
  1. Switch SWITCH COOP French & English

    Hello, Im looking for friends to play online. French or English. SW-2070_8547_4039
  2. Windows [BUG] Can't see slime attack animation when connecting to friend's game

    Good evening, I just want to be able to see the slime wind up attack animation when I'm in my friend's game, when the slime does the animation before it lunges forwards. When I go into a single player world or am the host of the world, I'm able to see the attack animation just fine but when I'm...
  3. iamcreative

    Switch Cozy farm mates

    Hi! Do you want to start a nice farm with some new friends? Me too! If you are around 18 years old, live in Europe and have a discord, feel free to reach out. Have a great day. ^^
  4. PlayStation Looking for Players on ps4. (Eng/Ger)

    Voice chat is not needed. If you are interested, then write your Ps4 name and I will contact you.
  5. Can multiple players marry one npc?

    I know an npc can date multiple players but is it possible for marriage? If not, is there an existing mod where players can marry one npc? (This might not be a great question for others that find polygamy unsavory so oopsy, please scroll away tehe)
  6. Stardew valley mobile multiplayer

    Multiplayer'ın oyunun mobil versiyonuna gelmesinin sebebi nedir, yeterince istediğimizi belli edersek gelme ihtimali var mı?
  7. kelzbabe27

    PC Multiplayer 20+

    Hey, I'm Kelly, I am looking for some people who enjoy playing Stardew valley as much as I do. I'm looking to set up multiplayer, separate money, and everyone will have their own place. I literally play every day and I won't be stopping anytime soon lol. if you are friendly and have good vibes...
  8. Windows [HELP] Local Co-op crashes to desktop

    I've played Stardew on my Windows 10 PC for a couple years now, I have it through steam. I started a local co-op game with my husband a while back and we decided to play again today 1/25/22. I turned on local co-op, but after he selected his player, the game hesitated, then crashed to desktop...
  9. Switch [BUG] Game cant tell two players apart.

    The game has trouble telling two players apart. It duplicates them over one another in the social list and even drastically changes a house I have photos demonstrating these issues. Plus there an issue that I don't have a picture of where the mayor doesn't allow me to access one of the players...
  10. PlayStation [HELP] Can’t join multiplayer

    Hi, my friends and I have been trying to start a co-op together however we keep getting error when joining whoever is host. It’s only happening to me and another friend who have a ps5. We’ve tried having someone else host, but after one of us joins the other, the other can’t. Basically we can...
  11. MusicalKitsune

    PC Looking to start a farm together (18+)

    Hey I'm Lucifer and I'm looking for a person to play this game my timezone is GMT+2 and my discord is GoreKitsune#6667
  12. PC [BUG] Casino Card Disappeared in Multiplayer

    Hello there, I had a little issue while playing with my friends in Multiplayer. I have done the Mr Qi quest and won the Club Card, but my game crashed at the end of the day before the saving. On the next day the Club Card was missing, the Bouncer is gone but I can’t enter the Casino. I have...
  13. Zacc

    Issue Can't place buildings on 'grass' in Ace's Expanded Farm (Fluume's Forest Farm)

    So my girlfriend and I recently started a new farm with Ace's Expanded Farm MTN (Specifically Fluume's Forest Farm) which we have used before just the Content Patcher version. When we were using the farm previously we also had a forest farm and had no trouble or issues with placing farms on...
  14. Xbox Museum Rusty Key Multi-Player glitch

    Not sure if this is a glitch or just in the way the game is coded and it's intentional, but in multi-player, the rusty key reward/cut scene does not trigger until the host/Player one goes and collects all rewards from the museum. In our game, Player 2 has been the one delivering most items and...
  15. Xbox [BUG] Mail interrupted - Journal Bug

    In winter year 2, when the Wizard sends the letter requesting an iridium bar (this was in a local co-op/split screen game), player 2 was checking the mail when player 1 walked out and it just happened to be the day Gunther finally showed up with the rusty key. The cut scene with Gunther involved...