mod bug

  1. Issue Error en smapi al momento de comprar

    SMapi me funcionaba bien incluso con mods solo a veces se tardaba al cargar, el problema es que cuando voy a donar algo al museo o voy a comprar un corral (o ese tipo de cosas) se me cuelga :( ya intento ver el error por si era algun mod, incluso borre todos los mods pero aún así se me cuelga
  2. SMAPI Error - [The StardewValley.Menus.ItemGrabMenu menu crashed while drawing itself]

    Hi, I've been getting this error where it auto-closes whenever I open a specific chest; however, I'm not quite sure what causes it, as it only happens some times. Other times, it works fine. From my limited knowledge of reading error logs, I'm guessing there's a conflict between Modular Gameplay...
  3. NoctisTheBogWitch

    Issue Marnie's Shop Won't Open (Help? Might Be Related to BFAV/Addons??)

    Platform: Windows 11 22h2 Game version: 1.5.6 SMAPI log: Steps to reproduce: Install my mods, go to marnies, click buy animals. Expected vs Actual results: I expected Marnie's "buy animals" shop to open and allow me to buy custom animals...
  4. Noctxis

    Issue Json Asset Eror

    Log: What happened: Clip I made a backup save of my stardew file, and put it as a separate file, changing the name of the farm but keeping my name the same. I changed the name of the farm in the notepad and saved it. I also changed the...
  5. Game Lagging/Can't Move

    So, I downgraded to the previous SMAPI version, and readded Sprite Master back in...however, now the game loads quickly again but once I load into my save, it doesn't let me move my character with my controller and once I try to use my controller the game freezes. Before trying to use the...
  6. Help with BFAV SO basically none of the BFAV mods I downloaded seem to work with the new BFAV update or something along those lines and I have no idea how to fix it or if the mod creators need to update each of their animal mods. Can anyone help me out?

    I just downloaded the smapi app on my phone (Android) to download Ridgeside village since I finished most of stardew valley already, I even downloaded all the required mods (all we're up to date and fully updated). It was all going well at first, but every time after the intro (grandpa giving...
  8. Json crashed ? Trying to find the issue.

    hello, i downloaded some new mods today and for some reasons Json broke down on 'Characters/Farmer/shirts' and "TileSheets/fruitTrees'. The SMAPI log parser couldnt help. I will upload the whole log as a pdf with the issue marked red. but here again thats what i'm facing. Please help, thank you...
  9. help with ridgeside village expansion

    The thing is that every time I enter ridge when it rains the screen stays black and the smapi console is full of errors, I use version and smapi the mod version is 1.1.1, all mods are installed correctly, my platform is android
  10. Issue Can't load a save after remove mods

    Hey, I used Better Junimos mod once and I want to play in vanilla again, but my game doesn't load completely, it looks like I have to edit a JunimoHarverst.cs file, but I don't know how to do that, can anyone help me?
  11. Help required: Issue with Farmhouse Basement mod and tmx files

    Hello, I've run into a strange issue where half of the wallpaper in my bedroom and the wallpaper in the hallway is displaying as the default and I can't change it. If I build the corner room I also can't change the wallpaper, it just stays as the default. I've discovered that the problem is...
  12. izzieluna

    No sound after downloading mods

    This is my first time modding anything, after getting around 50 mods i noticed the sound in stardew valley wasnt working. I uninstalled en installed the game again and without mods or smapi, the sound works, with just smapi it works too, but as soon as i put my mods into the folder, no sound...
  13. ari_oreo

    Issue Mod Updater Crashing on Entry?

    Hey so I'm trying to use the mod updater mod from Platonymous on the nexus (link) but every time I start up my game, SMAPI tells me that the mod has crashed on entry with a ton of info that I can't really read Here's my log SMAPI log I have roughly 19 mods i need to update but this problem...
  14. lalasmileyfacee

    black screen when entering the bus stop area SVE multiplayer

    My friend and I have been having problem with playing SVE whenever we try to enter the bus stop area, if my friend hosts the game then I can't enter it because of the black screen, I can see my cursor but that's all, I can't open menu, can't chat, etc. I can enter every other areas except for...
  15. Mod Events not loading

    When ever the events trigger I get an error message, the event fails to load, and it returns to the game. I have tried reinstalling, and removing what I could for possible mod conflicts, but I am honestly at a loss, and any advice would be helpful! Here is the log -...
  16. Please help! SVE Mod in Multiplayer crashing in the night- 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'

    Hello, farmers! I hope you are enjoying your Sunday. My sister and I have been playing a multiplayer save of Stardew Valley Expanded, and our night (Year 1 Winter 20 something) won't load into the earnings page and just crashes instead. This is the SMAPI log: Object reference not set to an...
  17. Issue DGA, When the DGA version of PPJA adds new shop items to pierre's, I can only open his interface once per day.

    I can open Pierre's shop once but when I leave, any succeeding clicks just ends up with nothing happening. Weird part it, when the next day comes, I can open the shop again but just once. The only mod I suspected was Balanced Valley with how they change prices depending on friendship level with...
  18. nemetonyx

    Issue SV freezes when entering Ginger Island

    Hello, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong forum or anything, I registered just a few minutes ago. I have a problem whenever I get on the boat to Ginger Island after fixing it, I get to the island dock but then the game immediately freezes. Idk anything about mods, I just install them through...
  19. Stardew Valley Expanded Error

    Pls I need help. Stardew Valley Expanded always shows me some red dialogue in Smapi. Something with Content Patcher is wrong. I put the Smapi dialogue in here. I hope someone can tell me what