Issue Game Freezing/Crashing On New Game.

Hi there, I've recently started playing again and after updating my mods, my game refuses to load a new game. I can create my character, pick my farm and watch the intro cutscene, but as soon as the game tries to load the farm or farm house the game freezes and SMAPI stops responding. My log is linked below, It seems any time I use any mod this happens. I don't know what's going wrong. I've asked on Reddit but received no response.

I hope I have linked my SMAPI log correctly, please tell me if it needs changing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



Hi there, I've recently started playing again and after updating my mods, my game refuses to load a new game. I can create my character, pick my farm and watch the intro cutscene, but as soon as the game tries to load the farm or farm house the game freezes and SMAPI stops responding. My log is linked below, It seems any time I use any mod this happens. I don't know what's going wrong. I've asked on Reddit but received no response.

I hope I have linked my SMAPI log correctly, please tell me if it needs changing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hi, your operating system is 32bit? Try to do this:
compatibility - for 32-bit systems


No, according to my PC settings my OS is 64bit. (Edit, sorry if that sounded rude.)

Does my SMAPI log say it's 32bit? That's odd.
heh, no SMAPI says nothing about it but right now this is very common launching+freezing issue with the OS version

Maybe this will help
Some users may experience an issue where the game simply becomes unresponsive without any error message when loading a savegame or starting a new game session while this mod is installed. This is due to your antivirus preventing the config file being written. To fix this do the following:

  • Temporarily disable your antivirus.
  • Redownload and install SMAPI.
  • Add an exception to your antivirus for the Stardew Valley folder (for instructions search online for your antivirus name with the words "add folder exception").