
  1. Xbox [BUG] fishing- can't reel

    i play the game on my x box. my fishing rod has stopped reeling in. i can cast and that's all
  2. Laissez_Faire_Farming

    🤪🤯Crazy Conspiracy Theory : We accidentally ate Mermaid's flesh allegedly... [Spoiler Alert]

    Remember the original version of the "Little Mermaid" by Christian Hans? According to Hans, the mermaid died and became a seafoam because she failed to murder the prince. from this to this: Allegedly, we are drinking a seafoam pudding for a fishing buff... Do you know what it is made from...
  3. PC [HELP] Game crash when fishing.

    Game crash randomly while I fish. Doesn't matter where or when I fish. I have verrified the files, re-installed the game and run the game as administrator. I have attached the latest error log.
  4. Switch Cannot attach bait to rod

    I am playing on switch, and no matter WHAT I try, the bait simply will not attach to my Iridium rod. I had the same issue with my fiberglass rod. I thought if I upgraded to iridium maybe it would solve the bug, but hasn't. Please help! Side Note: I also cannot load stones into my slingshot...
  5. Switch Looking for people to join and help me start up. Pretty new but have played a lot of similar games and I know the ropes. NINTENDO SWITCH.

    I have a farm already going just need help bc my energy is so low at the start. Trying to get as much farming as I can done
  6. Android [BUG] Fishing not working.

    When the pole is in the water all I get is an ! mark over my head. Dumped the cashe but it didn't help.
  7. Solved Fishing EXP Bug on Switch Version?

    Hi all, Unless the mechanics are different on Switch, I think there could be a leveling bug, at least with fishing. I built a fish tracker as a min-maxing tool (Link) and tracked the fish I caught on my first day of fishing on the Switch: I used the formulas from the decompiled 1.5 PC code...
  8. benjellyman

    Which legendary fish did you catch first?

    See the title
  9. PlayStation [BUG] Level five fishing Crash!

    I am new to the game and it crashes after reaching level five fishing. I have tried restarting my game system twice, it still crashes … help…
  10. Switch [BUG] No Hits When Fishing

    I'm playing on Switch ver., and I haven't been able to fish in two real-life days because I never, ever get "Hit!"'s, not even for trash, no matter how long my rod has been cast for. More info that might be relevant: the Switch has never been hacked or modded, and currently does not...
  11. MissDandy

    Legendary Fish & Chests

    I don't know if anyone else has had this but while I was trying to catch the Legendary Fish, treasure chests kept popping up and it made it really hard to focus on the task at hand without being distracted by them. I feel like the treasure chests make it hard to anticipate the actions of the...
  12. Android [BUG] Does not compute

    I reached level 5 fishing at the end of the day. Threw my fishes in the shipping bin. Went to sleep. Prompt showed my choice of professions. I chose fisher for 25% more money. Grand total earning of the day didn't reflect the 25% increase even though the subtotal did show the increase. Minor...
  13. Fishing Catalog

    Could there be a fishing catalog, You would buy it from Willy it would be your records for each fish, when and where you can catch them. Fishing tips, and maybe information for fishing gear. You could even make it user interactive, where the fish dont show up until you sell one to Willy...
  14. Issue Crash while fishing

    Hello, I run Stardew with a few mods, never had any problems so far. But since today the game is constantly crashing when a certain fish is being caught. I disabled all the fishing related mods to see if it would make any difference, but it didn't. Here is the SMAPI crash log...
  15. PC [BUG] 1.5 (Mac) Game Freezing when Casting exactly as it turns 2:00 AM

    I've googled around and found a couple of other posts with this same problem, all with no fixes. When casting your fishing rod as it turns from 1:50 to 2:00 AM, fishing reel disappears and time freezes. I still had the ability to move the cursor around the screen and it was detecting clickable...
  16. Switch Fishing UI smaller since latest patch

    I'm unsure if this is a known issue but I've noticed the fishing mini-game UI is smaller after downloading the latest patch with the blue floor fix. I've checked the UI scale options and it's set at 100%, but it appears that the fishing UI is at approximately 80% and a little difficult to see,
  17. Switch [BUG] Fishing outside the spa

    At the spa, there is a small decoration water feature that you can actually fish in. However, the few tiles (marked with red on the image) right below the water are also fishable. You end up fishing on normal land. It isn't a very important bug, but it's just a small thing that was overlooked.
  18. VixenThief

    PC [HELP] Fishing issue - can't get to minigame?

    Hi, so my friend's been having an issue with his game where he can't reel in to get to the fishing mini-game. He doesn't even catch anything else, like trash or seaweed. His process goes as follows: 1. throw out line 2. get ! 3. click once 4. reels in with nothing He also says that...
  19. sFlamingo

    Printable Fish Chart

    This is a print-friendly table of every fish in SDV (as of 1.5). Info is taken directly from the Wikia. Let me know if you'd like for me to add a column for check marks, post this in a .pdf format, or provide you with an editable Excel sheet...
  20. Fishing

    I have completed all of the bundles except the fish tank. I am just not good at fishing! I keep losing the he fish when I get a hit. I play on an iPhone. Any tips or tricks would be appreciated.