mod bug

  1. Josiman

    Issue Zuzu city doesnt show up in my world

    I installed the zuzu city mod and it sayed that it loaded and all, but then i went into my farm and the city just wasnt there (i also had the same problem with the East crap mod and deep woods mod) can someone help me plllllllls
  2. Issue Pigs producing strange weeds instead of truffles? (BFAV)

    I believe the Better Farm Animal Variety mod is causing my pigs to dig up odd weeds instead of truffles. I think it's the BFAV mod because when I removed it the issue stopped. I can't find anything in the config files that'll allow me to change it. I really want to keep using the mod but I'm...
  3. Marshmallow

    Issue Co-op invisible player bug/glitch Help?

    So I'm played modded stardew with a friend and we both have the same mods. (we sent the links or the titles of each mod and installed them that way) The game runs perfectly fine when playing single player, but once we play co-op regardless of which one of us is hosting, im only able to see my...
  4. Issue My child disappear when he go out of the house. (child to npc and child age up)

    My son wake up at 7 am. But everyday he go out of the house then disappear and not come home at 7pm. I have tried follow him since he wake up and go out before him. But he disappear and I try go into my house again he's not here. I have to sleep and in the next morning he's back to his bed. I...
  5. Solved Outdoor decorations replaced by unusable chests?

    Hi everybody! I've been playing SDV for a few years now but took an extended break over this past year or so, so it was left untouched. As you can imagine, I had a *lot* of updating to do when I came back. However, after doing all the proper SMAPI and mod updates, when I booted up my farm it...
  6. Solved Game won't load

    Hey guys! I'm running into a problem trying to play my game. Whenever I try to open a save, or start a new one, I just get an infinite loading screen and it just won't open my game. I have had issues before, and deleting and reinstalling my mods seemed to do the trick, but I have tried that and...
  7. Solved stardew valley expanded errors

    i need some help with what to do to fix this. i deleted all my mods and re installed smapi but im still not able to load sve. every other mod would work but sve wont. error log:
  8. Issue Need help with possible mod making game crash on cutscene?

    Hi guys/girls. I hope someone can help, I downloaded mods and they have been working correctly. I recently used the cheat menu and made everyones relationships full hearts.. Including the Expanded mod relationships.. Now, when i go into any area apart from the farm it seems that because theres...
  9. HellbentHeretic

    Solved Minor mod help?

    I just have some minor mod issues I would like to get sorted out? Most of it is stuff to do with in-game graphical things that I don't know that I'm missing or not understanding what is going on. Starting with my Smapi's Log I don't know why Joys of Efficency stopped working, I think it was...
  10. staubmotte

    Issue Stardew 64

    Hej again :D I hope I don't get on your nerves, but I got a new issue. Here is my log: And an overview of my mod folder: I think the log says all :\ Another problem I have is that many portraits seem to don't fit. Even with Portraiture :\...
  11. Does anyone know what could cause this bug?

    this bug appeared when i renovated my house, i have several mods but i don't know which one could cause this problem, i can't move this bug bed and i don't know what to do, any ideas?
  12. Solarh

    Solved Can't sleep / The game won't save [SOLVED]

    At the end of the day when I press "Yes" to sleep, the game just resumes instead of saving and going to the next day. When I finally pass out, the game gets stuck on the saving screen (not frozen cause the dots are still moving.). After checking my SMAPI log I saw a string of errors so I'll...
  13. marquesa.loving.kitsune

    Issue Weird bugs I can't seem to fix

    (excuse any mistakes, please, english is not my first language) To preface, I usually tend to tweak and play around with mods with the purpose of understanding bugs and not bothering anyone with my issues that can easily be fixed, but I honestly cannot find the issue in this case and for some...
  14. Abolexbo

    Issue Help!! Modded Stardew Valley (A game error occured in the base update loop (Stack empty)

    My error log is in this link: I have entered Clint's shop and a story between him and Emily started. When Clint asked me a question, I clicked on one of the options and the dialogue box just kept appearing. I have no idea whats going on. :(...
  15. waltermittie

    Issue Mod not loading and other issues

    I feel bad for having to post a mod support question again. I keep breaking things with my mods. First, I can't get the hairy Clint sprite change mod to load. Second, no matter what I do, it always says I have mods to update? I keep updating and it never seems to go away. Third, there's...
  16. Problems with modded co-op

    I'm playing Stardew Valley with a friend and I shared with her one modpack that I'm using, but we're having a problem that I don't have any idea why that's happening: I put the modpack in google drive to make it easier to download it and when that friend of mine put it in her game we had some...