save file

  1. Android Game returns to main page when I try to open save

    Hey! I recently tried modding on Android for the game by using SMAPI. After downloading a random mod, the SMAPI file started crashing when I tried to open it. So, I deleted all the mods and SMAPI. Then, I tried to enter the base game and continue my vanilla save, but when I click to open, it...
  2. Mac Need Help With Save File Crashing

    Hey, So I messed up really bad. I had a save created about 2 years ago that I had played up until the start of year 3. However, I lost that save when I got a new computer. I was trying to edit a save back up to that level on my new computer, and I almost succeeded, but I messed up. I was trying...
  3. Android Não acho o save atual do stardew

    Gostaria de passar o save atual do meu jogo no Android para meu jogo no Pc, mas não acho o arquivo do save atual da minha conta. Tenho 150 h de jogo no Android, mas quando acho o arquivo de saves do stardew valley só mostra o mesmo save só que com apenas 86 h de jogo. Não queria perder todo esse...
  4. ThatOneUndertaleGirl

    Any automatic save file transfer method? (PC/Android)

    I have started a new farm on my phone, and sometimes it's really inconvenient to play it there. Sometimes I have to save battery, or for whatever reason I need to play stardew on my PC instead of my phone. I know how to transfer the save file manually, but moving it from one device to the...
  5. Oogie.Star

    Windows Stardew save wont load

    Sooo I tried playing stardew and when I went to go into my save it kicked me out back to the loading screen. I do have mods, but I honestly don't think that's what is causing this to happen this is the error code I get if that helps any I'm not some coding genius so any help is greatly...
  6. Windows Game crashes when opening saves

    A few months ago, my computer suddenly died. I wasn't involved in the repair process, but I believe it was a hard drive problem. While I lost everything I didn't back up, the Steam cloud saved all of my save information on all of my other games. However, since then, I have not been able to get...
  7. Saving File from PC to Laptop

    Hello I would like to have my Stardew Valley Save that I have with mods on the PC on my laptop but when I copy over the file of my farm does not appear in the game on the laptop, I even have the same Smapi version installed on the laptop and 1:1 the same mods installed
  8. Linux Reverted to an Old Save

    Hello, I am playing Stardew Valley on Steam on Ubuntu 22. Today when i opened Stardew there was a pop up window for steam asking if wanted to save to cloud or local disk i chose local disk (not knowing the difference). and when it started i went to click on my game and it was a year behind! it...
  9. iOS Transfer [HELP] Save Data to New Phone

    I got a new phone and can see my saved backup file on my device but don't know how to transfer that to the actual game. Can anyone please help? I've looked around everywhere but the wiki doesn't have complete answers.
  10. Windows Co-op Farm Gone

    Hey guys, this just happened to me yesterday and I can't find an answer for it. I have a co-op farm with my wife, and yesterday we tried to play, but she was completely removed from the game. All my stuff and house and everything is there, but her cabin and anything she ever contributed or...
  11. Switch [HELP] nintendo switch copy save files

    Hi I have a nintendo switch and a SD card inserted. Does anybody know if I can copy the stardew valley save files to my SD card and how to do it? It's for making a backup thank you
  12. firecream

    Solved Save file won’t show up in “Load Game” menu

    So my save file is being very weird. It won’t show up in Load Game. After trying for a few hours, and now I finally got an error message so I know somewhat what’s wrong. Anyone know what it means and what I can do? And if anyone is willing, I am down to send them the files if they can help :)...
  13. Lynrah

    Android [HELP] Can't Load Saved File

    My original issue was that the saved file is just a black screen and I can hear the fireplace. I tried to clear the cache and restart my phone but it's the same issue. I tweaked but accidentally deleted two files - I think they were SVBAK and SVEMERG or something... So now when I try to open the...
  14. Solved [HELP] Saved game problem

    Hi, I'm Kai, I was trying to solve an audio bug which I did successfully, but now it doesn't read my saved game. What do I do? I'll provide any detail you need, please help!
  15. Solved Help please! Can’t get iCloud to save my game!

    Help!! I play Stardew Valley on my IPad Pro and the entire game crashed after my second Fall Festival. The game never let me in and I tried everything. Online it said to save the backups to your files and reinstall the game. The only problem is that it’s not showing me an option to load a...
  16. Solved game crashes after going to sleep

    New member but have put a lot of time into the game and my main save file. I do play with mods but only a handful...I've taken them out and ran the game through steam without smapi. With mods it just freezes and becomes unresponsive and without it closes the game and creates a empty temp file in...
  17. PlayStation [HELP] Duplicate save files on PS4?

    Hello! Do you know a possibility to duplicate a save file on a PS4? Or / and do you know a workaround to Save the files on an USB-Stick (works) and load the file back as a different Playstation User to play on from this day? (doesn't work)
  18. Solved [SOLVED]my mobile save doesn`t open on pc :(

    my save appears in the game, everything normal until then but when I enter the save it is loading and after that the game crashes, and that only happens in that save. a warning appears that stardew valley has stopped working. I played with stardew expanded on mobile and uninstalled, could this...
  19. Solved Android app PC to Anroid save transfer issue

    Hi there! Whilst I was transferring my save file from PC to android all seemed to go well. I transferred an old save, and a more recent save however the more recent save showed up as 'Mismatched version' I'm trying to figure out the version of both of my games now. I have found the PC version...
  20. Solved Golden Walnut Count wrong

    Hello! I've used the Stardew Checkup as my Golden Walnut count seemed iffy, and it turns out I've found 127 but my count only reads 121. So I need to edit the save file. I've had a look (in Textedit - on a copy) but can't find the count. I'm actually using a Mac but there was no specific prefix...