Please Read Dedicated typo and translation error thread

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Platform: PC - Steam
Version 1.5.6 Hotfix #3
Language: Russian

Third year cutscene... just makes no sense at all. Knowing both English and words themselves it's possible to understand what grandpa was trying to say, but combined into sentece they makes no sense.

"Я так горжусь тобой, мой мальчик!@^я так горжусь тобой, моя дорогая!"
-- seems fine, but alternative version doesn't start with a capital latter for some reason
"ты лучший фермер, чем я когда-либо был, и вы принесли большой честью для фамилии."
-- that's what I'm talking about. This is word-by-word translation and it makes no sense at all
"я могу чувствовать его сейчас... Мой дух, наконец, положить на отдых. Будьте здоровы."
-- once again, starting sentence with a lower-case symbol. And if I would try to translate it back to English, then I would have to surprise you with grandpa intention: "I can feel him now... my spirit, finally, lay on the rest. Bless you" o.o ("Bless you" translated in the way you would response to your close one sneeze)

"Я так горжусь тобой, мальчик мой!^Я так горжусь тобой, моя родная!#$b#Тебе удалось превзойти меня, став гораздо лучшим фермером и принести великую славу нашей фамилии.#$b#Теперь я это чувствую... Мой дух, наконец, свободен. Я благословляю тебя."
Platform: PC - Steam
Version: 1.5.6 Hotfix #3
Language: Russian

My friends don't understand english language, so I've decided to play on russian language in order to understand them better, and explain things about the game more correctly.
And so while playing the game on russian, I've discovered some typos and text going out of window bounds

It says: Удбные instead of Удобные


Platform: PC - Steam
Version: 1.5.6 -- Minor Update
Language: Hungarian

There is recipe called 'Red Plate' in English, which is translated to Hungarian as 'Vörös tábla'. The 'tábla' is among the meanings of plate, but here, as we are talking about a food, 'tál' or 'tányér' better fits the meaning.
My suggestion is to use 'Vörös tál'

Thanks for the modification.


Platform: Switch
Language: English
Version: 1.5.4

When Morris is talking to the player after completing the Joja warehouse, he says ‘concieved’ but it should be ‘conceived.’ :)


Platform: PC (Linux)
Language: English
Version: 1.5.6

Found a mistake with it's / its. In this case it should be "...let it do its thing".

Crystalarium spelling error.jpg


Platform: PC - Steam
Language: Russian
Version: 1.5.6 Hotfix #3

Instead of "пориложил" it should be "приложил".



I'm helping with the next game update, so I fixed most of the English text issues reported here (and a few non-English issues, but I'll leave most of those for the translators). The item name pluralization issues (like "a Cranberries") are tricky due to how item names work in the game, so I left those as-is for now.

Thanks to everyone reporting issues!

Found a mistake with it's / its. In this case it should be "...let it do its thing".
When Morris is talking to the player after completing the Joja warehouse, he says ‘concieved’ but it should be ‘conceived.’ :)/QUOTE]
Correction: "On the day of the festival, everyone brings a gift for their secret friend and surprises them with something special!"
During Sebastian's 6 Heart-Event, when encountering Xarth, he says 'tresspass' instead of 'trespass'.
Villager's opinion after visiting cinema. Villager name is not translated.
On the Flower Dance, Kent calls himself Clint instead of saying "Boas memórias, Kent. Boas memórias" ("Happy thoughts, Kent. Happy Thoughts.")
I’m married to Maru, and, in the fall season, she says, “Fall aways reminds me of going out woodcutting with my mom”. The typo is ‘aways’. It should be ‘always’.
"Feast of the Winter Star"
Mail text specifies beginning at 10 am, but global announcement is sent at 9 am. And in wiki I see the same mismatch.
When setting up the Special Orders sign in Fall, Mayor Lewis talks about how the player's farm helped the local economy. In the French translation, instead of saying what I assume is the farm's name, he says "% farm".
I got this message when handing in a completed bulletin board request for 3 Herring to Willy. I believe it should be “succeeded”
When in a relationship with Maru, once a conversation is initiated she will suggest visiting her at the clinic between two times, a needed space is missing in that sentence.
Robin said something like she loves different types of wood, "each has it's own characteristic."
In this scene at the end of the phrase it says b
Here is extra symbols that musn't be here. I'm about the "n." at the end of the reply.
Sam says "Maybe I should learn to play the ukelele." The correct spelling is ukulele.
Beet - A sweet and earthy root vegatable. As a bonus, the leaves make a great salad. - misspelled vegetable.
Ornamental Fan - This exquisute fan most likely belonged to a noblewoman. Historians believe that the valley was a popular sixth-era vacation spot for the wealthy. - misspelled exquisite.
Golden Relic - It's a golden slab with heiroglyphs and pictures emblazoned onto the front. - misspelled hieroglyphs.
i can't send a pic but when i go to willy's shop and try to interact with the ladder it says "It's Willy's secret bunker. It's off-limits" it bothers me there's no closing punctuation
Shouldn't it be "surprises" instead of "surprise"?
When taking to linus he says "It's so easy to get caught up in the noise of modern life. Your best years will pass you by in a formless blur. That's why you'v got to learn to slow down"
Some syntax errors that break dialogs.
- Data/Events/Beach
"739330/t 600 1710/*n spring_2_1": "ocean/-1000... que tu attrapes.#$bSi ça sent, ..."
In the Stardew Valley Fair's Slingshot Minigame - the text at the end has succesful not successful.
Fixed in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.

1. Robin, "summer_Mon": "Wood is a wonderful substance... it's versatile, cheap, strong, and each piece has it's own unique character!" Possessive its lacks the apostrophe.

2. Haley, "summer_Tue4": "$p 47#Hey I found this new tool to open jars with. So you won't need to help me anymore." Missing a comma after hey.

3. Couldn't find this in the files and I'm not positive it's not a mod (though I didn't see this in my mods data either): Penny's at the saloon with Sam, and says something along the lines of, "Have you tried the sliders? The sauce Gus serves with them is delcious". Delcious vs delicious.
  1. Fixed in the upcoming 1.6.
  2. Haley's text might arguably be correct for informal speech, so I left that one as-is.
  3. The 'delcious' text is from the Stardew Valley Expanded mod. It seems to be fixed already in recent versions.

[...] I switched to English for an in-game day. It happened to be Monday, and the counter texts are now in English, even when I switch back to Finnish.
In assets\Characters\Dialogue\Alex.json present this string '#e#'. Is this a mistake? Should be '#$e#'?
I added internal tickets to look into these for 1.6 too.


I'm helping with the next game update, so I fixed most of the English text issues reported here
Thank you for looking into this and fixing a bunch of issues :)

Some of these may be open to interpretation, but I'll just post them anyway. There is also another one that keeps bothering me, but I didn't take a screenshot of it. It's a text-cutoff issue in the early game, probably with one of the TV messages. A short word, like "get" or "next" or something, is cut off and is on two separate lines. "g" at the end of one line, and "et" on the next (if that was the correct word). I'm playing with default UI scale and suchlike settings, for what it's worth.

Reckon the tilde / ~ shouldn't be here:
Screenshot from 2022-07-31 03-14-16.png

This should really be "Haha!" due to the previous period (.). I've seen a few others like that, but this one kinda jumped out at me. Other times it's preceded by "..." which is more open to interpretation.
Screenshot from 2022-07-31 02-08-58.png

The lack of linebreak here bothers me, and it is fairly consistent when the Wizard is the quest giver. I think it would look better with "-M." on the next line as well, so the whole name is on the same line. It looks strange like this.
Screenshot from 2022-07-31 01-29-57.png


It's a text-cutoff issue in the early game, probably with one of the TV messages. A short word, like "get" or "next" or something, is cut off and is on two separate lines.
I saw a few similar reports in the thread. I think it's due to the line-wrapping code, so I'll add a ticket to look into it.

Reckon the tilde / ~ shouldn't be here:
I think the tilde is deliberate.

This should really be "Haha!" due to the previous period (.).

The lack of linebreak here bothers me, and it is fairly consistent when the Wizard is the quest giver.
That'd be a more visible change, and I'm not sure if it's deliberate (e.g. maybe that's how the wizard likes to sign, or it was to save space). I'll leave that one as-is to be safe, and leave it to CA to fix if he wants.
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I'm helping with the next game update, so I fixed most of the English text issues reported here (and a few non-English issues, but I'll leave most of those for the translators). The item name pluralization issues (like "a Cranberries") are tricky due to how item names work in the game, so I left those as-is for now.

Thanks to everyone reporting issues!


Fixed in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.
Thank you for your hard and dedicated work! I am glad issues I reported 1.5 years ago are getting fixed, though I have to admit I am a bit bummed about the lack of care on the German translations (which at certain places are terrible!). Anyhows, don't want to be a downer, so: GOOD JOB!


This is really scraping the barrel so feel free to ignore, but looks to me like there is an extra space between "was" and "an". It's from a heart event.

Screenshot from 2022-08-03 01-54-09.png


- Platform you're playing on: PC
- Language you're playing in: German
- Version number: 1.5.6

The special order quest 'Crop Order' is translated as 'Ernte Bestellnug'. There are two things wrong with this:

1. It should be 'Bestellung', not 'Bestellnug' (the n and u got mixed up).
2. It should be a compound word: 'Erntebestellung' instead of two seperate words in German.



Platform: PC
Language: Chinese (Simplified)
Version: 1.5.6

Description: When first meeting Demetrius the player would be greeted with "Greetings! I'm Demetrius, local scientist and father". The word "father" was translated to "神父", which, in most context of Chinese meant "a male clergyman/priest of Christian churches". This made many Chinese players to suggest Demetrius as the head of Yoba church and leader of Yoba-related religious life in Pelican Town, despite that in-game he had very little link with Yoba. Based on Demetrius's performance and heart events in the game, I believe the word "father" was supposedly used to signify his role in his family with Robin - especially since a lot of heart events and quests surrounding him were about how he developed a normal relationship with his two childs.


p.s.: I only owned the PC version of the game but highly suspected the same problem existed in other distributions and/or platforms.


- Platform you're playing on: PC
- Language you're playing in: German
- Version number: 1.5.6

The special order quest 'Community Cleanup ' is translated as 'Gemeinde Säuberung'.
It should be a compound word: 'Gemeindesäuberung' instead of two seperate words in German.



- Platform you're playing on: PC
- Language you're playing in: German
- Version number: 1.5.6

The special order quest 'Robin's Resource Rush' doesn't say the required item above the progress bar. It just says "Text" instead.

Platform: Nintendo Switch
- Language: Brazilian Portuguese
- Version: 1.5.6 (the most recent one as of this post)

There's a few errors here and there - like in the word "mexer" - it's with an x and it's written with ch (mecher); in some dialogs from Penny, Jas is referred to as Jasmim and in the scene from the "fish dinner" quest from Jodi, the text says that Clint ate the first fish (instead of Kent).


- Platform you're playing on: PC
- Language you're playing in: Spanish
- Version number: 1.5.6

- Untranslated text
Could be «¡Ajá! Un hombre/mujer como yo...»

- From «Aye... Bueno, el negoci ha sido duro, últimamente.»
to «Aye... Bueno, el negocio ha sido duro últimamente.»
(Typo in «negocio», and strange use of a comma)

-From «Todo comenzó cuando aquel antiguo centro comunitario se aruinó... mis peces ya no se venden como antes»
To «Todo comenzó cuando aquel antiguo centro comunitario se arruinó... mi pescado ya no se vende como antes»
(Typo in «arruinó», and the usage of «peces» implies he sells living fish, changed to «pescado»)

-From «¡Lo sabía! no esperaría menos de , player.»
to «¡Lo sabía! No esperaba menos de ti, player.»
(Missing capitalization in «No», «ti» doesn't have a tilde, and «esperaría» is unnatural, should be «esperaba», )

An extra «b» at the end.

Two «¡¡» at the beginning and only one «!» at the end.


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- Platform you're playing on: PC
- Language you're playing in: Spanish
- Version number: 1.5.6 Hotfix #3

Missing space, «hasido» should be «ha sido».
(This wasn't from this hotfix)

«son» shouldn't be capitalized in «Marnie, ¿Son de tu rancho?».

«Player ¡Ha encontrado un libro perdido!» should be «¡Player ha encontrado un libro perdido!».

Extra space or linebreak in «¡Deja volar tu creatividad!».

«¡Player quiere construir a Corral de lujo!» should be «¡Player quiere constuir un Corral de lujo!».
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