GH peach male body won't work


So I'm pretty new to modding Stardew Valley and I'm having issues with Gh's peach male body. Mod is in my mods folder, but it wont show up in game, and gives me an error in the terminal:
[Content Patcher] Error preloading content pack '(CP) GH's Peach Body type (male)'. Technical details:

Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Can't parse JSON file at /Users/Lunar/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Contents/MacOS/Mods/Character/Body/GH's Peach Body type (male)/[CP] GH's Peach Body type (male)/content.json. This doesn't seem to be valid JSON.

Technical details: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'ConfigSchema.Eyelashes.Default', line 132, position 6.

at StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Serialization.JsonHelper.ReadJsonFileIfExists[TModel](String fullPath, TModel& result) in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI.Toolkit\Serialization\JsonHelper.cs:line 86

at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentPack.ReadJsonFile[TModel](String path) in E:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ContentPack.cs:line 76

at ContentPatcher.Framework.RawContentPack.TryReloadContent(String& error) in E:\source\_Stardew\Mods.Pathoschild\ContentPatcher\Framework\RawContentPack.cs:line 79

at ContentPatcher.ModEntry.GetContentPacks()+MoveNext() in E:\source\_Stardew\Mods.Pathoschild\ContentPatcher\ModEntry.cs:line 415

(Don't know if I should share the error any other way, sorry)
Thought it might be Get Glam messing with it, but that wasn't the case. I can share my mods folder if needed.
Any help is very appreciated, thanks :D
Modding errors are best shared via the SMAPI log parser site:

But, the error you posted though seems to be related to a typo of some sort in your 'content.json' file.
Hence, the message that the error is at "line 132, position 6".

You can also use the JSON validator to help test your files:
Thanks for sharing the parsed file.
If we scroll down to where the error points us.

Line 132, position 6 is the start of your "Eyelashes" Description data.
But, if we go back a line; it looks like you're missing a comma at the end of the previous line, Line 131.

With the comma missing on the previous line; ContentPatcher reads it as one long, broken piece of data. Instead of separately; where one section is the 'Default' value, and the other being the 'Description'.

Broken snippet:
      "Default": "true"
      "Description": "true 속눈썹 리텍 적용 / false 속눈썹 리텍 미적용"
Fixed snippet:
      "Default": "true",
      "Description": "true 속눈썹 리텍 적용 / false 속눈썹 리텍 미적용"
2nd error:

I tested a little further, and after you fix the above error. You'll see you have one more error here:

You need one more }, between lines 138, and 139.
This is because, you need to close out the 'ConfigScehma' from the beginning.

Notice there's a parenthesis for "ConfigSchema", and then the code that follows are are all config values. Like "Body", then "Body Type". But, they have an opening, and closing parenthesis for each config value.

Broke snippet:
  "Format": "1.28.1",
  "ConfigSchema": {
    "Body": {
      "AllowValues": "true, false",
      "Default": "true",
      "Description": "말을 날개로 바꿔주는 리텍을 쓰는 경우엔 false 로 설정하세요. true 체형 적용 / 체형 미적용 false "
    "Body Type": {

<snipped for brevity>

    "Eyelashes Type": {
      "AllowValues": "BP, MP, S",
      "Default": "S",
      "Description": "BP 일반, 음영 눈 속눈썹 / MP 순한, 음영 눈 속눈썹 / S 졸린 눈 속눈썹"
"Changes": [
Then at the end we have the last set of parentheses for "Eyelashes Type". As mentioned above; you need one more closing parenthesis, and comma to close and separate the "ConfigSchema" from the "Changes" section you have following.

Fixed example snippet:
  "Format": "1.28.1",
  "ConfigSchema": {
    "Body": {
      "AllowValues": "true, false",
      "Default": "true",
      "Description": "말을 날개로 바꿔주는 리텍을 쓰는 경우엔 false 로 설정하세요. true 체형 적용 / 체형 미적용 false "
    "Body Type": {

<snipped for brevity>

    "Eyelashes Type": {
      "AllowValues": "BP, MP, S",
      "Default": "S",
      "Description": "BP 일반, 음영 눈 속눈썹 / MP 순한, 음영 눈 속눈썹 / S 졸린 눈 속눈썹"
"Changes": [

Sorry, a bit verbose, but hope that helps. Though, let me know if you have any other questions.