
  1. Mac [HELP] Steam won't install Stardew Valley

    Hello, I was trying to play stardew valley via steam for the first time in a while and have a new mac. I opened steam and the client won't allow me to install the game. I have tried changing to compatibility mode in the betas menu but that did not work either. Any advice?
  2. MookieMoo

    Windows Help: Delayed/Laggy gameplay

    Hello, I need help fixing my game. I have over 300 hours on the game and have never had an issue until today. When playing my game suddenly it will begin to lag and the gameplay becomes delayed by around 1 second. I've scoured the internet and found some threads on how to fix this issue and...
  3. milkteasosa

    Windows [HELP] Game Crashing When Loading Saved File (Solved)

    (EDIT: I solved the problem, turned out that the XML error was due to a corrupted save. I just went into my saves folder and went back a day using the "Undo a Save" tutorial in the Stardew Valley Wiki) Hi, I've been trying to solve this issue for a while now, I've tried almost everything that...
  4. Windows [HELP] Game not starting (Failed to create graphics device!)

    I need help. I've been trieng to fix this problem for two days now. My game is not starting. I press start in the steam lib. but it just doesnt appear and steam switches from "Playing" back to the normal "Play" button. I've checked the error log and the error is in the title. What I've tried so...
  5. Issue Modded starderw valley save is corrupted (PLEASE HELP)

    my stardew valley save is corrupted and crashes every time i sleep. its modded and multiplayer. Please Help
  6. PC [HELP] Game will not launch even after extensive troubleshooting

    Hi! After spending quite some time trying to troubleshoot with the help of Pathoschild (thanks again!), I have come here to ask for support because I really do not know what to do anymore. The game updated on the 2nd of December. I was able to play Thursday (2nd of December) and Friday (3rd of...
  7. PixelStars

    Issue Bug 100% Craft Master

    Hello, excuse me, on my part I completed the 100% of crafts which I checked several times one by one thanks to the information of advanced crafting and which I also went to check on / stardew-checkup / and I am told that I have done all the crafts: PixelStars has...
  8. PC [HELP] Game stopped working.

    Hello, how are you? My stardew valley stopped working since the day 08/23/21, I click to open it in steam but nothing happens, I've looked at tutorials on youtube I did what they taught but without success. I downloaded SMAPI to see what the errors are and this came up: [game] The game failed...
  9. HalfBaked

    Solved Hi, I'm having an issue where the game freezes after the boat ride...

    Ginger island. I know it said spoilers allowed in title, but I squinted my eyes and looked for "new topic" bc first playthru, lol. Anyway, it freezes as soon as I step onto the docks, maybe a second or two after. Here is the SMAPI log: I have since removed...
  10. PC [HELP] Stardew Won't Launch

    Hello, I purchased Stardew Valley yesterday and it won't start. I purchased it on Steam. I've tried Verifying game files, uninstalling, and reinstalling. I've looking for files in my %appdata% however they just aren't there. Here is the ErrorLog I get. Message: Could not load file or assembly...
  11. Enabling mouse/keyboard support for console

    This game is one played mostly on PC and also semi-commonly on console. It's a super fun game all around, however after playing it on PC, it's super hard to transfer gameplay over to console given that the control mapping wasn't transferred over as well as some other games were. It would be a...
  12. PC [HELP] Steam Launch Issue

    Hi! Maybe someone here can help, but I'm running out of places to turn for support which is starting to tell me I may not find a solution... thanks in advance for any help offered, this one's a bit of a mess so bear with me. I'd say roughly a year or so ago I played through the game in...
  13. Solved [BUG] Freeze after donating last fossil to Snail professor

    Hi, when I handle the tail fossil to Snail professor after the conversation the screen freezes, I can’t move and I have to reset the game, always in the same point, I tried to handle other days but the same. I am kind of trapped and can’t continue. Is anyone having the same problem?
  14. Solved Issues with wiki

    When clicking Wiki this displays. I want to know the best gift fo Demetrius for the Winter Festival and can not access it. This has never happened before
  15. PC [HELP] Stardew valley won't launch on steam and exe file.

    I neeed help. I have played for 170 hrs and I just got my ssd. Whenever I try to start the game in steam, it will say running but it will stop few seconds later. I tried reinstalling, veryfying file, repairing XNE, deleting startup preferences. using smapi, run as admin updating my drivers...
  16. PC [HELP] Crashing when farmhand connects to host during multiplayer (1.5.4)

    The host can play singleplayer fine but when the farmhand connects the game crashes right away. We are not playing with mods, the only difference is the server is playing on a new PC. Attached is the crash log, hope it helps.
  17. PC [BUG] Leaving game paused for any amount of time causes it to infinitely not respond

    I think this has been happening since 1.5, but it could've been happening in 1.4.5 too, where when I go into my inventory to pause the game and leave to go to the bathroom, eat dinner, or even just use my computer for something else, when I go back, 7/10 times its frozen and not responding. I've...
  18. Xbox Keyboard and mouse support.

    Hi, I'm a new stardew valley gamer on Xbox One. I would love the game to have the option to be played with a keyboard and mouse. Xbox has the option for developers to enable it, so I would like it to be implemented in this game. I think this game is much better played with mouse and keyboard...
  19. StardewValley isn’t available in my regions PSstore

    Hello, i hope that everyone is doing well I wanted to point out that it’s been few months since stardew valley isn’t available in my regions ps store(UAE to be specific) I was wondering when will it be back and what’s the current update about this situation Thank you :)
  20. iOS Controller support doesn’t allow for chest/inventory management

    Presidence: On PC, and Consoles you are able to quick drop a stack of item into a chest, sort your inventory, and trash items just fine with a controller. Problem: On IOS you can only shift items with a controller which doesnt allow items to stack. It’s very difficult to sort items and requires...