modding help

  1. Solved How do I install mods to Stardew Valley without Steam?

    I bought Stardew on the Microsoft store rather than steam and all the tutorials I've seen are for people who have Stardew Valley on Steam. Does anyone here know how to install mods on window without steam if it's even possible.
  2. empyrealelan

    Issue Modding Help with Farm Tilesheet

    I am posting here because I realized when I posted the bug for it on the mod's page on Nexus, the mod creator hasn't been on for a while, and, honestly, I am desperate for some help as I really want to play my game and don't want to redo my entire farm setup (e.g. my buildings, crops, etc.) or...
  3. kulindadromeus

    Solved Mod Error, Uncertain What's Causing It, Please help!!!!

    Tried to start the "Missing" bundle and had my first error of the game; yeah yeah I know, my game has too many mods, but I literally cannot figure out what exactly the problem is here. Help is appreciated!!! I'd like my game back :(
  4. Solved StardewXnbHack 1.0.4 not working

    Hi I'm new to coding and I'm trying to download everything necessary to get started. I've been trying to unpack the files from Stardew Valley using StardewXnbHack 1.0.4, but every time I try to open the file, it says that something went wrong and the screen quickly closes. I've unzipped the...
  5. AlexTheHuman

    Issue Sound Modding wont get applied

    Hello everyone, I am playing Stardew Valley for Windows on Version 1.5.4. Since I'm fully satisfied with the vanilla experience, I'm currently playing through the game with someone else in co-op without mods. We now came across the Void Chicken some time ago and found that the normal chicken...
  6. Question Help with removing Obelisk Shadows

    I'm working on a mod right now that's an Obelisk reskin (content patch of course) and I was wondering if there's any way to remove this big shadow? It's my first mod and I have no idea what I'm doing. Surprised I even got this far, coding has never been my thing. So I figured I'd ask people...