
  1. PC Bug with Leo & Feast of the Winter Star

    During year 1 with Leo Unlocked before your Secret Santa recipient is chosen, there is still a chance to get him as your secret Santa recipient even though he is absent due to him not having moved to the valley yet.
  2. Issue [BUG] Leo clipping cliffs and walls in Pelican City

    I warped to the Mountains the day after seeing Leo's 6 heart event where he leaves Ginger Island to live in Pelican City. I noticed that he just walked through the cliff next to Robin's House and his pathing made him clip this cliff.
  3. Faro94

    Solved [BUG] Leo 6 Heart Event Bug?

    After the event with Leo, the tree house will not be built. Does anyone else have this problem? I play in German, I have already switched it to English, but that didn't help. :(
  4. PC [BUG] Leo for Feast of Winter Star gift

    Was supposed to give Leo a gift at the Feast of the Winter Star but Leo is not yet in the valley and was not at the festival. :sick:
  5. MamaV

    PC Leo's Birthday on calendar is wrong

    I'm playing through steam on a Mac. I read somewhere that Leo's birthday is the 23rd of Summer. I gave him his favorite item - duck feather - on the 23rd and he said you remembered my birthday. On my calendar it said his birthday is the 26th and the statues of fortune - I think that's what they...
  6. PC [BUG] Clipping Issues with Leo

    I found a small bug that happens after Leo has come to Stardew Valley. On Sunday at 10am when he walks down to the area in front of the Carpenter's shop he walks straight over the cobbled wall tiles to the right. He walks around randomly for the next few hours and occasionally does the same...