bug report

  1. Windows Dehydrator duplicated

    Hello, was playing on multiplayer mode with a friend and we both hit the dehydrator in the mushroom cave at the same time which led to 2 dehydrators spawning in my inventory instead of the one that was initially provided. Not sure if this is a bug or if 2 were provided since it's a multiplayer...
  2. Windows Problem, translation in Spanish

    My game of Stardew Valley is in year 3 and when the festival, the flower dance, was over I got the message at the end of the event in English instead of Spanish, the language I had chosen. For more information, if you need it: I chose Sam as a companion and I have Sam, Sebastian, Abigail and...
  3. Magically Clueless


    PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES IN YOUR GAME HERE! Please be aware that spoilers ARE allowed in this thread! A template you can follow: explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); full error text (if any); what OS you are using; in-game language; single-player or...
  4. Xbox Shane doing tasks

    My wife plays this game and is on the second year, she hyper focused marrying Shane year 1 for the blue chickens. Every now and then Shane will prompt her with a text box saying he did a task around her farm, water the plants and tend to the animals. Whenever this comes up and he says he's fed...
  5. Android The game closes alone

    Sometimes when I enter the museum, the game crashes and closes by itself, this also happens in other ways, such as entering a festival, joining a guild, etc. And when this bug happens I lose all game progress, this is very annoying
  6. Bil88

    Windows Game crashing as I try to save on the last day of Summer.

    This is the error log I get as I try to save the game on the last day of Summer. Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening and how I could possibly fix this issue? Message: Error on new day: --------------- Data error (cyclic redundancy check). : 'D:\Games\steamapps\common\Stardew...
  7. thr3e0fus

    Windows Bug with Shire of illusions

    when i try to use the shrine of illusions, the OK button is grayed out and i am unable to leave that screen unless i reset the day. i've only seen one or two people talk about this bug.
  8. Windows [BUG] Clipping issue with starport decal and crib

    I found this bug when decorating
  9. Windows [Bug report] Steam, v1.5.6 - EZFRD64.DLL file prevents launch

    Strange bug that I ran into today. I've been trying to launch the game and did lots of troubleshooting steps, including completely removing any trace of the game and then reinstalling, but it would not launch at all. The compatibility version did run, but I had some helpful folks in the official...
  10. Windows [BUG] Emily's Crystal garden is too far back?

    Just as the title says, Emily can still meditate there as normal and I can still walk through the area, but it seems like the crystals are clipping into the fencing behind. It has been like this since I married Emily which was a (in-game) season ago. I am playing in single-player, on my dell...
  11. Windows Mining Level 10 glitch

    When I leveled up to mining level 10 I was not able to pick a profession. As soon as I hit the left joystick it kicked me out of the menu, saved and started the next day. When I look into my skills menu I am at level 10 mining just without the profession, even when I scroll over the level 10 bar...
  12. Solved [BUG] Egg Festival Visual Bug

    Hi! I made this account just now to post this, so let me know if I'm breaking etiquette here; but I've noticed a strange bug. When walking around the town during the Egg Festival the Special Orders board outside they Mayor's Manor is visually bugged. It only occurred during the festival and has...
  13. MisterKerr

    PC [BUG] Blacksmith sound bug in 1.5.5 beta

    Whenever I visit the blacksmith's shop (both inside and outside), instead of the soft sound of the forge/boiler/whatever the machine is outside, the sound is instead this higher-pitched, much louder and obnoxious sound that sounds like those small suction straw devices they use at the dentist's...
  14. PC [BUG] Getting stuck after a cutscene

    Hello, the bug goes as follows: I've gained friendship points with Leah during the day by talking to her at her house. Then I went back to my farm through the entrance on the south (= by going through North of the Cindersap Forest). I entered the are with my horse, and I think that might be the...
  15. PC [BUG] False Fainting Mail, what the actual f-

    I occasionally get mail in game for times the the player ends up fainting(staying up till 2:00am) but the thing is, I wasn't even outside that night, or at least I was 100% I was in bed, because I saw the whole going to sleep bit in my bed, despite this, these happen more often when I didn't...
  16. PC [BUG] Walk Through Chest Bug

    Hi guys. :wink: I found a very minor chest bug that hardly affects gameplay but I'd thought I would let ConcernedApe know. I tried to upload a video but it would not upload for some reason. This bug allows you to walk through chests. This bug occurs when you place down a carpet & you try to...
  17. PC [BUG] Golden Walnuts wasted when giving player an item on Ginger Island Farm (still there in vanilla PC version on Steam)

    Hello fellow Stardew Valley inhabitants, we encountered the following issue while playing in multiplayer on Steam using the vanilla version 1.5.4 of the game (no mods of any kind). Both players were on Ginger island and it was the day of the Luau. One player checked the island trader while the...
  18. PC [BUG] Pierre doesn't reduce price of Sunflower Seeds on 25% profit margin

    I've just checked this on the latest Steam version of Stardew Valley, playing an unmodded game. On Normal profit margins, Pierre sells Sunflower Seeds for 200g, and JojaMart sells them for 125g. On 25% profit margins, Pierre still sells for 200g, but JojaMart now sells them for 31g. Either this...
  19. Mafs

    PC [BUG] Multiplayer - 14 heart event in the wrong house

    I'm playing in a multiplayer save with a friend, where I'm not the host. I married Sebastian, and the 14-heart event cutscene triggered when I went entered my friend's house. Their player isn't married yet so the cutscene takes place in the empty area of the house. This is a small bug, and the...
  20. PC [BUG] The Summit Background bug (Spoiler)

    So I made it all the way to the ending and this is my background :( I still had a blast playing this game did anyone else experience this or was it just me also I'm not playing with any mods