I can't pick up my globe. I placed this globe on the floor prior to my house upgrade. After the upgrade, it's permanently fixed to this spot.
I'm on Windows without any mods.





When I place any kind of hat on a sea urchin in the aquatic sanctuary it will flicker back and forth every few seconds. I tested all the other tanks and it seems to only be this one that does it. Also when my farmer wears the pumpkin mask the back of the head can be seen when turning.

I use mods but none that I can think of that would directly affect hats or fish tank behaviour. When I ran the game normally without SMAPI both of these issues still occurred.

I'm using Windows 11, English, Single Player.

EDIT: It seems that it's not related to the aquatic sanctuary but the room that the tank is placed in. I moved the tank to a different room and the flickering stopped. I tried to place a modern tank in the same room that the aquatic sanctuary was previously placed in (the most southern room) and the same thing happened with the sea urchin's hat.
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In my multiplayer world, I went and met Krobus in the sewers just a day or two before winter. But when the day came that the "A Winter Mystery" cutscene could be activated, I found that the cutscene didn't start for me. In turn, I am now unable to get the Magnifying Glass to access any secret notes. But since my friends hadn't met Krobus yet, they were able to complete the quest and receive the Magnifying Glass.


Similar bug than previously reported :
I finished the museum (and donated the ancient seed) but I dont have the ancient seed recipe.
I'm using Steam Deck
Language : French

(Please I'm begging you help me, this is the last thing I need for the perfection and I dont want to restart a game over after my 200h save file :x )
Hello! I am playing single-player, unmodded on PC and I've recently unlocked skull cavern. I've noticed that the game music for the regular mines keeps playing in skull cavern, but it seems like the game is aware of this issue because when I go down a floor, the music immediately stops. I gave it a few skull cavern runs to see if maybe I was mistaken, but it's definitely playing the music from the regular mines.


Giant stump quest in multiplayer works just fine after my co-op partner submitted the hardwood, but journal quest only went away for him and not me. Windows 11 PC



Unmodded, Windows 11, English, Singleplayer.
Perfection Ending Summit sequence doesn't show background. Only black.


So I'm on year 2 Spring 4 and it's raining
Abigail is getting her yearly checkup but Harvey isn't even in the room he's upstairs playing with his radio. Not game braking or anything just thought it was interesting.


In the mines on level 20, Abigail was walking in place. Her dialog and everything else was normal; she was just in a walking animation facing toward the screen and not moving. I'm on Windows 11 Xbox App, English, single player.


I'm on spring 2 and there are no villager stalls on any day of the desert festival, no races on any day of the festival, and Marlin gives me a challenge on the first day but not on the other 2. I'm so disappointed lol I haven't seen anyone else have this problem :( I tried restarting the first day which didn't work and the second and third days were the same.
I'm on a MacBook Pro - macOS and I play through steam if that's relevant??
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So I'm on spring 2 and neither my egg incubator or my seed makers work. They're probably unrelated, but my incubator just won't take eggs even though I only have 2 chickens and a duck in my coop so its definitely not full, and my seed makers just don't work, they won't take any vegetables or fruit.
I'm on a MacBook Pro - macOS and I play through steam if that's relevant??
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In winter fish fest, I started conversation with Pam, I couldn't exit from that conversation. Also ı couldn't quit from game with Esc or something. I left the game with alt + f4. I attached the photo.

The Game : Turkish, Windows, PC, Singleplayer



Seconding this. I'm on day 3 of Summer, and got "Catch 5 Sardines for 200g". Can't do it due to the season, and this is in an unmodded game.

Full report:
  • Quest is offered by Demetrius to catch Sardines, but quest appears on Pierres bulletin board during Summer when Sardines cannot be caught. Quest has a time limit of 2 days.
  • No error text, just can't do this quest in this season, and it has a time limit of 2 days
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Installed and playing via Steam
  • In-game language: English
  • Single player
I got a quest for collecting Sardines in Summer, which shouldn't be possible as fishing quests pull from the list of catchable fish for that season. I'm playing single-player on Windows through Steam, and it is a modded game, but I don't know if this is related to a mod. See below for screenshot, with the sardine quest and summer in the top-right corner. I checked the wiki and also confirmed that sardines are not available in summer (it's actually the only season they're not available).

View attachment 21117

I'll just ignore the quest, so it's not a huge crisis, but I'm not sure if this is a bug and if so, where else it might be.
I’ve completed the community center and got the trophy but no achievement. I skipped the cutscene but didn’t think that would affect the achievement. I’m on pc and the newest 1.6 version.


I'm on spring 2 and there are no villager stalls on any day of the desert festival, no races on any day of the festival, and Marlin gives me a challenge on the first day but not on the other 2. I'm so disappointed lol I haven't seen anyone else have this problem :( I tried restarting the first day which didn't work and the second and third days were the same.
I'm on a MacBook Pro - macOS and I play through steam if that's relevant??
Also playing on Mac via steam here, I'm happy to see this flagged. I've been mostly focussed on the broken machine stuff which I saw you also reported. But just so you know you're not the only one struggling with the desert festival.The Marlin quests are a bit inconsistent for me too, I've only gotten one in the first year of the festival, but I thought maybe the Marlin and Willy quests don't happen at the same time. How is that for you?

I've also yet to see a villager in the stalls in the middle on desert but I kind of assumed I'm just not there at the right time. For me the race is always 'already in progress' according to the interaction but I haven't actually seen anyone racing. When I slept in the desert I did get the option to place a bet the next day but couldn't actually select an option, I thought maybe I was too early.


The game crash in local multiplayer when we both enter the forest during the trout derby. We play with mods, but this is not linked to any mod, so I still post this there. We can both enter separately, but if we are both on the map, it crashes. It also happened in year 1.
We play on Windows in english



Had to giggle at this - poor Emily walked through existing furniture and ...is in the window?! Anyway, I'd noticed previously that Gus's back area got a renovation, probably didn't update the sprites to navigate...

Alex's 10-heart event, playing on Windows through Steam, English version, single player, no mods ever.

This glitch happened when I entered that ladder in the glitched quarry mines. I exited at the skull cavern entrance and when I went back to the quarry it was still glitched and I got there again

Additionally, anything I mined on that floor froze in the air and could not be picked up.

Edit: Soon after posting this I went back the next day and it was fixed.


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I am playing Stardew Valley 1.6.4 without mods for this.

I leave the mines and I see the first 2 parts of Leo 9 star event. After about the museum scene where Penny says "Good job, Leo." It goes to a black screen. I can go to the scene with the inventory, collections, and the journal sections. but if I exit, it remains on the black screen. Help, please