
  1. iOS [HELP] Can’t Open Save Game

    I’m having a problem with my game where I can’t open a certain save slot. I’m playing the ios version on the iPad Air 2 2016. At first I couldn’t open the app at all, I would see the splash screen but then it would crash, so I made a backup of the save game, deleted the app and then redownloaded...
  2. CryogenCrystals

    Locating iOS save file, backing up files, SD Checkup, and Save File Editing

    I know the wiki mentions that Stardew files can be found in the iOS Files app, but some pages are kinda vague in how to use the hidden context menus to copy/paste, so I thought I'd elaborate a bit for iOS users who aren't used to working with the Files app (after all, files were hidden on iOS...
  3. iOS [HELP] Can you restore purcharses to another platform?

    Hi everyone hoping you are doing great regarding the pandemic I come here to ask if it is possible to avoid to have to pay again as I already bought the game for in my android phone some time ago but recently bought an iPad. Is it possible to get access to the game in my iPad without having to...
  4. Keyboard Support on iPad

    I would love to see the game support keyboard and mouse on the iPad
  5. More saves

    I would like to be able to save a backup of the game at the beginning or end of every season. at the moment it isn’t even possible to load backups on iOS device. My husband spent over an hour trying.
  6. Can someone answer definitively: is Ginger Island on iOS?

    Noob to the forums. Hello there, from me and my husband Elliot. 😉 I've read articles that claim Ginger Island is available on iOS, and some that says it's coming eventually with no date set. Can someone give me a definitive answer on this please? Finished the bundles (except the fish tank) but...
  7. iOS [BUG] Can’t place bait into crab pots

    When I first started the game I didn’t have this problem. Now I can’t place any bait into the crab pots. I either keep “running” towards the crab pot or I pick it up and it goes back into my inventory. I also can’t set the crab pot onto the green tile that shows up for placement, I have to click...
  8. iOS [BUG] Black screen when you load into your farm

    So go into your Stardew valley file and there are 2 files named SVBAK and SVEMRG I deleted both of those files and when I went back to open to my farm it was fixed. Hope this helps :)
  9. SweetNSourSue

    iOS [BUG] The Game Won’t Let Me In Anymore

    About a week ago, I wanted to play Stardew Valley when I got home from school, but when I opened the app, it stayed on the Secret Police and Chucklefish screen only for a few seconds before kicking me out of the app. I am playing on an iPad Mini 2 (iOS 12.5.2) and I tried rebooting and updating...
  10. iOS [BUG] Indoor garden pots clipping through each other

    I have two garden pots on the far right wall of the "living room" part of my house (Stage 2 Forest Farmhouse) right next to each other. When I walk around or interact with them, they clip (or switch layers, I guess) back and forth over each other. This happens whether or not something is...
  11. iOS [HELP] Missing save file on iOS

    So I'm a long time fan of the game. My daughter has always loved watching me play (she was always my baby in the game too). Now she's 7 and wanted to make her own farm, so I bought the game for her iPad. She's been loving the game, building her farm, making friends, and keeping her dog happy...
  12. iOS [HELP] Game Crashes Upon Opening On iPad

    hiii so i've never posted in any forums before so apologies if i'm doing anything wrong D: but i need help I have an iPad 5th generation, have had it for about 3 years now, and i also have my longest Stardew save on it (Autumn Y6) so this issue is really worrying me as i've probably put...
  13. pogquat

    Solved Shadow of Today View Screen superimposed on left side

    Not sure how else to describe this. The area on the right is a shadow my today view (screen to the right of the main home screen). I am running iOS 14.3, Stardew, on an iPhone 8 Plus.
  14. PC [HELP] Manual updates on Mac

    Dear Stardew Valley community. I am here requesting for help on behalf of my 60 y/o mother, who has fallen in love with this game. Unfortunately, she's not very proficient in IT so she never updated her game since I bought it for her (it's still on 1.04 or something) Her old Mac has no more...
  15. Solved I don’t know how to put bait in the fishing rod! (iOS)

    Hi everyone! I’m kinda new in the game and i can’t figure how to put the bait in my fishing rod! Pls help!:smile:
  16. iOS [BUG] After Mermaid Boat No Sound And Unable To Get Pearl

    When I enter the mermaid boat attraction at the Night Market Festival, I am able to listen to the full song and hear everything, then I try and put in the code to get the pearl which is 1-5-4-2-3 left to right, and I don’t get the pearl. Then I exit and I have no sound, granted I’m not wearing...
  17. iOS [BUG] Scroll in relationships

    Hi, It really upsets that when you try to scroll thhrough the relationship entries on iOS, it randomly opens an npc. I cannot even reach the bottom of the list 😿 I've already wiped the display though (btw waiting for the 1.5 SO MUCH!!!!)
  18. edbrannin

    No "Add to Existing Stacks" button for chests on iOS

    Version: Device: iPhone XR, iOS 14.2 The "Add to Existing Stacks" button on chests is missing. In the screenshot it should go between the Color and Sort buttons on the top half (where it is on PC). I really miss it when I play on my phone. Other threads about this in different...
  19. iOS [BUG] Ancient Seeds Recipe Bug

    Hi, I play on iPadOS with a controller and recently found the ancient seed artifact. After turning it in to Gunther, I used the controller to select and take the rewards (a package of ancient seeds and the recipe) from the rewards menu, but the recipe itself went to my inventory as well as the...
  20. aguycalledpebblesv2

    iOS [HELP] iOS Crash on Startup

    So I have screen time enabled and I tried to send a request, but the background flashes and then I am just quit out. I have tried resetting my iPad (iPad Air 2nd Generation) and even uninstalling and reinstalling the game but it did not work. I have never played Stardew Valley anywhere and this...