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I can't give Pierre his missing stocklist?
  • Explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens): When I go up to him, in a non-modded game, I do not see the "gift box" appear. Instead, I get his dialogue. If I attempt to give him another item, it goes through so it only seems to be the stocklist.
  • full error text (if any): No error message.
  • what OS you are using: Windows 11
  • in-game language: English
  • single-player or multiplayer: single-player
  • anything else you think might be relevant: N/A
  • if you experience a bug that isn't cosmetic, please upload your save file! - I guess this is technically "cosmetic" because I do not have an error log.
How to find your save file:
  • On Windows, press the windows key + R and enter %appdata%/stardewvalley/errorlogs


I am unable to give Pierre his missing stock list. Just bought the item yesterday. Fall 23. I can gift him other items.
It is acting like I have no item in my hand because when I interact with other NPC's attempting to give it to them it just initiates a normal dialogue window.
Windows 11. Steam just updated me to version 1.6.6
Playing in single player. Only running one cosmetic mod.



I’m not sure if this is a bug or a feature. I got the Java ring and, after killing a bunch of monsters I had a stack of like 90 triple shot espressos. I did the Qi quest to make some food and I made another stack of like 80 triple shot espressos. But the game wouldn’t combine the two stacks. And the blocking was different with the description. Once I completed the quest, I was able to combine my triple shot espressos.

Edit to add, I’m running Windows 11, single player, English.



  • I can't open/close animal doors of barn/coop while I am mounted on the horse. My farmer just hops off of the horse.
  • Windows 10
  • English
  • single-player
  • I am not sure but I think this started happening since 1.6.3. This still persists in 1.6.6. This happens both with and without mods.


I’m not sure if this is a bug or a feature. I got the Java ring and, after killing a bunch of monsters I had a stack of like 90 triple shot espressos. I did the Qi quest to make some food and I made another stack of like 80 triple shot espressos. But the game wouldn’t combine the two stacks. And the blocking was different with the description. Once I completed the quest, I was able to combine my triple shot espressos.

Edit to add, I’m running Windows 11, single player, English.
It's intentional. Notice how one stack says "Fresh... ". The Qi quest does that to differentiate items which were made during the quest and which were already made before the quest.


I've been playing 1.6 and really been having fun! While playing from base 1.6 to current 1.6.6, I've noticed a lot of small things that make sense to post all at once. This is on Windows 10, English, singleplayer.
  • The secret Stardrop text that is displayed if favorite thing is Stardew/ConcernedApe has an extra period at the end of the sentence. This is likely because the normal favorite thing text ends with [favorite thing] and a period is automatically added after. The game still adds the period even if the text displayed is the secret text, so it just adds another period.
  • Robin and Willy don't use winter outfits when the overnight boat repair cutscene happens in winter. This sounds like an actual bug because Willy already has the winter graphics for this scene.
  • When the community center bundle inventory icon reappears after inspecting the missing bundle, hovering over the golden scroll says "Community Center" instead of "Abandoned JojaMart".
  • The UI for the workbench does not respect the menu backgrounds setting. It always shows the last gameplay frame behind it without dimming the screen, so the Standard and Graphical menu background settings don't work with it.
  • The animation of a normal fishing treasure chest opening above the player has a stray pixel in the top-right in the last frame from a fishing bobber sprite leaking in. This pixel is at 191, 1920 in the LooseSprites\Cursors sheet.
  • Journal Scrap #8 does not go into detail of the new panning enchantments.
  • Parrot Express wing flap and perfection flock of parrots (at mainland farm) wing flap sounds don't use the new parrot wing flap sounds. A very small detail.
  • Shaving enchantment on mystic trees drops wood, even though the tree drops hardwood when felled. I only discovered this because lightning hit one of my mystic trees...
  • The lighting of the interior of the island farmhouse is based on the weather of the mainland. If it is raining in the valley, the island interior will be darker than normal, and if it is raining at the island but sunny at the mainland, the island interior will be lit up.
  • Edible items that give 0 energy (like daffodils) no longer say that eating it will give 0 energy in the tooltip. It now shows a blank space instead of "+0 Energy". This bug was likely introduced with the energy tonic / life elixir changes.
  • Qi Seasoned dishes increase buff durations, but this increased duration is not shown in the tooltip of the dish. It always displays the no Qi Seasoning duration.
  • The Plastic Lawn Chair from the Trash Catalogue gains darker outlines when sitting on it. This because the chair graphics in TileSheets\furniture_3Front use a different outline color.
  • 1.6 made machines that produce multiple items now show the item amount in the speech bubble above the machine. This amount doesn't seem to display for fish ponds and wood chippers.
  • The enchantment display in the tooltip of fishing rods causes the bait/tackle slot to start to clip out of the tooltip frame by a pixel.
  • The animated butterflies that appear after using the Statue Of Blessings use a much larger, seemingly out of place graphic for one part of the animation.
  • Extremely small thing: the Gold Clock's turn on/off text refers to it as Golden Clock. The official name of the building is Gold Clock.


The farm cave on Meadowlands uses a wrong tile for the entrance backdrop (Back layer). Attached are Meadowlands on the left and Standard on the right.
(That's a recolour but my own edits, so I know they're working, it clearly works with one of the caves)
Here it is in tiled:


This is just a very minor visual discrepancy and not related to 1.6 at all, but the third pole on the tide pools pier has no shadow. I noticed this is because it is using the wrong tile on the Back layer compared to other poles.

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 11.19.47 pm.png

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 11.19.55 pm.png


  • I don't know if it's a bug or intended behavior, but the trees losing leaves in fall are actually transforming into moss trees.
  • This one's minor, but I thought I'd report it anyway. Shane's introductory dialogue isn't working. Instead of saying, "I don't know you. Why are you talking to me?" as he's supposed to, he's instead saying, "Don't you have work to do?" as if we'd already been introduced.


The raccoon wanted snow yam juice and pickled cave carrots but I gave him pumpkin juice and pickled fiddlehead fern. He accepted it and I got the reward. I couldn't find anything about it from searching and I don't have any mods so I think it might be a bug? I restarted the day a few times and tried some other pickles and juice with the same result.
  • No error text
  • Using Windows 10
  • English language
  • Single-player
I've attached a zip of my save file and a zip with some screenshots.



Hello, when I visit the cinema on my own and try to watch a movie I get an error message and I am not taken inside to the movie.

"[Error] Event script error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
"[Error] On line #0: movieScreenAmbience"

When I try to click on the door again I get a message that "The movie has concluded."

When I click to leave the cinema I get a text bubble: "Are you sure you want to leave the theater without seeing the movie?"

I did unlock the "Two Thumbs Up" achievement though.

Windows PC
English language
Single player
V 1.6.6



I bought Pierre's Missing Stock list from qi but I can't give it to pierre. He talks to me (if I haven't talked to him that day yet) but that's it. It's like I don't have an item in my hands.
Windows 11, English, Singleplayer.

I don't know if this matters, but I bought the list on a day when there's green rain in the valley.
Same problem with Pierre's Missing Stocklist - I can't give it to him, though I can give him presents. No gift icon shows up when I hold the Stocklist and get in his personal space.
Also, when I adjust the volume on my laptop, the game flickers a lot. I didn't have this issue before 1.6.
Playing on Windows 11, single player, new 1.6 save, no error message, English language.


Hello there,
Whenever I try to connect my PS controller on bluetooth, the game crashes. I play on MAC installed through steam, and I didn't experience any issues like this before the 1.6.5 patch. I've uninstalled all of my mods and tried a different PS controller but the issue persists. If anyone has any suggestions let me know...


Overflowing Text in the cards in the cooking section
OS: Windows 10
Patch: 1.6.6
Language: English
Mode: Single-Player
Mods: no

  1. "Times cooked"
  2. "the price of the item" from the Price Catalogue
  3. and both combined

Ari Rockefeller

I don't know where else to ask this, but here goes:

I started up a new save file yesterday. When I tried to play the game today, the Steam client just hangs on the "Running" status and doesn't actually open the game--not in the background, nowhere.

I've tried following all the preposted troubleshooting methods, but they didn't work. Uninstalling and reinstalling the game also didn't work. So now I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
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