
Hi! I'm playing on a Windows 11, single-player, vanilla. I started a new farm (Meadowlands) with the 1.6 update and chose to have remixed bundles. For the Boiler Room bundles I got only the Geologist's bundle out of the standard ones. However, when I hovered over a copper and iron bars in my inventory, the little golden scroll pulsated despite not actually being needed for any bundles. Conversely, the things I actually needed for the remixed Boiler Room bundles (in my case the Treasure Hunter's bundle) didn't pulsate, such as a topaz.

Another thing that I'm not sure if it's a bug but it's an inconvenience: I got a Help Wanted request to mine 20 copper ores or something to that effect. The next day I accepted another Help Wanted quest, this time wanting to mine 4 copper ores. I went to the mines that day for the first time for these quests (meaning I didn't mine any ores for the first 20 copper ores quest). I successfully got the 4 copper ores for the second quest and kept on mining but the first quest for the 20 copper ores wasn't updating, it wasn't accepting that I was collecting those 20 ores. I had to go to Clint to complete the 4 ores quest first. I didn't check if the first quest would start counting for the 20 ores because it was the last day for the quest and the day was ending.


Messing around on the title screen, I found out that if you open and close the language options repeatedly, every time you do so the open door from the alien and the junimos move gradually several pixels to the left.



In the new farm type Meadowlands, when I hit the tree seed/drops (acorn, pine cone, maple seed) on the floor with tools, the seeds/drops just disappear or appear to get destroyed. The seed/drop is not picked up.

Single player
English Language
Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
Same problem here. Also happen in my new Meadowlands farm. In my old save, with defaut farm, this error didn't happen.
Single player
Portuguese Language
Microsoft Windows 11 Pro


When I try to add something to my seed makers nothing happens. Same when I try to add cheese or wine to my casks.

PC version single player on a Mac through Steam. Thanks!


Visual glitch when placing the Silo where the pet bowl used to be on the meadowlands farm, the bush at the top clips into the Silo weirdly as if the top is on a different layer than the bottom.



I'm experiencing strange audio cracking and other weirdness in-game when both of the following are true:
- Using 8 channel (i.e. 7.1 Surround) audio
- Discord either is currently open, or has been open at some point in tandem in Stardew Valley

The audio issues persist even after closing Discord and all related processes. The audio issues occur regardless of whether SDV was started first before Discord or vice versa.

The issues go away completely if I use the Sound Control Panel to set the audio format from an 8 channel mode to a 2 channel mode.

I can't tell for certain but it sounds like it might just be affecting the music, other sounds *might* be ok? Either that or other sounds are so short in comparison it's hard for me to tell! Relatedly, I also can't tell for sure but the crackly music may be slightly slowed down? Not sure, could just be hearing things since it's so crackly to begin with.

OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2
Language: English
Mode: Single Player
Version: 1.6.2 (fwiw the issue also occurs identically with most recent SMAPI as well)

Audio Device is a CORSAIR VOID Pro Wireless



Got to the assigned pet scene, used the random generator a few times to see what names it might spit out, I think on the fourth one I chose Bus and this text/script box failed to fill. No mods. Once I clicked the text filled in the rest of the way.

Edit, this is for the black cat.


Hello, my save file that I've had since 2019 is missing now, after playing it last night. I've tried following the guides to fix what is considered a "lost/missing" save file. I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong. could someone help me?



Night after Egg Festival me and my friend tried to sleep in the same bed in main farmhouse. Friend is the host and I joined; every time I tried to go to bed the number continued to go up by increments of 2. Unsure if this has been posted yet, sorry if so!



I just started a new, unmodded game after the update. English, Single player on PC windows 10 and I had two help wanted quests at the same time (clint find 6 gold ore and a green algea for george) on the help wanted board, it said that I would get a prize ticket for george's quest but none for clint's. I turned in clint's first and I got the ticket then and not when I turned in georges. To be clear, here is the order: I accepted to do clint's quest first, then the next day, took georges order, finished clint's quest then the next day finished george's. I hope that wasn't too confusing and ik its a tiny bug but why not mention it :smile:


Bus Stop weirdness (English, 1.6, Windows 11 steam, modded (no mods affecting the bus stop, though))

Whenever I go to the Bus Stop from my farm, the game freezes me in place and off-camera. You can see me here, in this screenshot of the whole map, but all I can see in the actual game is the area with my kegs. Even full-screened, and with the game zoomed out as far as possible, I can't see my character or the trees covering him.

I can leave the bus stop by going the other way, back to my farm.

If I get to the bus stop through a different loading zone, then the screen doesn't scroll past the kegs as I go to my farm- I didn't even realize there was this whole area until taking this screenshot!


I got a fishing quest from Willy to catch 4 sardines in exchange for a ticket, in the summer when sardines are not available. I believe this is new as I've never had it happen before 1.6


Mostly catching trash:

Playing on Windows 10. SDW Ver 1.6.2 in English in Single-Player

Two times in a row I've had the Help Wanted Quest to fish 3 tuna in summer and in the 3 days I've been fishing in the ocean I've had 2 tunas with 38 out of 50 catches being trash. Tried the same thing on Ginger Island, also mostly trash.

I do have the Iridium Rod with bait and tackle and lvl 10 fishing.

The "_old" save is attached as well, because for the last day I can definitely say it happened.
I've been experiencing the same thing! Every time I fish, I keep getting nothing but trash. Notably, it was only after I attached the sonar bobber to my iridium rod that this started happening, but even after removing it, I'm still catching jojanet cds and soggy newspapers galore.
I do play a modded game, but none of my mods affect fishing . I have a video of this happening to me throughout the whole night market after the update ;-;
Hopefully this gets resolved in the next patch.
explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens);
Brand new save, meadow lake farm, coop not the host. Feeding animals quest does not complete even though there are three silos.
full error text (if any); N/A
what OS you are using; Linux, on steam deck.
in-game language; english
single-player or multiplayer; multiplayer
anything else you think might be relevant; I may not have been in the game when the first silo completed.


No Saved Game Found
  1. I initially installed it on my PC via steam then played the game then install the app on my iPhone.
  2. I followed the PC to iOS instructions
  3. I’m using a Windows 10 PC and an iPhone 13 Pro Max
  4. Single player with no mods
  5. I’m 100% sure I followed the instructions. I have my saved game folder inside Stardew Valley iTunes > File Sharing
Please help. :cry:


No Saved Game Found
  1. I initially installed it on my PC via steam then played the game then install the app on my iPhone.
  2. I followed the PC to iOS instructions
  3. I’m using a Windows 10 PC and an iPhone 13 Pro Max
  4. Single player with no mods
  5. I’m 100% sure I followed the instructions. I have my saved game folder inside Stardew Valley iTunes > File Sharing
Please help. :cry:
PC version is currently 1.6.2. iOS version is 1.5.6 which is lower. This means that you can't play a game from 1.6 into a lower version of the game (like iOS), because it won't understand the game file with new content in it.