bug report

  1. Android [BUG] Cranky Spouse Sebastian at 14 hearts?

    I guess this might be a bug and might not. Sebastian and my character are presumably happily married, and he's getting his favorite Sashimi every day. Hearts are steady at 14, and they have a little girl. It's very sweet. Nonetheless, twice now he's entered the house while my character has...
  2. Android [BUG] Unable to move on mobile farm.

    For the past month I have been unable to move on my farm. It literally takes 20+ mins just to move from one spot and the crazy thing is - it's just the farm when I travel outside the farm it is fine. What would be the cause? Is there something I can do? This is seriously annoying and unfortunate...
  3. TheHaboo

    PC [Bug] Harvesting Can Displays Wrong Items

    Context, I speedrun stardew and it happened during a run so it's in a form a twitch clip https://www.twitch.tv/thehaboo/clip/GorgeousPoisedChipmunkTinyFace?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time This is 100% visual bug and you don't get free tuna nor any other item you can do this with. This has a...
  4. Switch [BUG] Disappearing furnace and crystalarium

    One furnace and one crystalarium, both in the farmhouse, disappeared suddenly one day. It was especially annoying losing the crystalarium as they aren’t exactly easy to craft in the early game. It would be helpful if you could fix it for others, even though I know it’s gone forever for me.
  5. BlueBerry

    Android [BUG] Secret note #15

    I'm on a playing on mobile and for secret note #15 the mermaid show code for the shells when I wait for the show to end and put in the code I dont get a pearl can this be fixed?
  6. Xbox [BUG] Ancient seed recipe

    After donating the ancient seed to the museum I received the ancient seeds but not the ancient seeds recipe
  7. redbobcat

    iOS [BUG] Museum donation window slots shifted up

    When I try to donate items to the museum, the slots of my bag are shifted up one row on the screen. It doesn’t prevent me from placing the item, just makes the bottom row of already donated items inaccessible. The attached picture should explain it better. iPad Pro iPadOS 13.4.1 Game Ver
  8. Switch [BUG] Communication error ending session

    Hey there, my friend and I have been playing co-op on switch for a while now and it's been pretty seamless, apart from occasional freezing. Recently we tried to play and consistently had communication errors ending out games. Sometimes it was on her end and boot her out, sometimes it was on my...
  9. husnulhamidiah

    Android [BUG] Day 29+ On Android

    My game is on day 29+ (currently on 32). I think this is a bug. Here's what I was doing before : Fall 28 — I was in bed with going to sleep dialog (haven't click anything yet) I close the app and clear from recent app Open Stardew Valley and resume Click Yes on sleep dialog Wake up on Day 29...
  10. Space

    PC [BUG] no stardrop in mail

    Willy didn't send me the stardrop like he should, but I got all the fishes and achievment in game. I've caught the last fish weeks ago, but the stardrop is nowhere to be seen. I am still recieving mail from other NPCs with gifts. Before this I did not encounter any bugs or issues with game. What...
  11. iOS BUG

    Every time I go to play the crane game and complete it at the movies, the mini game finishes and it locks the player in place and doesn’t let me move, it also freezes time as if I was in a menu so I’m unable to just wait it out and sleep. Does it no matter the time or day, it freezes me after...
  12. PC [BUG] Impossible "Help Wanted" quest

    On the first day of the Night Market, the request on the "Help Wanted" board was Willy requesting 3 catfish. The fish have to be caught to complete the quest, catfish can only be caught on rainy days (in Winter), and it can't rain during the night market (even with a rain totem, I tried), so the...
  13. Android [BUG] When i try to use purple lucky shorts the game crash

    I was going to active the lucky purple shorts event with lewis but when i putted the shorts the game crashed, i did it like 15 times and it crashed too.
  14. Android BUG - Spot of Light

    Currently using the latest version on android. Season is Winter. I placed a Jack-O-Lantern near the house; it decayed. It left behind a spot which is lit up during the evening.
  15. iOS Help - Crab Pots on Mobile

    I am playing on my iPhone. With the newest update, I can’t place crab pots on any of the ocean tiles - from the dock or from the beach. :(
  16. Switch HELP! Multiplayer loading screen lag

    I've been playing multiplayer online with my friend for awhile and this past 2 weeks when I enter into town, it takes 10-15 secs to load (stuck on the black screen the whole time). It doesn't matter if I'm in a house in town or if I'm coming from another map, the same lag happens each time. It...
  17. iOS [BUG] I don't receive Ancient seed and somethings from digging in mine.

    1. What is it??? I found something in mine from digging but when I collect it I don't receive anything (in the red circle) 2.I found the Ancient seed from digging in mine but I don't receive it in my bag.(Sorry! I don't have a screenshot.)
  18. PC [BUG] Fruit tree Glitch

    Not sure if this has been posted here before but i found a glitch in my completely vanilla single player world. I am 5th of Summer on year 2 and i am trying to plant fruit trees. However every time i try to plant it (3 so far) it completely crashes the game. I have no idea why but it is raining...
  19. Ashleywilko21

    iOS [HELP] Game keeps shutting down

    Every 2 stardew valley days my game keeps shutting down for no reason.