
The game won't run because of compatability issues. Upon starting the game, it refers me to I'm on OSX 10.9.5, which means I need to run in compatability mode. However, the instructions provided require me to use GOG galaxy, which also doesn't run on this OSX. I've always used their offline backup installers. Is there a way to enable/update to compatability mode without going through GOG galaxy?



I'm not sure if it has been reported yet. I've found 2 things and I don't know if it has something to do with the German version I'm playing.

The first quest on the new farm isn't working. Yesterday, the last line just said "-5" and now it's saying "harvest an egg from your chickens". Of course, my chicken are already mature and laying eggs, but the quest isn't doing anything.

2) (not sure about this one)
No rings are dropping. I've already encountered this problem on the Game Pass version on Xbox Series X (version 1.5), but I thought it was a Game Pass-related issue. On PC on 1.6 right now, mines level 40, not a single ring. That has never happened before.

(Sorry for my bad English today :c Not my mother tongue and I'm tired.)


  • When I am using a controller in a windowed mode (I still have it full screen just windowed so I can see the discord popout), the cursor will be pushed away when nearing the bottom of the screen. I noticed this when I was trying to hover over a carrot to see how much energy and health it would give me. I changed the settings to be full screen and this did not occur. I also tried a smaller window when in windowed mode and this did not occur. It only happens I am in windowed mode but have the window maximized.
  • No error text.
  • Windows 11 Home
  • English
  • Only tested on single-player, not sure if this is also a multiplayer issue.
  • The controller I am using is a PS5 controller connected to my computer through USB (2.0 I believe) to USB C
  • Attached is the zip folder of the farm I was having issues on.

    edit: I noticed that this happens on the toolbar, not just the bottom of the screen. If the toolbar is on the top, then the cursor is pushed away from the top and the bottom of the screen works fine. If the toolbar is on the bottom, then the cursor is pushed away from the bottom. Seems to be that the issue occurs wherever the toolbar is.


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I've had a couple of quests (from the board outside Pierre's) from Robin where she says she needs 20 wood or 20 stone, but she doesn't take them from you when you give them to her. I'm not complaining about getting to keep them, but it seems like that's not what's supposed to happen. I guess either she should take them from you, or the quest should be worded differently and should tell you that you get to keep them. I'm playing on Windows, single player, no mods.


  • Movement Issue when using an Xbox controller for player 2 on splitscreen. Whenever I do a full 360 rotation of the joystick the characters movement is choppy and almost laggy, not running around in a continuous circle. Using the same controller in single player doesn’t have the same effect and the character will move around smoothly in a circle.
  • Windows 11
  • English
  • Multiplayer


Hey guys! Not necessarily a bug, but something I think in unintended:

I bought the new book from the dwarf in the mines. Immediately when I left the store I clicked to use the book and ended up giving it to the dwarf as a gift. The book disappeared and there was no way to buy it from his store anymore. I needed to load the previous save.


I'm not sure if it has been reported yet. I've found 2 things and I don't know if it has something to do with the German version I'm playing.

View attachment 19454
The first quest on the new farm isn't working. Yesterday, the last line just said "-5" and now it's saying "harvest an egg from your chickens". Of course, my chicken are already mature and laying eggs, but the quest isn't doing anything.
I have to say I have the same problem with the first quest, it is not unique after the update. I even tried changing the language and it fails still. Basically picking up the egg doesn't do anything.


single player, windows 10, english
- noticed robin’s window looks like it’s having a rave whenever i walk past (i do use mods but wanted to mention in case this was a vanilla issue) and is similar to strobe lighting
- morris and pierre interaction in pierre’s focus was off for the beginning of the conversation and focused on the function room
second half of the conversation snapped to the correct focus


"It's another player's character"
If you try to play multiplayer, it will come out like this when you select a character. I didn't come out when I went into other ranches



Please be aware that spoilers ARE allowed in this thread!

A template you can follow:

  • explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens);
  • full error text (if any);
  • what OS you are using;
  • in-game language;
  • single-player or multiplayer;
  • anything else you think might be relevant;
  • if you experience a bug that isn't cosmetic, please upload your save file! You can get your save this way:

We CANNOT help with issues with your modded game!
i was using the new feature that lets you move while charging up a tool and i moved to a different map area and my game is now stuck like this until i remove the item from my hotbar. i cant use any controls other than opening the inventory.
(not modded)
I am having a problem where the game will still run in the background upon exiting. It is still registering in Steam and Windows task manager as running (using 0 % CPU and 330 mb RAM). Steam is unable to stop the game and Windows Task Manager is also unable to end the task. This is happening on multiple machines running both windows 10 and 11.


When leaving buildings in pelican town, I sometimes hear the sound of a tree being chopped down, and then find the dropped wood and sap clipped onto one of the buildings. The first time this happened, I left the saloon and wood appeared on evelyn's house, and then it appeared on haley and emily's house when I left the clinic. Additionally, petting my dog seems to give resources from tilling a worm spot, because one time it gave me clay, and bone shards another time.
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So I am on a windows laptop playing on 1.6.1 (build 24080) single-player on the meadowlands farm and when I looked in my inventory where it shows the "Current Funds" and "Total Earnings", my current funds exceed the amount that the total earnings shows (to be specific, it says my total earnings are 1,820g when my current funds are more than that at 1,925g). I am quite confused as to how that was possible so I think its a bug and now I am reporting it here. I hope the image attached explains the bug better than I did because I am unsure of how else to describe the bug (sorry!).



The farm computer is counting finished machines in the farmhouse twice, even after being broken and re-placed. It doesn't seem to occur for machines outside of the farmhouse, like auto-grabbers in the barn/coop, kegs in the shed, or heavy tappers. I'm playing on windows 10, English, singleplayer unmodded. I've attached pictures of my farm and house to show all current machines that were finished.



Windows 10/English/Single Player with 1 Co-op cabin
Using remixed bundles and cave rewards

Tues Fall 16, year 1: finished the fish tank in the Community Center. All I have left is the Crafts Room winter bundle, and this only needs Holly (not a crocus)
Wed Fall 17, year 1: Entered Pelican Town, and got the Community Center completed cutscene. The bundle in the Crafts Room is still there, waiting for the holly.


I would also like to report the wine texture missing, I encountered it when I got it from the Statue of Endless Fortune because it was Harvey's birthday. Plus I cannot dress the mannequin, at least not with Mayor Lewis's lucky shorts, I wanted to display them.... Also, it would be nice if in a future update we could reach the settings from the main menu since my screen is frequently resized because my second monitor is a big tv, and sometimes the textures won't fill the whole screen, the UI size and in-game zoom also breaks, and I would love to be able to set my games' resolution without having to load a save.

I am not sure if this supposed to look like this, but at least it's not broken, previously, the whole background only showed up in the top left corner, approximately 1/4 size of the screen.

I am playing on windows 10.


Windows 10 Steam Multiplayer Bug -
For my friends who joined my session, looking at the community center pantry animal goods bundle resulted in multiple error items being shown as options for the bundle below the normal 5
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