
Issue: The game crashes when I want to walk out of the building. I can always leave house but when I want to enter and leave any other building on my farm it crashes.
Os: Android.


When playing in "Windowed" but putting the game full screen, it causes the game to shift over some pixels. The only workaround fix I have found is to put the game into "Fullscreen" and then back into "Windowed."

To replicate, make sure your game loads in Windowed otherwise it may not shift.

Key Note - I am using 2 monitors in case that has anything to do with the issue. Still had the issue at 11pm EST 4/28/24, but workaround still holding up.
OS: Windows, Steam, 1.6.8


In Spring Year 3, around the 22nd, I caught the Legend fish in the mountain lake. I was on the bottom tip of the island on the right, fishing with an iridium rod + trap bobber + deluxe bait. I caught it right as 2:00 am hit. The notification that I caught it appeared in the chat and I saw it held above my character's head. I immediately passed out. When I woke up the next day, the fish was not in my inventory. :(

No error text. Using latest version of Windows 10, installed via Steam, unmodded. Playing in English. Multiplayer with 1 other person. May have had triple espresso on board (I don't remember) but no other buffs.



Hello! Using Windows OS, English Language, Single Player.

A few errors I've come across, having played on a new save and then opened up my older save farm, there have been some things that happened in the new save but not the older one.

1. The ticket machine introduction has never happened from the Mayor. [Edit: Upon entering to claim my second ticket, I've now had the cut scene, but I'm not sure why it didn't happen the first time around?].
2. On the first occasion of green rain, I received a letter from Gus that day, but it wasn't the event letter, just some hot pot beans. No one in the town spoke about the rain, apart from the Wizard and the inn wasn't open all day either. My older save is on Year 7, but this was the first time green rain had happened on the file. Had it not been for experiencing the event on the new save, I wouldn't have known.

Also a few cosmetics errors:

3. Sometimes the menu gets stuck when scrolling from a recipe to the rest of the inventory. (Screen shot 665 supplied).
4. The right hand side of some decorative flooring isn't lining up properly. (Screen shot 667 supplied).


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While in Year One, during the winter fleet event, I purchased a fish smoker from Willy. I noticed it kind of poofed the way a book does when you read it, and was in a hurry and didn't check to verify that the smoker was in my inventory. It did deduct the money for it. The next day, I realized I did not have the smoker. I went through all my trunks, back to Willy's to see if it was on the floor or anything, and attempted to purchase a new one and that was not an option. After the 3-day event was over, I double checked all trunks and went back to Willy but it is no longer available to purchase. I am using Windows 10, single player.


Hi Everyone,

In the Meadowlands Farm Layout, if with you use the teleport mounted on the horse during the Night Market, the horse stuck in the farm and you don't get it out until you sleep.


I've got a bug with the Desert Festival blocking me from going to the festival. On the second day of the festival, when Pam enters the bus station section of the map from the right side of the screen, she just stops walking and doesn't move. I'm then unable to go to the desert because when I try to buy a bus ticket, it says "Please wait for a bus driver." I've restarted the game several times. On Windows 10. I have SVE but I've tried removing all mods (including SVE) and it still happens.



I do see someone else has reported this, but I wanted to give more info. I got the same bug when trying to see a movie.

I got this error a couple days ago on my PC on version 1.6.6 and closed out of the game. Today, after updating to 1.6.8 (build 24119) on my laptop (same OS - windows 10) I got it again.
I took Sebastian with me both times, tried to buy him Jasmine tea both times, It was year 3 Fall (first year of theatre) both times, and got the exact same error both times when trying to go into the doors at the back to trigger the movie. I end up back in the lobby, the rest of the patrons are gone, the concessions girl asked if I liked the movie. I cannot go through the back doors - the movie has ended - but when I go to leave the cinema I get the warning message asking if I want to leave without having seen the movie.

Tried to attach save files but forum said they're unsupported format, not sure what the work around is, sorry.



OS & Platform: Windows 10, Stardew Valley version 1.6.8 (steam)

Issue: Mariner profession nullify the effect of using deluxe bait for crab pots (it was as if using regular baits instead), The Art O' Crabbing skillbook lost it effect as well. the crab pots working back as intended when the skill got resetted using statue of uncertainty. seems like Mariner skill are the issue here

edit: the The Art O' Crabbing skillbook apparently just he automate mods issue, not the base game.
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I don't know if this is a glitch or not, but the ginger island season change ended deleting sprinklers and paths via the weeds


I am playing on an 8 person multiplayer completely vanilla world and one of my fellow farmers found a bug that causes the coal minecarts in the mines to be refreshed whenever the mines are refreshed (daily or when leaving the mines and going back). The host's coal carts are not refreshed, but all of the other farmers coal carts are refreshed.


type of bug : GAME CRASHING BUG
platform: PC / Steam
language: English
player: Single-Player | unmodded

explanation: Game crashes every time the JOJA mart is opened by lightning.
-It was NOT raining or Thundering when the day started
-I had traveled and camped on ginger island (tent)
-when game crashes game is not saved and day starts over again

other things that may or may not have an effect:
-i passed out in the mines the day before
-i unlocked ginger island the day before
-i talked to sea lady npc


我在蟹笼的代码中发现了一个问题 它会导致万能鱼饵产生的二倍产出会直接失效
I found an issue in the crab pot code. It causes the double output generated by the Wild Bait to be nullified.
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Game Version: 1.6.7
Platform: Mac
Language: English
Player: Multiplayer, unmodded
You can destroy the horse flute in the floor 100 lava lake. Afaik it's supposed to be an indestructible tool, may apply to pans too (don't wanna test that, sorry ^^)


I’m having the same issue too. I traded in two Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Thick books and didn’t receive the 6 bowls of Stuffing. I panicked and went out of the trade in menus and then couldn’t even buy back my books. It also happened on Day 22 of Winter. I also have more than enough inventory space. I hope this gets fixed soon. It’s quite disappointing.
Me too -- just traded in 5 books and received nothing at all except the chance to buy them back. Single player unmodded game on PC, plenty of inventory space.
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Windows, single player, spring 2 day 20, rain

I am getting the Haley beach cut scene, but then before I can do the second half, the willy crab cut scene disrupts it. When I get player control back again on the beach the bracelet is gone so I cant complete the haley scene. I reloaded the game and avoided the beach hoping it was the rain that made them overlap but it happened again when I entered the beach the next day.
Have you found a fix? I just had this happen yesterday and I can't get past this cutscene.



Since a few bug fixes ago I noticed that when it's time for the animals to go to bed, 1 or 2 animals instead of getting inside the barn, they will walk back and forth like this.
Once getting into a building for example a greenhouse or farmhouse and you go back out. They are inside again.
Playing on Windows, Unmodded on Single Player


PLS HELP me , i dont use steam , i download all versions of stardew valley in websites and it works , just 1,6 , i download it , i open it and it didnt show , i open task manager and i open stardew valley 1.6 and it show in task manager , after 4 sec it suspended , i search in youtube and google and AI , i do all think and it didnt work , pls help me my pc configurations :

Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz
Installed RAM : 8.00 GB (7.90 GB usable)
System type : 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

windows 10