another long overdue update! Farm's still busy than ever!
Summer 12th, Year One
This unimportantish section will be short and sweet considering how much happened:
Found a Red Cabbage Seed from a Serpent! Found 2 Ancient seeds and a whole lotta artifacts from 20 artifact troves I saved up! Brought both run-speed books from the bookseller, plus my 2nd stardrop from Krobus. Coffee beans and a singular gem berry for the Secret Woods stardrop is being made. Starfruit is harvested tomorrow on the 13th, with the Blueberries on the 14th. Winter seeds got planted in my farmcave, praying I can try complete the CC before winter. Coop got upgraded, so did the Barn. My hoe and axe are now golden, my watering cane is copper. Tappers set up so I can make kegs, made 20 lightning rods for crystalariums, got ducks, got cows, got chickens. (All my coop animals are named after ice creams and my barn animals are named after fruits).
Now for the really important things!
Green Rain 
happened on the 3rd (or was it the 5th?)! 700 fibre 300 moss, didn't do much. I went around about to go gift everyone but realised everyone was ungiftable. Love Sam during this, he specifically says he needs to keep his brother safe

such a good big brother.
happened on the 11th, I put a gold quality melon I found from foraging in the fruit cave into the pot. Woke up the next morning with a heart event from Sam (3 hearts), Haley (6 hearts), Alex (Forgot, but it's the one where he tells you about his parents) and Shane (The video camera one, with Emily and Clint)
Community Centre is going well! 2 fish off from getting the tank done, both fall fish so I rather get it from Krobus (can he sell it? I remember he could) and the Travelling Merchant or just fish it up in fall! If I have leftover Winter Seeds, i'll trade them in for fall seeds. The problem is that the desert merchant does 2 seeds of one season for 1 of the other. This means that I have to half my summer seeds into spring, then winter, then fall. Not much wiggle room.
Friendship is going extremely well. Everyone but the main townies (Krobus, Sandy and The Wizard) have above 3 hearts with I think 10 people above 5? The dwarf is the only person who doesn't have any friendship, considering im missing scroll 2, though currently farming for it in the mines. I've seen heaps of heart events, only need to see Maru's 6 heart then i'm all caught up. HOPEFULLY by sunday I can ask my love out.
Anyways that's all. I'll try to get some images and stop writing so much but I get distracted and like ranting.
Also might start another modded run on Meadowlands that isn't so min-maxy, sort of tired of going back and forth to the wiki