bug report

  1. PC [BUG] Collections screen doesn't acknowledge an artifact in the museum

    I couldn't upload the video so I'll add some pictures later, but it's pretty self explanatory I suppose. The artifact is the ancient sword. It's in the museum but doesn't show up in the collections tab (it's still greyed out and named "???"). I can't remember when this problem first came up. I...
  2. PC [BUG] Multiplayer Bug - Clipping out of map from a cut-scene

    On a new multiplayer farm, I was walking out of the mine area (just finished the cut-scene where you get the rusty sword) when my friend who was the host triggered the "unlocking the community center" cut-scene. When that cut-scene had ended, I saw I was standing in a black void. By walking...
  3. Solved [BUG] Cant enter the greenhouse

    Hi. I have issue with greenhouse. I cant enter it and i saw that the stone entrance should be in front of the door. I dont use any mods and i tried reinstal the game and verify files on steam and nothing helped. I also try to move the greenhouse and it didnt help too. Maybe it is, because i...
  4. Android [BUG] Android Cutscene Freeze Bug

    Hi, I have been experiencing this bug where the game works fine but let's say I enter a location with the necessary requirements for a cutscene to occur. What would happen is the game just freezes in the cutscene, i.e the cutscene starts but remains frozen. I have attached my phone's...
  5. Switch [BUG] Big Weapon Icons on Switch

    When looking into one of the chests on my farm, all the swords/weapons in the chest had very big icons - roughly twice as big. Whenever I closed the chest and opened it again, they would get gradually smaller and smaller, until they were back to their usual size. I have screenshots and a clip...
  6. Solved [BUG] Still able to find multiple Strange Capsules

    I see one of the changes in the newest patch is that these are only supposed to spawn once per game. If this applies only to new games started after the release of the patch, then please disregard this. Otherwise, as you can see, I just found my second capsule.
  7. Solved Farmer stuck after casting

    This actually happened twice back to back. I'm playing multiplayer with a friend, went to go fishing, caught a few fish, then suddenly when I got another hit it was just stuck. The minigame never popped up, I could still see my item bar but no buttons worked at all. I couldn't even hit escape...
  8. PC Constantly Hard at Work Glitch

    I have had this issue three times and it required me to restart the game for each instance. For some reason, after using the pickaxe at times, it glitches to be always "on" for striking or strike three times in a row unprompted when I switch over from my sword. This wouldn't be an issue...
  9. Solved [BUG] Pirate's Cove Fishing Glitch

    I double-checked before writing this, and my game does have the 1.5.2 patch applied. I was fishing at the little dock inside Pirate's Cove when the time switched to 7 or 8 pm (whatever time it is the pirates arrive), and I was booted out of the area. I had just hooked a fish, and the fishing...
  10. MerBear1012

    Switch [BUG] Trouble with Switch Multiplayer

    Hey guys, hoping you can help me out here. My siblings and I created a farm a couple months ago and recently wanted to go back and continue playing. I am the host and we have the proper number of cabins and they’ve both been able to join together in the pass. The problem is that both siblings...
  11. iOS [BUG] After Mermaid Boat No Sound And Unable To Get Pearl

    When I enter the mermaid boat attraction at the Night Market Festival, I am able to listen to the full song and hear everything, then I try and put in the code to get the pearl which is 1-5-4-2-3 left to right, and I don’t get the pearl. Then I exit and I have no sound, granted I’m not wearing...
  12. hotmoxie

    Solved [BUG] [SOLVED] 1.15.2 - Opening any community bundle crashes the game to desktop

    I just downloaded the 1.15.2 patch, which might be the cause of the problem. Whenever I click on a community bundle, whether from the inventory menu or from the Community Center, the game hard crashes without a pause. I opened the inventory menu and tried to access the Fall Crops bundle...
  13. PC [BUG] Crabpot bug in lava

    You can place and bait crabpots in the first room of the volcano. They will have the water texture around them and get deleted when the area respawns over night.
  14. PC [BUG] Starting Local Co-op causes game to crash

    My boyfriend and I recently installed Stardew Valley in his PC and we played the Local Co op mode using two PS4 controllers. It’s been going really well and we are now in Year 2. But, today when we wanted to start playing co-op again as usual, the game crashes as soon as Player 2 presses the...
  15. Android [HELP] can't place crab pots in ocean?

    I've googled around a bit and the common solution seems to be clicking above the green square to place the crab pot, but this doesn't work on my game :( is there another trick I'm missing? I'm playing on a Huawei PAR-LX9.
  16. Solved Golden Walnuts wasted when giving player an item on Ginger Island Farm

    While playing multiplayer with my partner, we encountered a recurring glitch in the Ginger Island farm space. We had the house unlocked, but not the mailbox. I tried to hand my partner an item from my inventory, and when they clicked yes, 5 Golden Walnuts were spent and the mailbox was built. We...
  17. Shy_Barn_Owl

    PC [BUG] Mouse lag/slowness

    Ever since the new 1.5/1.5.1 update my mouse while playing the game seems to be acting slower than just on my desktop or browsing the internet. Yes I use mods, of which none should be affecting my mouse?? I'm playing single player for now on this new file I made. Everything is updated as it...

    Solved [BUG] Finishing a Qi task, without actually finishing it

    I got the task where you get to upgrade your regular mines and another task from the board to kill a ghost. Next day I went to the mines, got to level ~20 and decided to go to skull cavern, since I couldn't get a ghost in upgraded mines. When I got to level 1 of skull cavern I got the Qi gems...
  19. PC [BUG] The game doesn't run smoothly

    About three seconds a cycle not smooth,the game can play,but affect fishing, I used to be able to play smoothly,NVIDIA update or re install,It can't be solved,Other games likes (League of Legends ) can also run normally, I really like this game,hoping to hear from you as quick as possible :D
  20. PC [BUG] Steam Achievements/Status Not Recorded While Offline

    When offline from steam, status like recorded hours and received achievements are not recorded. This has actually been an issue I've experienced since 2016 however I never reached out. Since then I have switched between several computers and started 3 new save files and still have this issue...