1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


Spring 26th, Year 1

The Important Stuff:
Realised I could get the vault for Starfruits next season and still have heaps of money left over! That's 2/6 done!
Got my 1st stardrop of the run when I got to floor 100 of the mines!
The Random:
In the middle of smelting all my quartz and gold up for quality sprinklers, I haven't gotten iridium just yet so i'll save getting those for fall.
Flower dance came and went! I chose not to dance with anyone, though I could've danced with Shane or Haley. I've got a certain space cowboy to stay loyal too :smug:
Speaking of which, 4 nearly 5 hearts with my future husband. Shame their birthday is on the 28th of Winter or this would've been going much faster by now
Gold Pickaxe and Silver Axe + Hoe, everything is getting its upgrade!
Construction bundle and Exotic Foraging bundle are finished! Getting closer and closer to the end :3

If anyone want's to know my current levels:
9 farming, 10 fishing, 6 foraging, 7 mining, 5 combat

Anywho, that's it for my latest checkup! I'll drop in again when I feel like i've completed more.
Have a wonderful day, everyone! :owo:


currently worrking on prize tickets to see if its a dehydrator or fish smoker then changing to a new farm map and trying again, lol
You can check it on any save with https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-predictor/

A lot of things is seeded at the start and can be controlled if you start a new game with a specific seed.

Those tools are at the 12 position so there are 36 quests to do (-1 with hidden ticket). Don't plan strategies around those items as by the time you get them you should be able to craft the desired quantity on your own. A singular smoker is usually ok as high-value fish aren't that common while a dehydrator is much slower and will have to be crafter in larger quantities.
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amazing out of 8 farms only 3 have fish smokers 5 dehydrators, thanks that saves me allot of time focusing on the farm reviews instead, lol