Please Read Dedicated typo and translation error thread

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PC/Steam 1.5.4 German
Crafted Paths and Floors descriptions are all over the place. They are very inconsistently written, using different spelling and different words or even structures differing between multiple paths.

Rustikaler Dielenboden - "Platz auf dem Boden, um Wege zu schaffen oder Böden zu dekorieren."
Steingehweg Boden - "Platziere auf dem Boden, um Wege zu schaffen oder Böden zu dekorieren."
Holzboden - "Lege ihn auf den Boden, um Wege zu schaffen oder den Boden zu dekorieren."
Strohboden - "Lege ihn auf den Boden, um Wege zu schaffen oder den Boden zu verschönern."

+some of the other paths change between "dekorieren" und "verschönern".

Suggestion: Fix typo and for consistency use same description for every such item.

edit: Legendary Fish II named inconsistently in game -vs- QiChallenge8 Quest text:
Ingame-name: Frau Angler - Quest text: Fräulein Angler
Ingame-name: Sohn vom Purpurfisch - Quest text: Sohn des Crimsonfisch

edit2 wrong description for Taro Tuber/Taro-Knollen. It states: "Pflanze diese bei warmem Wetter. Dauert 10 Tage bis zur Reife. Wächst schneller, wenn sie in der Nähe eines Gewässers gepflanzt wird. Mit der Sense ernten." - Taro tuber/root aren't harvested with a scythe. It's correct in the English version but wrong in the German one. (ref.:831
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PC/Steam 1.5.4 English
Emily says "Eating healthy is important to me, I want to liv e a long and healthy life" - 8 hearts with Emily, summer. There's a line break in the middle of "live".


Platform: PC
Language: Japanese
Version: 1.5.4

Some parts of Leo's 6-heart event are not in Japanese script: Linus says "Wait", "Leo" and "Special" in Latin script. On that topic, Professor Snail's name (the one under his portrait when he speaks) is also in Latin script instead of katakana (like most other names in the game).

Some parts of the "tropical fishing" quest text were also left untranslated (screencap below).

Tropical fish.png


Platform: PC-single player
Language: spanish
version: 1.5.4


not sure if this was reported already but small translation error with the Qi Quest from english to spanish. It looks like it just got missed. See text attached.

Qi Quest Stardew-Spanish Error.JPG


PC/Steam 1.5.4 German
Typo in the item Wolkenaukleber (Cloud Decal). It's missing an f, = Wolkenaufkleber is the correct spelling. Both versions (1687 and 1692).


Platform: PC
Language: Portuguese
Version: 1.5.4

There is no translation for the new clothing item "Island Bikini", the correct translation would be:
Item Name: Biquíni da Ilha
Description: Um clássico das Ilhas Samambaia.



Platform: PC
Language: Portuguese
Version: 1.5.4

For some reason during the Stardew Valley Fair if you're playing in Portuguese Pierre's Display name is totally different having "Pedro" instead of Pierre name. I dont know if this is an easter egg but this is the only language that Pierre's Display Name changes.



Plateform: PC
Language: French
Version: 1.5.4

- From: Data/Events/BusStop
"60367/u 0": "none/-1000... Salut ! Tu dois être @.#$b#Je suis Robine, la charpentière du village. Le maire Lewis m’a envoyée te chercher. Il veut..."
should be:
"60367/u 0": "none/-1000... Salut ! Tu dois être @.#$b#Je suis Robine, la charpentière du village. Le maire Lewis m’a envoyé te chercher. Il veut..."
Actually, the original dialogue is correct. Robine is female.
(explanation in French) Le participe passé suivant le verbe avoir s'accorde en genre et en nombre lorsque le complément d'objet direct est placé avant l'auxilliaire. Dans ce cas-ci, le complément d'objet direct est le " m' ", qui remplace Robine (féminin).
In English, I do not know the correct words but, basically, " m' " is placed before "a", which is the "avoir" verb, conjugated. The past participle then takes the gender and number of the direct object (m') which stands for Robin, which is female.


PC, 1.5.4, French
Translation for Rice Shoot is currently "Germez de riz"
Should be: "Germe de riz"

Germez is the 2nd person plural imperative of "to sprout". As if you were ordering a seed: "You, seed, SPROUT!"


PC/Steam 1.5.4 German
The word "remixed" has not been localized. The options still list "Normal" and "Remixed" when using the dropdown menu for Community center bundles and Mine rewards. Needs something like "Gemischt" or "Neu gemischt", because using English in these cases makes no sense. Also the hover-text is using inconsistent descriptions, e.g. it is calling bundles, which are usually called "Bündel" in the game, as "Pakete" (literally: packets). This happens twice in the options (Community center option and hover description).

Iron Lamp-post / Laternenpfahl, Eisen item description states: "Bietet eine mäßige Menge Licht" which should be "Bietet eine gute Menge Licht". In the German description it states that the Iron Lamp-post gives as much light as a Brazier and less light than the Wood Lamp-post, so it needs to be adjusted to be in tune with the English description where all lamp posts are described to give "a good amount of light."
Stone Chest/Steintruhe description states: "Ein Ort zur Aufbewahrung deiner Gegenstände" which differs from the Chest/Kiste which is "Um deine Gegenstände aufzubewahren." Both descriptions should be the same, as they are identical items with only slightly changed sprite. (In English both chest items have the same description).
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Platform: PC
Language: English
Version: 1.5.4

When in a relationship with Maru, once a conversation is initiated she will suggest visiting her at the clinic between two times, a needed space is missing in that sentence.


PC/Steam 1.5.4 German
Auto-Grabber / Automatischer Greifer description is incorrect/outdated. The description states: "Sammelt automatisch jeden Morgen die Produkte deiner Tiere ein. Funktioniert für Kühe, Schafe und Ziegen." (Description part translation: Functions for cows, sheep and goats.) Auto-Grabber got updated in 1.4 (Nov 2019) to also work in stables and most localised tooltips didn't get updated.

Exact same issue also in: Turkish, Russian, Portuguese, French, Korean, Japanese, Italian & Spanish

edit: Typo in quest text for Goblin Problem (PC/German): "Ein Goblin blockert den Weg zur Hexenhütte." missing an i, needs to be: blockiert
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Platform: PC Debian Linux 10 x64 2021-03-19 (Steam)
Language: Russian
Version: 1.5.4
My child's name is "Костя", sometimes my wife Emily calls him "%"
Снимок экрана от 2021-05-05 01-08-26.png

Снимок экрана от 2021-05-05 01-22-08.png
Снимок экрана от 2021-05-05 02-09-31.png
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Platform: PC
Language: German
Version: 1.5.4

It should be "Vincent steht total auf Weintrauben! Hat er mir verraten / Das hat er mir verraten.



It should be "Deine Kupferaxt ist bereit."


Please report all the typos and translation errors in this thread!

Be sure to specify
- Platform:Switch
- Language:English
- Version
Pierre's General Store says 9:00 am - 9:00 pm for business hours when you attempt to open the door before opening. (Map times are correct)


Platform: Switch
Language: Chinese
Version number: v1.5.4

When Emily visits Sandy in the desert and they sit outside of the store on the bench, I interact with Sandy and she answers in English instead of Chinese.


Platform: Switch
Language: English

I got this message when handing in a completed bulletin board request for 3 Herring to Willy. I believe it should be “succeeded” :smile:

- Platform: PC - Steam - Linux
- Language: French
- Version: 1.5.4

I just came across 2 dialogue code typos causing issues in the Winter Ice Festival; when using French.

EDIT: Changed the cause/fix to a much simpler fix than swapping the escaped quotes for single quotes. While that fixes it too; a slightly better cause/fix is below.

Bug 1:
The first was reported by Nathanboyz.

Issue: Penny's dialogue at the Ice Festival skips straight to a broken multi-choice selection. Instead of what her normal dialogue should be.
Cause: There's a single straight quote in "D'accord"; it needs to be a curly quote like the rest of the ones in the dialogue.

Broken French Code:
XNB Location:

        "Penny": "$y \"Mmm... Quel genre de bonhomme de neige devrions-nous faire ?_Genre classique. Nez de carotte, chapeau haut-de-forme, écharpe._ J’imagine que c’est peut-être préférable de s’en tenir aux classiques, non ?$h_Quelque chose d’un peu drôle. Des antennes en stalagmites, yeux en pomme de pin._D'accord ! Cela semble amusant.$h_Les bonshommes de neige sont ennuyeux. Il faut faire preuve d’originalité !_Euh, d’accord... Je pense que je vais m’en tenir à quelque chose de plus conventionnel.\"",

Fixed French Code:
XNB Location:

        "Penny": "$y \"Mmm... Quel genre de bonhomme de neige devrions-nous faire ?_Genre classique. Nez de carotte, chapeau haut-de-forme, écharpe._ J’imagine que c’est peut-être préférable de s’en tenir aux classiques, non ?$h_Quelque chose d’un peu drôle. Des antennes en stalagmites, yeux en pomme de pin._D’accord ! Cela semble amusant.$h_Les bonshommes de neige sont ennuyeux. Il faut faire preuve d’originalité !_Euh, d’accord... Je pense que je vais m’en tenir à quelque chose de plus conventionnel.\"",

Bug 2:

Players are unable to talk to Willy at the Ice Festival.
Cause: An underscore is missing before "Eh bien".

Broken French Code:
XNB Location:

        "Willy": "$y \"Salut, @. Tu participes au concours de pêche sous glace ?_Oui. Je ferai de mon mieux !_C’est une bonne mentalité !$h_Oui, et je vais te battre !_C’est ce que nous verrons.$h_Pour être honnête, non. Je ne sais pas très bien pêcher. Eh bien, considère ça comme un bon entraînement !$h\"",

Fixed French Code:
XNB Location:

        "Willy": "$y \"Salut, @. Tu participes au concours de pêche sous glace ?_Oui. Je ferai de mon mieux !_C’est une bonne mentalité !$h_Oui, et je vais te battre !_C’est ce que nous verrons.$h_Pour être honnête, non. Je ne sais pas très bien pêcher._Eh bien, considère ça comme un bon entraînement !$h\"",
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