
Hello!I updated my stardew valley mods and continued playing my old save and I have a bug with a chest, I can't open one of them.The chest's window shown for a millisecond and then immediately dissapear, and other my 3 chests don't have such a bug.Does anyone have the same problem?


Since the 1.6 update, i cant put anything on the aquariums, this included crafted aquariums and the comunity center aquarium, Im playing on a linux, in the 1.6.0 update
download (7)~3.jpeg


When at the Island, and you open the map while you're outside, it shows as normal. But going into the field office tent and opening the map it shows the player back in Stardew Valley in between Marnie's farm and the player's farm.




Hi! I'm having great trouble with this new update and I hope someone might help!
Everything was going fine and the game was running smoothly until I updated It to the 1.6 (and related patches).
At first, the game started to lag and stutter both in sound and graphic after a very short time, so I started doing some experiments:
-I noticed that the game started lagging only if I moved around for a while (around 13 pm in game) and later if I stayed still in one place and let the time pass
-I tried opening task manager and setting the game priority to "High" and the affinity so It would exclude CPU 0 and 1. In this way, the graphic stuttering has stopped, but the sound starts lagging and disappears, then It comes back after a short while and disappears again.

I have no idea what to do! With these changes the graphic Is fine (It still froze the PC a couple times) but I have no audio for the majority of time. Everything was fine before the update :(

I have no mods installed and my PC has the minimum requirements.


Aloha everyone!

Bug report: saved game from old version, I have a child (boy) there named Arnold, my wife is Abigail. In one of the dialogs he called him ..David Jr, I guess.

Patch 1.6.2


Bug report: Abigail is my wife, I gave her an aquamarine, and she said "Hey, how'd you know I was hungry? This looks delicious!" Well... good apetite, but it shouldn't be eaten :D

Patch 1.6.2
I am playing unmodded on my steam deck in English. It is a new save file, single player, on the meadowlands farm in summer year 1. I purchased a Daisy from the hat mouse and put it on my cat (black cat), and a day or two later it disappeared from my cat and is nowhere to be found. Not sure what happened there, I assume it is a bug. :) (v 1.6.2)

update: a few days later, there is a thunderstorm and in the evening my cat has the daisy again! It did not have the daisy in the morning of the thunderstorm, and the NEXT morning it is gone again.
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Hiya! Using the Dwarf King statue for one mining perk chosen of two. I used the pictured below "greater chance to find coal".. and in all honesty I got to level 69 I believe and only found like 2 deposits of coal. Don't know if this was just really poor luck or some kinda bug.

Version 1.6.2, no mods



When continuously turning a light source off and on it leaves behind a large area of very bright light after a while even when off. This was tested in both single-player and multiplayer, and in multiplayer all players in the same area while it was being toggled could see it.

-Single & Multi



Playing 2 player multiplayer, my wife and I were tending to two different things. I went down to Willy's to get my pole and promptly got the infamous "Willy's Rod" cutscene. Meanwhile my wife headed to the community center and got the cutscene with the mayor finding out about Junimos. I chose to skip the "Willy's Rod" cutscene and it immediately started the Community Center cutscene for me. When the cutscene was over, I was back at Willy's, however, I was in the ocean. I couldn't see myself but I could hear the sound effect as if I cast my rod, and my inventory was on the top of the screen as if I was somewhere in the bottom which would have to be ocean. I couldn't do anything except wait to pass out at 2AM.



I'm playing on Windows 10, singleplayer, English language, latest version of the game.

Summer 6 was a new 'green rain' day, everything was working just fine. I got to experience the new content, went to bed. The next day (Summer 7) was a normal sunny day, but I had to go do some irl stuff and since I hasn't done much that day I left the game (I exited the game properly through the menu). A few hours later I launch the game, load my savefile and it's the green rain again (on Summer 7) despite wiki saying it should only happen once per summer (I also already started the Summer 7 day before and it was sunny that time), but it seems not all aspects of it are there. I did a little bit of exploring and there are no weeds or unique trees that you should have on an actual 'green rain' day, my dog is outside running around as if it was a regular sunny day, the TV doesn't work however and the saloon is already open at the earliest time you can get there (like 6:30 AM in my case). There are probably a lot more things broken that I just haven't noticed.
I don't know if this is relevant but I'm also playing with the legacy randomization option enabled.


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Have been playing a multiplayer game, and I’ve found if you’re in a shop (I was with Robin looking at barns) and your friend triggers a cutscene, when you come out of the cutscene your character is invisible


So I was playing the other day and was going to buy some bombs from the Dwarf. I had the translation guide and had bought from him before, so it wasn't an issue in the past. However, it seems that I no longer have the translation guide after the update. All of the scrolls are still in the museum, and I even tried moving to a different spot in the museum to see if that would fix the problem. I've had no luck with that though.

Extra Info:
OS: Windows 11
Language: English


there is a serious bug regarding to the dwarf language tutorial! My ability to talking to dwarf is gone and I can’t find my dwarf language tutorial in my wallet or in my backpack or ability menu.i have successfully submitted the all four scrolls earlier, so it’s not the problem.please look into it,please!!
My partner and I are also having this iusse. we put the last scroll in the day before the updated launched and also lost the book in our wallet and lost the ability to speak the the dwarf.
please update if you find a fix :)



  • Screen static showing over my body
  • During the green rain day event in the house of Alex and his grandparents, the screen's green static shows above my body but not my head
  • win10
  • English
  • single-player


So ya know how we can now use Y/N to answer questions. I ran across one instance so far that it didn't work. it was a question that Maru asked me. I don't remember what the question was.
Mac OS 13.6.5 English, single player


I forged another Infinity sword on my old update to get the new achievement and I felt like the damage on my old sword is less than the damage on my new sword. Though it was just in my head until I realize the difference in their level. That's when I saw that there's a bug on my old sword. The added damage from the 3 ruby was not showing anymore and just have 80-104 damage which is just the base damage of an infinity sword.

Both are enchanted with x3 rubies only difference is the new one is vampiric while the old sword is crusader.

Old pre-update sword with x3 ruby- crusader: 80-104 damage only which is the base stat for Infinity sword without gem
New sword post-update with x3 ruby- vampiric- 104-130 damage

Screenshot 2024-03-21 001325.png
Screenshot 2024-03-21 121535.png

Double checked it if maybe I just forgot to forge with gem but can't forge it anymore with ruby and I know I already did

Pic: New sword is fully forged as seen here

Pic: old sword is also fully forged already as seen with the ruby gem but still , only have the base stats

OS: Windows 10
In game Language: English
Single player

Old save

Hope this will be fixed. Thank you!