co-op bug

  1. Windows Multiple daily disconnects / extreme lag in online Co-op

    Our party of 3 has experienced many disconnects and extreme lag in our co-op farm. The host doesn't ever disconnect, only the two of us that were invited to the farm. We are playing an unmodded game. We are all playing on the most recent Steam version of the game on Windows machines. We're...
  2. Xbox Connection Failed Xbox One Co-op version 1.5

    Hi, I was wondering if I could get some help with connection issues. For background, this is the first time we have had issues with the connection. We are on summer of year 2. We are also playing co-op on Xbox one, with my partner hosting. So we start the day, and I get kicked out of the...
  3. Windows Can't see each other in the game

    Hello all, I would greatly appreciate it if I could receive some help here, I am on windows 10, and she is on Mac OS. I started up a Co-Op world on my end and sent them an invite code and she was able to join however we can't see each other in the game. :sweat: :sweat:
  4. Windows [Spoiler] Co-op legendary fishing bug

    Hi, first post here. Could not find anyone who had the same issue so here is what happened: My boyfriend and I have a co-op save in Stardew, and we are currently in spring on year 2. I have a singleplayer world on year 7 and achieved perfection, but he is completely new. Anyways, he really...
  5. Xbox [BUG] Co-op this character belongs to another player

    I was playing not as host, as friend, then i quite the game, after 2-3 hours I try to connect again, the host was online, but the game doesn't appear to me, they invite me by Xbox, but when it connect, I cannot select my character and display the message "This character belongs to another...
  6. PlayStation A bug in co-op mode.

    I was playing co-op with my friend, he had to leave because he needed to do his homework, minutes after he left the local game, for some reason I managed to get through the fences.
  7. Xbox 'Co-Op>Online>Join' is blank

    Issue: When choosing the join functionality, the join window flashes "Connecting to online services" for no longer than a quarter of a second (it took us a dozen tries to read it), then shows the join window with no options in it. The refresh button eventually becomes available after 5 to 10...
  8. Windows [BUG] Furniture catalogue disappeared

    Hi, Long Post so Summary: Problem: Furniture catalogue disappeared out of house/inventory Mode: Co-Op hosted by me Platform: Windows 10 Mods: None Location: Second Players house I'm playing Co-Op with my SO and while we're having tons of fun, today we encountered a problem: I bought the...
  9. Windows [HELP] Pc multi-player lag

    Wife and I are experiencing severe lagging while playing co-op online. She host and has no lag. Where as I get bad lag spikes literally doing anything. It will freeze my screen and the suddenly work again. Pretty troublesome while in the mines its almost unplayable. Both playing on pc, no mods...
  10. Windows [HELP] Malaysia Co-Op Servers Connection Fails around GMT12.00PM to GMT4.00PM

    Hello, my friends and I from Malaysia have been experiencing trouble connecting during Co-Op every time we try to log in at around 8.00p.m. to 1.00a.m. local Malaysian time, which should be peak hours for us gamers to be playing this fun game. This results us to play only during midnight to...
  11. corvus_v

    Windows [HELP] Windows Store Co-Op constant disconnecting

    Me and my girlfriend started a farm where I host and have been playing on it for a while, but the past 2 days she's been frequently disconnecting without either of us having any internet or bandwidth issues whatsoever. It's become a bit of a problem because it's starting to happen so often she...
  12. Windows [BUG] Connection Failure trying to do Coop

    My husband and I are playing on the most updated version of the game 1.5.6, neither of us mod. We're on the same hard wire into the same modem. We had no problems playing after the new update until about three days ago. Every time we try to play out coop game he hosts I get a Connection Failure...
  13. tsuna

    Windows [HELP] Co-op problem. This character belongs to anoter player.

    Hi! My friend has a farm were he plays with another friend. I recently got SV so he invited me to his farm. When i type the code and press "ok" it shows me his other friend's character and when i try clicking it, it says "this character belongs to anoter player". It doesn't give me the option...
  14. Issue SMAPI bug/error when trying to load co-op mode

    As of a few days ago, my Stardew started having issues with co-op mode. I can load into my solo game just fine, but when my friend hosts our co-op world, I just get a black screen and can't do anything other than open and close my inventory. I've tried updating mods, removing different mods that...
  15. PC [HELP] Stuck on "Connecting to online services" (MacOS)

    Me and my friends planned to play some Stardew co-op today because we got bored and I was always the one to host the server, but when I clicked on the "Co-op" button it showed me the "Connecting to online services"... I waited for a bit but it still didn't work...So I searched through the...
  16. PC [BUG] Farm Reset to Spring 1 year 1??

    I added a cabin for my partner to hop on my farm for a little. When I made it multiplayer it put me from summer 24 year 1 back to spring 1. Reset my entire farm though I still had the house upgrade and inventory. Lost all other items and buildings. Plays the event of getting your pet from Marnie...
  17. PC [BUG] My mother (in her 60s) can't play Stardew anymore! Issue with co-op!

    My mother is pretty old-fashioned (not tech savvy, makes good pies), but she's obsessed with Stardew Valley. She loves it even more than I love it! Unfortunately, Stardew Valley online co-op stopped working for her, and she always, always plays with my aunt (who's in her 50s). Basically: She...
  18. Solved co-op down

    cant join a game and the invite button is missing, has been playing with my girlfriend on steam.
  19. Switch [BUG] Switch Co-op Save File Disappeared

    My best friend and I have been playing coop on the switch and haven’t had any issues until tonight. My switch went into sleep mode before our day had saved, so online communication stopped. This has happened before, so we knew we would have to play the same day again as it didn’t save. I opened...
  20. PC [BUG] Co-op stuck at event

    One of us did not bring anything to throw into the soup, so the event won't proceed. We had to exit the game.