
  1. Windows [BUG FIX] I found out why the leo winter star glitch happens DO NOT DO THIS

    So if you get the recipient to your gift and go to genger Island do not open your mail till after the feast of the winter star or else it'll change whoever from before to leo, hope this helps
  2. Windows Wrong Leo Dialogue!

    Hi! I am at 7 hearts with Leo and he has moved from Ginger Island to Pelican Town, but I still get Ginger Island dialogue with him. At first I thought it might just need few days, but he has been in Pelican Town for over a season and the problem has continued. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  3. Lenora Rose

    Issue Leo ran back to Ginger Island (and others)

    Stardew Valley on Windows, fully updated. I've had a number of mods running for a while, and the worst glitch previously was a sprite blinking in and out of existence in a specific location. And while I needed some help getting SMAPI to load with the news SV update, we got through that, and I...
  4. Linux HELP! Leo doesn't show up at Feast of the Winter Star

    Got Leo as my secret villager for the gift exchange, but he doesn't show up at the Feast next to Linus, Or anywhere. How can I do the gift exchange now? The Stardew Valley Wiki didn't give me much help either, unfortunately. Never used any mods and haven't used any cheats or glitches in this...
  5. SnootBooper

    PC [BUG] PC: v1.5.5 Leo is my secret friend but he's absent at the Winter Star festival

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for why this is happening to me, as if I'm seeing this correctly, this was a known issue that was resolved in patch 1.5.1 and I am currently experiencing it. Old threads on this issue suggested that there was nothing you can do about it and to not attend the festival or...
  6. Laissez_Faire_Farming

    Can I adopt Leo?

    I know it sounded terrible... I was wondering if I could adopt Leo on my farm. My motherhood instinct triggered me. I have so much money, and I am ready to invest money for proper education and books for Leo. I can imagine myself living a single-parent life. Plus, I have extra rooms for the...
  7. Switch [BUG] 1.5 Leo as Winter star secret friend before moving to town

    I got Leo as the secret friend before he moved to pelican town so he's not at the festival. I'm in winter year 1 and I had talked to him so he's in the relationship tab but he's only at 1 heart. I'm not sure whether this is a bug or an oversight.
  8. smibbo

    PC [BUG] Leo is my secret Santa but he's not in town

    now I'm stuck at Winter Star festival with nothing to do
  9. PC [Bug] Leo is my secret santa

    I have no idea how this happened since apparently this was fixed in patch 1.5.1. But somehow I got Leo as my secret santa. I unfortunately did not take a screenshot of the letter from Mayor Lewis since I did not realize that was a bug. I thought Leo would somehow magically appear at Stardew for...
  10. Frikiman

    PC [BUG] Bringing Leo to the movie theater in the Japanese localization softlocks the game

    When you invite Leo to watch "Natural Wonders: Exploring Our Vibrant World." in the Japanese localization (PC, 1.5.4), the game fails to display one of the text boxes within the movie cinematic ("Leo is glued to the screen!" in the English version), and instead it gets softlocked. The music...
  11. PC [BUG] Co-op - Stuck in Leo's Hut After Cutscene on Ginger Island

    After skipping a cutscene where we befriended Leo, we spawned in an area in the hut where we couldn't move. We're not using any mods. Just thought I'd mention this bug I stumbled on, because I'm worried it might happen again. Or potentially to others playing on multiplayer. Thankfully we had...
  12. PC [BUG] Feast of the Winter Star

    I’m updated to the latest version but I still got Leo as my NPC for secret Santa - Leo doesn’t appear at the feast so I can’t trigger the gift exchange.
  13. PC [HELP] 1.5 multiplayer bug, causes crash consistently

    There is a cutscene on the island that consistently causes us to crash. The 2nd cutscene on the island where Leo is introducing himself. It gets about 4 or 5 dialogues in then crashes. I made a single player farm and it works fine in single player. Something about the scene in multiplayer causes...
  14. PC [Help] Fixing Leo's broken schedule?

    After Leo's 6-star event moved him to the valley, he was present for one day, during which he hung out with Linus while it rained. After that, he's maintained his Ginger Island schedule every day for a full season, except when he shows up at festivals. In fairness, this is a save with a bunch of...
  15. PC [Bug] Leo as secret friend on feast of the winterstar

    Hey, I'm playing on multiplayer in year two, newest Version(1.5.2). We already unlocked ginger island and we both got less than 6 hearts friendship with Leo. He does not live in Stardew valley, but I got him as the secret friend. He is not present at the feast of the Winterstar so I can't give...
  16. Issue Clipped out of bounds on Ginger Island during cutscene. Playing MP.

    This happened when playing multiplayer. I was not the host. I used the parrot express by the volcano at the same time that the host triggered the second cutscene with Leo (where you learn his name). I skipped the cutscene and found myself out of bounds. Had to restart to fix. Game was up to date...
  17. PC [BUG] Wrong dialogue for Leo?

    I think this dialogue is meant for when you see him on Ginger Island:
  18. Lemon_Stone

    PC NPC Like/Dislike Inconsistency Thread

    I find it odd that Leo dislikes mango sticky rice, and I get the feeling that this might've been an oversight. I say this because, when Leo sends the farmer the recipe for it, the letter says that it's a recipe "that me and my family enjoy." The recipe for poi that he sends the farmer comes with...
  19. Solved [BUG] Leo disappearing

    after the six-heart event with leo where he came back to pelican town, i saw him clip through the hill next to the carpenter shop, and i haven't seen him since. his treehouse was built overnight, but i didn't see him the next day either. i didn't check the entire map but i checked the...
  20. PC [BUG] Can't talk to Leo

    When I hover over Leo I don't see the chat icon and do not have the option to talk him. I've given walnuts to all of the parrots on the island including the one by the turtle and the one in his home but there's still nothing. Do I need to improve my relationship with him or is it a glitch?