bug report

  1. PC [Bug] Visual bug when planting tree in a specific spot

    If you plant a tree in a specific spot in Calico Desert it will result in a glitched shadow. See attached iamge
  2. PC [BUG] [SPOILER]Quest Board not showing (non English ver.)

    - Platform: PC - Language: Spanish (Español) - Version: 1.5.1 I have 2 games files, one from over a year and the other one more resent and Im having problems with the "Quest Board" In both of the game files Im in second year and as soon as I go to the town the short cut starts showing, the text...
  3. PC Bug Found in The Mine

    I'm new here but, your supposed to get the Obsidian Edge Sword on Level 90 of the mine right? I didn't get the sword after the update, stuck with my old sword I found from fishing AND the sword is not sold at the Adventurer Guild too so I can't buy it or get it anywhere :defeated:. Just noticed...
  4. Solved [BUG] [1.5] Coral and Sea Urchins foraged on Ginger Island Farm Beach (south of Birdie) are not affected by foraging professions (Gatherer, Botanist)

    Observed behaviour: after several passes on the beach west of Ginger Island's farm, foraged coral and sea urchin never makes use of foraging profession perks (Gatherer, Botanist). In other words, they never get iridium quality, and never get doubled. Expected behaviour: the foraging of these...
  5. Alex69th

    PC [BUG] MAJOR BUG with movable furniture.

    In the new update, 1.5, you can move chairs and benches at the mine before it opens up, making you able to be in the mines before you are supposed to. Also you can glitch out of the map in several ways using the same method. To recreate you can just try placing a chair at an invisible barrier of...
  6. estewanini

    PC [BUG] Farming proficiency bug (1.5/Steam)

    [EDIT: The problem seems to be solved after just sleeping for another day, the proper text appeared and the crafting recipes became available] Started a new single-player game very recently (only 2 hours in), reached level 1 in Farming but did not receive the recipes to craft Scarecrows or Basic...
  7. PC [Bug] Game is vanishing from windows tray

    Simply to make it happens is to select in-game option Fullscreen mode and make an Alt+Tab The game Vanishes from my windows tray, still processing at Ctrl+Shift+Esc - and i can still hear its sound (But i cant re-open the game by Alt+Tab or find it nowhere else). In order to play it and be able...
  8. PC [BUG] Version 1.5 Can't Move at All Bug

    I'm playing on a Windows computer, and since updating the game last night, I have had several instances where I'd load up the game, and the character wouldn't move at all when I tried to. I could still use tools and open and shut the menu, but the WASD movements just were not reacting. I tried...
  9. PC [SOLVED] Game crashes when we answer the phone calling.

    We are playing in multiplayer online, year 3, winter 27, the phone rings by the morning, then when we answer the phone, the game crashes. The crash log is attached to the post. Thank you :)
  10. PC [BUG] Spawning on cliff on Ginger Island

    I went to the boat in the back of willy's shop, and after skipping the cutscene of boarding the ship I found myself on the cliff on the first part of the island. I had to move out of bounds and down towards the stairs to escape. This happened after a morning of picking crops, and nothing else...
  11. PC [BUG] Multiplayer infinite black screen

    I don't have much info or a crash log (since it technically wasn't a crash), but after we all went to bed (4 players) on a rainy Spring day 6, we got stuck in an infinite black loading screen before it saved. We all had to quit out and redo the day, and then had a kind of long loading screen...
  12. PC [BUG] Bug in the basement of the country house

    I was playing with my friends and when we entered the basement we all went out of the box. The bug started after I moved the house in Robin's carpentry.
  13. PC [BUG] Player sprite freezes when you water the lava in the Forge in the Ginger Island

    The first time I encountered this bug, it was by accident. I accidentally watered the lava in the forge room when I was trying to get a golden walnut. My character automatically freezes and the energy bar rapidly drops to 0, but your character just stays there while frozen. You also can't access...
  14. PC [BUG] Mouse cursor disappears when viewing letters (Stardew Patch 1.5)

    After updating to the 1.5 patch on Steam, I noticed the mouse cursor will disappear when I click on my mailbox. I stays that way until I click and disappears immediately after. This only happens with the mail and not any other type of text field.
  15. SovereignofAsh

    PC Bug with the Volcano

    While playing an online co-op world with my friend, we noticed that every time I rejoined the server to play again, the chest at the top of the volcano next to the dwarf forge, which gives out a prismatic shard the first time you reach the floor, reappeared for me. You can leave and rejoin to...
  16. NovaStar

    PC Stardew Valley Fair: No '!' When Fishing

    :junicheer: This might not be a bug but a conscious choice made by the dev. This existed before the 1.5 update. :junicheer: After you pay 50g to play the fishing game and earn Star Tokens :silverstar:, the fishing sounds, bobber movement, MAX, and HIT! remain the same as usual fishing. However...
  17. PC [BUG] There is a new baby without a name

    I started StardewValley and was encountered with two babies. The last time I played, which was after the 1.5 update, there was only one. There weren't any questions from the spouse... and there is still only one baby in my relationships list. The original baby was in its second growing stage...
  18. PC [BUG] Coop chat inaccessible and dresser dissappeared

    We started playing with the new update yesterday on our existing world and we ancountered 2 bugs. Firstly our dresser in on of our houses dissappeared. And secondly (and a bit more relevant): I could not open the chat to pause the game with the "/pause" command. Before the update I accessed the...
  19. Solved [BUG] 1.5 Special Quest Need to Gather Hardwood for Robin

    I already have hundreds of Hardwood, and I still need to gather 80 hardwood in two days? I put 80 on the stockpile and it still won't be complete unless I gather 80.
  20. NightBlade

    Solved [BUG] Special Order quest gave two days instead of a week

    TL;DR: when I accepted Robin's special order (1000 stone), although the text said "week," pressing F and viewing the quest showed only two days. Sleeping reduced it to one day. Longer version: - Running on PC / Steam version - Upgraded to 1.5 today from 1.4; was in Year 1, Winter 26 - Playing...