
On occasion, the game is very laggy during logging and fishing animations. Ending the day doesn't always resolve it. When fishing, the lag occurs when the bar is over the fish and it's animating the reeling. When logging, it's when the blade comes down on the tree. Both times the frames drop to under 1fps. The same sort of lag appeared during the scene when LInus goes through the trash. Issue could be related to using the xbox one controller on the pc. When the scene with linus was taking forever, I shut off the controller to give the game a rest and the animation quickly zoomed forward to where it was in time. It doesn't feel like the game time slows down. Ie, I can continue fishing by feel even (controller vibration) if not visible on screen.

On W11, playing in English, and singleplayer. First noticed the lag around spring day 3.


The starter quest for Meadowlands Farm where you are supposed to collect an egg from your chickens cannot be completed.
First, I had the issue that the quest counter indicated '-5'. This seems to be fixed now, but the quest still says to collect an egg and does not complete if I do so.
I play on Windows 11, Single Player, Language: German.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 111830.png


Not sure if this is the place for it, but I just wanted to let whoever know that the characters aren’t in their costumes during the Spirit’s Eve event. Not sure if that was an intentional change in 1.6. Any ideas on how I can report the bug, in case Ape wants to fix it?
OS: Windows 11
Language: English
Done in singleplayer

Weapons forged before 1.6 seem to have broken stats in 1.6 and when unforged are lower than the forged stats. My other weapons that were forged before 1.6 are affected by this. Any weapon forged in 1.6 are unaffected and gain forged stats as usual.

Affected weapon.png
Stardew Valley 3_22_2024 9_10_19 PM.png

Stardew Valley 3_22_2024 9_10_10 PM.png

I had a dragontooth cutlass and dragontooth club originally forged with 3 aquamarines and a dwarf dagger forged with 3 topaz, but now it seems their stats are broken (Dwarf dagger had 9 defense before and the dragontooth weapons mentioned here had crit strike chance forged).

Stardew Valley 3_22_2024 9_11_05 PM.png

Carving knife forged before 1.5.6 and then unforged in 1.6 can achieve -1 damage, but lowest damage is 1.

This bug is still in 1.6.2.


On the first day of the Desert Festival whenever I go to sleep to save the game crashes and doesn't save the day's progress. I've played the same day four or five different times now and I can't move on. I spent hours looking for a solution, I've tried making sure I have enough storage (I do), restarting steam, restarting my computer (I'm on a mac), and uninstalling and reinstalling Stardew. Nothing is working. I've contacted Stardew support but I've heard they take forever to get back :frown:

I've also seen someone else with the same exact problem, down to the day they're repeating (on a different post) so I don't think it's an issue on my end. It also still doesn't work when I do nothing for the day and go to sleep right after opening the game.

(Unmodded, English, single-player)

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process: Stardew Valley [5413]
Path: /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/Stardew Valley
Identifier: Stardew Valley
Version: ???
Code Type: X86-64 (Translated)
Parent Process: bash [5410]
Responsible: steam_osx [5285]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2024-03-22 09:47:15.3687 -0500
OS Version: macOS 14.3 (23D56)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 248EC78E-B305-410C-F596-A05D65744B59

Sleep/Wake UUID: 27ABB106-139F-4440-BE1A-B59973910E67

Time Awake Since Boot: 48000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 40523 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

PC register does not match crashing frame (0x0 vs 0x7FF8A8C36A78)

Crashed Thread: 0 MainThrd Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 6 Abort trap: 6
Terminating Process: Stardew Valley [5413]

Application Specific Information:
abort() called

Error Formulating Crash Report:
PC register does not match crashing frame (0x0 vs 0x7FF8A8C36A78)

Thread 0 Crashed:: MainThrd Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Last edited:


Heyho. I started a new savegame a few days ago, I am at 19th of Summer. I wake up, harvest crops (during which a levelup "you have some new ideas..." happens), water the plants, get some stuff out of my chests and then head to pierres (about 10:00am). Reproducably, when entering the store, the game crashes in the moment when I press "A" to open the door.

I am playing an unmodded, up-to-date version with the Steam Deck. If you need some debug info, feel free to ping me, but you need to tell me where to find them :).

EDIT: The game also suddenly crashed when mining in the mine. I was hammering at level 61 at a silver ore rock and it crashed. worked fine up to this point.

EDIT2: Nevermind. Rebootet the Steam Deck and it worked. I put it only in standby last couple of weeks, maybe steam has a memleak or something so the RAM was full and some things (like changing a room) could not allocate memory anmore.
Last edited:


Emily's 10-Heart event is bugged, the player doesn't receive her invitaton to the secret woods to trigger the event. I went to the secret woods without the letter, i double checked every event before and I gifted her a lot of crystals even after I got 10 hearts with her. game language is german on steam/windows. Singleplayer. no mods


This place in the museum is bugged. (I've made it empty in the picture) If you put an artifact in this one spot, you can't read any details about it; one pixel down, and you get details about the item below it; one pixel up and you get details about the artifact above it, but there's no way to "talk" to the minerals that are in this one spot. (Again I've made it empty in the picture for ease of spotting. If you put a mineral in this spot, you still can't talk to it.)



Hi! After playing (and enjoying :-)) the new update in singleplayer I wanted to play together with someone in multiplayer. However, we keep getting a "Connection Failed" error.
Making the farm works well, but once in game the "invite friend" button does not work for me.
Connecting through invite code or through joining the game from the co-op start menu also does not work.
We also tried letting the other person make the farm and for me to try and join them, but that also gives the connection failed error.

I am using MacOS, the other person is using Windows. They also tried using Linux instead of Windows but that gave the same issues.


Multiplayer Bug - The Giant Tree Stump
After the main player fixed the stump, it does not complete the quest for farmhand, and there does not appear to be a way to progress the quest further for the farmhand.


I'm not sure if anyone else has this, but I'm getting a lot of Slime Quests from Help Wanted. This is the 4th one in like a week. I'm playing on PC with no mods.


I'm year 5, day 15 of spring, single player world. I'm going to the Calico Desert festival and whenever I go to collect my rewards from the man running the race, my game freezes and crashes, causing my data from that day to be gone. I've tested it three times now and it keeps crashing the same. It's np I just won't do the race game, but FYI. :)


For some reason the game tries to load the world map asset of my Data/AdditionalFarms farm with a translated suffix:


Predictably this also causes the new Meadows Farm not to have seasonal variants of the world map in any locale other than default english, because
LooseSprites/Farm_ranching_map_夏季 does not exist.
Interestingly this affects the entire world map, not just the farm overlay, so it seems this bug is present at multiple places.



The noise waterfalls make cuts out too abruptly when you get far enough away from them. Its kinda jarring. The one just south of Robin's shop is the one I notice this the most with. A fade out or something would be better.


1.6.2, steam version, on linux.

had the crop fairy visit and boost some wild seeds i had planted (the ones that grow forage plants). they were harvest-able in the morning, but the sprites remained at the same stage of growth they were the day before.


My coop in my new world is glitched on the inside, not sure what's causing it. I've attached a screenshot. My chickens don't appear, I can't interact with them, and when I use tools it leaves weird aftereffects. Please lmk what I can do to fix it! So exited to play with the new update :D



Some time ago I reported that music often does work properly in split-screen multiplayer: https://forums.stardewvalley.net/th...k-properly-in-split-screen-multiplayer.24959/

Sadly in 1.6 the issue seems to have gotten worse. Now if player 2 goes to Pelican Town while player 1 is in a location that has lower priority music, the background music stops playing and the Pelican Town theme never plays. That wasn't the case in 1.5.

So basically, the situation that occurs when player 2 is in any of the mines now also happens for Pelican Town, which is that no music plays at all. Music for Pelican Town and the mines still works so long as player 1 is visiting them.

1.6.2 on Windows, two player split-screen