Unofficial mod updates

Hello does anyone doing a fix for Line sprinklers? That be really good and I will be really grateful, it causes error in my game. Its a really nice and useful mod please someone.
Here is my log even after i downloaded the unofficial update of the mod.
Thank you and please.


If I need to move this, please let me know I will correct this definitely, but is there anyway someone can make it where Junimo Box Set works with 1.5.6? The items are showing up in the construction tab with the items just fine, but it refuses to show the name and description values.
Junimo Box Set
Someone made an unofficial update in the posts section, but even when using that version the names and descriptions refuse to show correctly.


If someone could do an unofficial update for.

Custom Adventure Guild Challenges:

I've waited 5 months for an update and sent the author a message but they haven't been active since Feb. 2020.
Here is my SMAPI Log.

Thank you for your time.


Hello, the unofficial mod update for Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety cannot seem to make certain deluxe produce, in particular mythic dragon eggs from the convert of Mythic Phonixe’s There Be Dragons, by Kaya:

Is it possible to fix this? I am using a Mac.

Here is my SMAPI log:
Ah, sorry I never saw this. From some quick experimentation I'm not seeing any current issues with the unofficial BFAV. The dragons, which is a cute mod to be honest, aren't working because of typos:
  • In the BFAV content.json the entry for the eggs is worded as "%color% Mythic Dragon egg" while the actual eggs are "%color% Mythic Dragon Egg" and the case matters.
  • In, I believe, the "Red" dragon egg JA file it was named "Red Mythic Mythic Dragon Egg", just pop out that second "Mythic" and that was good too.
Hopefully that helped.


If someone could do an unofficial update for.

Custom Adventure Guild Challenges:

I've waited 5 months for an update and sent the author a message but they haven't been active since Feb. 2020.
Here is my SMAPI Log.

Thank you for your time.
Can you give this a try?



The game has two sprite sheets for hair, hairstyles and hairstyles2 (male and female respectably, I believe), and Hachio's appears to replace the first sheet and I assume the other does the same.

so i would need a version of this mod GetGlam or FashinSense so the mods don't conflict i really don't know how to do anything about modding sorry :cry:


so i would need a version of this mod GetGlam or FashinSense so the mods don't conflict i really don't know how to do anything about modding sorry :cry:
I'm not personally familiar with either but it looks like it could be adapted into Get Glam the easiest, at least from these instructions. You might try looking at the files in another Get Glam mod to see how its done.


I have the Harp of Yoba installed along with SVE, Custom Music, and Sounds of Yoba. I believe I have all the requirements for it to work and it was playing music initially. Then I ran the cheat to get all sheet music, which generated a second harp, and then the music stopped working. Is there a way to get it working again? I have a smapi log linked below. Thank you.



Hello can someone help me?
I try to update my PyTK using strobe's update but it said on my SMAPI it got crashed
[PyTK] Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Patching exception in method virtual System.Boolean StardewValley.GameLocation::answerDialogue(StardewValley.Response answer)
 ---> InvalidProgramException: Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers._PrepareMethod(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, IntPtr* pInstantiation, Int32 cInstantiation)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeILPlatform.PrepareMethod(MethodBase method, RuntimeMethodHandle handle)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeILPlatform.<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<Pin>b__0(MethodBase m)
   at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeILPlatform.Pin(MethodBase method)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.DetourHelper.Pin[T](T method)
   at HarmonyLib.MethodPatcher.CreateReplacement(Dictionary`2& finalInstructions)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper(MethodBase original, PatchInfo patchInfo)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ProcessPatchJob(Job job)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException(Exception exception, MethodBase original)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch()
   at HarmonyLib.Harmony.<PatchAll>b__10_0(Type type)
   at HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do[T](IEnumerable`1 sequence, Action`1 action)
   at PyTK.PyTKMod.harmonyFix() in /Users/ishanjalan/RiderProjects/Platonymous/PyTK/PyTKMod.cs:line 385
   at PyTK.PyTKMod.Entry(IModHelper helper) in /Users/ishanjalan/RiderProjects/Platonymous/PyTK/PyTKMod.cs:line 105
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase) in SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 1529

Anyone know why?


Posting this here as suggested by @Odin

I love Minerva's Bigger Farmhouse, but since the addition of the top corner and bottom rooms with the second house upgrade, the mod is broken. Would love it if someone could update it, as Minerva seems to have stepped back from modding.

Additionally, Minerva's mod requires the Farmhouse Redone mod which hasn't worked in a long time. Minerva's floor plan still works, but you can't put wallpaper or flooring down in any of her rooms without the Farmhouse Redone mod.

If anyone could take over/update these 2 mods it would be great. (with permission from the original creators of course)



Here's Tab Autoloot by guedez2.

Changes since 1.0.0:
  • Fixed logic when checking if chest still has items to fix the out-of-range exception.
(Note: People had reported crashing errors, but I hadn't experienced any so I can't attest that it is fixed, let me know if you find any!)
(Note²: The original author had the code as an attached file in Nexus, so there was nothing for me to fork and no way to submit a pull request.)
(Note³: This is my first time doing this, there might be something wrong. Sorry :awe: )



Hey I registered here to ask if anybody would be able to update this mod. I think we'd all like to have it in our game as there isn't anything like it.

Archaeology House Content Management Helper
by Felix Dev



Hello! I am aware that Furniture Anywhere stopped being updated because "the feature was added to the game" however this is not actually true. Items which are marked as furniture are not able to be placed outside of buildings which is what this mod used to do; allow us to place any kind of furniture outside not just 'decoration' category. I was hoping that someone would be willing to update this mod so that we can place all the furniture outside again, it was really a glorious mod <3