bug report

  1. Mind

    [BUG] festivals removing used totems

    Ok, when there is a festival on the beach and other places you can use totems to the totem will be used and then it will say "Today's festival is being set up come back later" it just deletes the totem, I Think that it should give it back to the player and even say "Can't use this Totem there is...
  2. Solved Bug with objects organisation in my house.

    Hello, Since i've upgraded my house ( larger kitchen/bedroom, new room and bedroom for children), i can't move some chests and some fridges. It doesn't matter for some items, but three chests are in the way to access to new part of house ( new room/bedrooom) and i can't go to them... I'd tried...
  3. PC [BUG] Character Moving and Acting Without Input, ESC Button Does Not Open Inventory

    Hey there, I started playing Stardew Valley again after not playing for a few months. I have occasionally been encountering this movement/action bug during my playtime. Some preliminary info: I am playing SV in window mode on Steam with no mods on a laptop with Windows 10. The bugs usually...
  4. Android [BUG] music bug

    After Uninstalling and reinstalling SDV, the Google Play store says the game has not installed, yet shows the game as installed and playable. Furthermore, the music no longer plays, and only bird ambience, even through the intro scenes. This renders the game completely unenjoyable.
  5. dkzerah

    PC Achievement "A Big Help" has a translation error.

    This achievement has a translation error in the Portuguese (Brazil) version. English: Portuguese: The English version is saying it is 40 and in Portuguese it is saying 10.
  6. PC [BUG] Items multiplicating on chests overnight

    Hey there! I was playing with a couple of friends (no mods, vanilla game) and on the third day of Spring all the items in our chests were multiplied to their stack limit. This has happened more than once on different days, but I didn't report it immidiately because I thought it could be a one...
  7. PC [BUG] No enter invite code button

    Hi i have a problem i bought the game on steam yesterday to play with my friends but i only have the lan option. Like i go to co-op and i see join lan and no enter invite code. I tried reinstalling xfn, the c++ redistributables, reinstalling whole game (like 4 times), disabling windows...
  8. iOS [BUG] Ancient Seeds Recipe Bug

    Hi, I play on iPadOS with a controller and recently found the ancient seed artifact. After turning it in to Gunther, I used the controller to select and take the rewards (a package of ancient seeds and the recipe) from the rewards menu, but the recipe itself went to my inventory as well as the...
  9. dragonlikeLeaves

    iOS [BUG] Pet icon in farmer profile doesn't match actual pet.

    This isn't really anything big, but I just found it odd. In my current save file, I have the light gray cat as a pet and named it Beansprout. But when I look at his icon in the farmer profile, it shows the German Shepherd dog instead. I play on my iPad Pro and I have not made any save edits...
  10. CheshireCat

    iOS Cutscene don’t open

    So I manage to complete two task in one day but only trigger one cutscene, the other one “Repair the bus” did not triggered. I could see Pam standing there since she is a bus driver but I cannot get into the bus to the desert nor buying ticket 😢😭
  11. CalI_911

    Switch [BUG]character froze when fishing

    i was fishing When my character froze and the fishing rod goes straight through me.I cant move but the time still passes and the npcs still move
  12. Android [BUG] Invisible lamp post

    This is by no means an urgent bug, but I thought I'd let you know anyway. I planted a lamp post in the bottom right-hand corner of the attached screenshot. The light is there, but for some reason the lamp post itself isn't being rendered.
  13. valvil22

    PC [BUG] a fence bug

    So if you go near a stone fence with a horse. And go up and then in to the fence. You go thru it . sorry for bad grammar
  14. ColorDeaf

    PC [BUG] Shipped Items Sold For Way More Than They Are Worth

    I was In a Discord call when my Friends said that they got 704,000$ from selling an ancient drum and 2 coal. It was a multiplayer lobby and the host passed out on the same day the items were sold. THERE WERE NO MODS. she is a new player and i doubt the host is a smart enough person to learn how...
  15. PC BUG doesnt open the game (steam)

    Hi guys, its my first post, i was playing stardew valley before, but in this days, I've several problem with the game, it doesnt open, i try to started from steam, but it crashed and restard the game. I have tried to unstall the game and install in other unid disc and continue fail, IDK what to...
  16. Android [BUG] Mayor shorts/Wrong Person

    Greetings, like in tittle. I have problem with return mayor shorts after using them as Lau(Lua or how its called) soup ingredient event on beach. Ive tried talk to him with have shorts in inventory and tried give them as "present" or anything else. All the time getting popup "wrong person"...
  17. Android [BUG] Black bars on top of screen

    I played this game for almost a week now, and today when i was just about to continue my game, i found out there's black bars in top of my screens, and it's really been bothering me. The game works just fine, but the bars is just annoying and its limiting the screen. I restarted the game, even...
  18. xenal

    PC [BUG] Mahogany Bench Front and back aren't matching

    Mahogany Bench Front and back aren't matching. Literally unplayable.
  19. Ziul

    Android [BUG] Saloon Minigame Bug

    So, when i go to saloon minigames with far away zoom, the screen turns black and with no sound and hud, but it can be closed by using the return button in the phone, idk why is that happening.
  20. PC [BUG] Found out why lead rods drop so much, may be a code typo

    I was digging around in the code to develop my mod and wanted to check whether there was anything else that could drop weapons besides the crate loot table mentioned on the wiki's Modding:Weapon_Data (Utility.getUncommonItemForThisMineLevel) to explain how some things like Wicked Kris are...