I like itCandy corns merging into a giant Candy Corn Monster (you can see the face)

I like itCandy corns merging into a giant Candy Corn Monster (you can see the face)
Voltrondy Corn!-Candy corns merging into a giant Candy Corn Monster (you can see the face)
No sadly there were only small beds like this, that I noticed.Do these come in extra large? i want my dog see my 60 lbs dog in one. usually he does the bed-eating so it would be nice to see the inverse for a change.
I mean, I wasn't going to say it......Voltrondy Corn!
You have validated the internet.
Gotta love a boopable snoot!!
My Dovah cat at home knows when I get clothes outta the dryer and begs me to put them on her. She loves it.All of those are fantastic!
Guard cat makes sure folded laundry is safe. Also donates free cat hairs to keep you warm.
View attachment 9970
Mercury and asbestos! Known in the state of California to cause abnormal second head growth. I found a little cup of a tiny bit of mercury here I think Pop had saved. I bet it is fun to play with... I didn't play with the one I found.See-thru! Almost like quartz, actually more see-thru than I remember quartz being but I'm no quartz expert. Don't even know how to prepare it in the kitchen...
Fun thing: I have a 1970s-era mineral connection from a natural history museum and one of the minerals in there is...
Asbestos! I loved playing with it as a kid, trying to peel off the thinnest little thread of it because of course you don't want to use it all up! Yes, I also had a pretty good mercury collection from broken thermometers and the like. Loved playing with it in my hands! Always a pain when it fell to the floor - SPLAT!!! Ughhh! Now I gotta collect it all up....
Explains stuff, dunnit?
That must be some tasty butter they're caught in the act of licking.This is Eep, he's one of the more elusive outdoor friends but he wanted to say hi to Hoppy @Dr. eeL because everyone else got to.
Some quartz can be very see thru.See-thru! Almost like quartz, actually more see-thru than I remember quartz being but I'm no quartz expert. Don't even know how to prepare it in the kitchen...
It's either that or a brain tumor, so in the character selection screen, I'll choose Mad Hatter.Mercury and asbestos! Known in the state of California to cause abnormal second head growth. I found a little cup of a tiny bit of mercury here I think Pop had saved. I bet it is fun to play with... I didn't play with the one I found.
Maybe that's what gave you your "mutant" powers?