Host's Farmhouse in multiplayer can be as small as all other players' houses ✹ Robin's Lost Axe and Linus' Basket appear in random...
  8. Game Completed - What Next?

    Hi all, I complete the game and got true perfection: woooo! Any suggestions for what you long-term players like to do once you've completed the game? :) Thanks!
  9. Itskaz

    Farmer Birthdays

    It would be cute for the player character to have an in game birthday, and on that day 3-5 npcs with the highest relationship stats could send gifts in the mail (If there’s more than 5 npcs that are in a max-stat friendship, and the farmer isn’t in a relationship with them, the npcs that send...
  10. Less focus on combat

    I genuinely enjoy Stardew Valley and have raved about it to so many people but the only aspect I don’t enjoy is combat. It’s not fun and honestly gives me more anxiety than anything. I’m on year 7 and still haven’t reached level 40 of the mines. It’s stopped me from being able to reach...
  11. Haunted Chocolatier Haunted Chocolatier's setting (i.e. what time it takes place)

    I hope the setting of "Haunted Chocolatier" have an "old fashion" vibe like a 1800s vibe with 1800s houses, technology, etc. But, with all the negative of about the 1800s like racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, child labor, bad medicine and all the other bad stuff removed. So basically the...
  12. Constructive Criticism- Mostly PC Controls

    I have been playing Stardew Valley 1.5.4 on PC(offline), and mostly enjoying it. Only mostly is a shame. The game is excellent... except in the actual playing of it! The controls are killing me. And a few other things. So here is my constructive criticism...
  13. In game environmental events suggestion

    I was talking with my wife on this and we thought it would be a great idea to have some more environmental events that the player will either have to clean up and maintain certain things afterwards such as an earthquake, or meteors that land either on the farm or somewhere around the valley...
  14. Add more things to spend money and some change in kitchen system

    I am a player from China and have been playing for over 100 hours. Now I am facing the problem that I don't know what to spend the money I have on me after the third year. Would you be able to add some items that sell for a higher price, such as property, or something that could help with the...
  15. Clicker item

    The basic game mechanics for this is that you clic 100 times and you get a random resource, that is shown every time you reach those clicks. If you offer a set ammount of a specific resource to the clicker, it will only produce that item, and depending on the rarity, the ammount of clicks...
  16. MidgetHedgehog

    Calendar Idea

    So my suggestion is being able to mark the calendar with a mark to remind you when certain crops will be fully grown or if you need to remember someones birthday it can pop up on the day in the corner saying 'Leo's Birthday Is Today'
  17. Make JojaMart useful

    Maybe it's intentional, but right now the JojaMart is just worse than Pierre's, even if ingame it is marketed as cheaper (I believe Jodi mentions it). Two suggestions: 1. Make JojaMart as cheap as Pierre's or cheaper (only if you bought a Joja membership and abandoned the Junimos). For those...
  18. Flower dance minigame

    My suggestion is for the duration of the flower dance (Where you have the dance cut scene). There would be a minigame for your dance moves and if you would do them correctly it would give you + points to the partner with who you're dancing. (Maybe like DDR)
  19. Parity features from PC to Mobile

    An emote button next to the time/date box yo perform various emote like on pc. An option in setting where you can switch between inventory bar like in pc where you don't have to to into the inventory and select an item to the main hotbar, i get that you can scroll on mobile, but than you have...
  20. The Social Update

    I think this update will be really fun to Stardew Valley! - Add a new multiplayer part to the world; go to this into via to the right of the bus stop! To access, you'll need wifi and a stardew valley account. Their world have no mod install and no cheat like item ID. The time and day and season...