Huge congratulations to you and your family, @Hawkgirl6511!
Thanks! Still dancing!!This is awesomely happy! Congrats to your amazing hard working son! Don't be sorry but definitely keep happy dancing! Thank you!
Thanks!!Huge congratulations to you and your family, @Hawkgirl6511!
@FairyRing you have NO idea!!! LMAOHe looks to be filled with piss and vinegar as the saying goes.
Thanks @Jayamos ! Huge accomplishment for the whole familyHuge congratulations to you and your family, @Hawkgirl6511!
That cat rump reminds me of this:A contemplative picture of a contemplative cat
He's not mine though, I'm cat-sitting for a co-worker. I did buy a cat tower just for him, how nice of me. Took him a few days to stop being scared of it but he seems to appreciate it a lot more now.
How amazing!We’ve been working on staining the back patio wood structure and there has been a robin hanging out here for the past couple of weeks setting up her nest. Today SO was on the room and he discovered that she’s finally laid her eggs. Such a beautiful colour for the shell!
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There was the distinkct stench of failure pervading the far flung lands. No I didn't annoy a skunk. Yes, I took a shower! No! I didn't step in——That was supposed to be a Happy Pic but it seems to be missing something.
Not because I didn't find something happy to take a picture of.
Not because I didn't have a camera with me with a perfunctory cellphone hanging off of it.
Not because the lighting was wrong.
Not because next door live Chickens and their clucking was ruining the mood (there are Chickens next door!)
Because there was a lady just loitering in the driveway.
Almost as if she owned the place and was appreciating the Happy thing that maybe she even created.
But she was just standing there.
I went to see the chickens.
I tied my shoes.
I rummaged my pockets.
I fumbled with my jacket.
I waited for the other walker to pass.
She was still there!
So I kept going 'cuz I didn't want to seem creepy. What? There's a first time for everything! This is quite ironic after what I posted in the What's next for me thread.
I'll try again tomorrow. In the meantime, I recreated it to tide you over:
View attachment 9691
Embedded deep within the wooded confines of Suburbia Forest, having dodged multiple machinations of minuscule mammals, misplaced marsupials, and moped moms, our slightly overheated intrepid observer spied a collection of local talismans which boded well for the day's traipsing.I didn't get the picture as the rug was pulled out from under my plans and in retrospect there was little chance it would be the same Happy Pic the next day. With no actual picture, I will instead paint a picture with...
Ooo, impressed yet? Oh my friends, this will get a lot worse. Because I'm doing this literally. <thumbs nose at FairyRing>
This is stupid. So stupid. So it should be done.
Edit after finishing: This did not go well. It was not worth it. It doesn't work. Oh well. So little payoff for so much work. Learn from me: do not follow your mistakes down a rabbit hole.
The picture I wanted to take was of a nice looking
house with similar coloring to the pic above, though
parts of the house were white and you can't paint
your house that way. So I used yellow because gray
looked awful. But a house does not make a Happy
Pic. Instead, the abundant lawn adornment, in this
case about 2 dozen plastic Pink Flamingoes rather
artfully spread across the front lawn in quite the eye-
catching manner. Well, it caught my eye. Which is
good as it'd have gotten all dirty and covered in
worm spit had it fallen to the grass. Anyhow, that
lady must have been admiring her handiwork. FOR
MINUTES. I mean it was good, but not minutes
good. And now, a day later, with the wisdom of a
much older and more experienced brain, I realize it
was probably set up for some party or photoshoot
and something that good cannot persist for too long.
The universe must disperse all that goodness to the
far distant tendrils of creation else the remaining
multitude crumble underneath its jealousy and
yearning for that impossible remote super-goodliness
they never shall approach.
Or the plastic flamingo rental period was up.
YaaaayyWhen we last left our plucky adventurer:
There was the distinkct stench of failure pervading the far flung lands. No I didn't annoy a skunk. Yes, I took a shower! No! I didn't step in——
Embedded deep within the wooded confines of Suburbia Forest, having dodged multiple machinations of minuscule mammals, misplaced marsupials, and moped moms, our slightly overheated intrepid observer spied a collection of local talismans which boded well for the day's traipsing.
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View attachment 10723
Feeling that the omens might actually have forgotten for once to get out of bed and cause a general ruckus, and confident that it was only coincidental that a higher than average amount of glue ended up in said omens' beds the previous night, our plunderer of persuasive pictures continued her pursuit.
Slowly sneaking up behind the overgrown hedgerows, ear straining to hear the low cattle-call of the nigh ever-present caretaker, approaching the dangerous clearing from which any sort of abominations could spring at any moment, one eye clears the threshold to peer trepidatiously across the moor...
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The fowl freeze their feathers in place using their natural camouflage to blend into the background of cotton candy, Care bears, roses, bubble gum, piglets, peach sorbet, and albino eyes. Being quite adept at freezing even in a SoCal summer, they may have failed to observe their surroundings a bit and slightly missed the color, but their ability to stay motionless is par excellence, moving nary a muscle as I carefully studied them. Unlike the previous sighting, the Den mother was nowhere to be found, likely on a smoke break or doing routine salamander maintenance.
Perhaps, just perhaps, you too might encounter this rare convergence of apparently flightless birds congregating on a local lawn and be quick enough on the draw with yourcameraphone to capture this elusive enemy before they strike. Keep your wits about you and one eye always open. That nobody's ever seen them pounce for the jugular may only be because nobody's ever lived to tell the tale.
Eternal Vigilance!
I love the perchhood on the blanket.View attachment 10744
Guard Cat protects skellytope from unwanted astromanometers who say they're going outside to view planetary alignments but really want to present their unoccupied neckular regions to the local outdoor feral cat population so they may hop up and occupy said cat curlup locations while the astromanometer performs the evening pantomime of supposedly studying some super sensational shiny subject in the night sky. In a vain attempt to seem like they are in fact wearing the elusive Tiger Hat.
Guard Cat is saving the astromanometer from the shame of making such an insubstantially diaphanous excuse. Also Guard Cat makes a better faux Tiger Hat because stripes.
Fungus fungus fungus fungus fungus!!!!! Yayyy!!!made it out to the forest this past weekendand was honored to come across some Shroom friends.
Got another job recently so haven't been able to be on as much. Wishing everyone the happiest of moments!
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I love them all, especially the greeneyness of the green one, but mostly because of all the green.3 little water color paintings I've done. I've been berating myself recently for not finding the art inside ... But then I remembered I've done these! Happy
Mostly they are experiments with the way the water colors work together on this surface. I love the way these turned out. My favorite is the one I see as a tumultuous sea ( can you find the accidental heart in it?)
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Beginner watercolor art.
OMG is that where fluffy comes from?? <picks up some fluffy and strokes it, hearing a very faint purr...>@Lew Zealand I'm glad you survived that pack of flamingos. I saw some reduce a mountain lion to fluffy once with my bare eyes. Scarry stuff.