iOS [HELP] Extra pixels on sprite with tailored clothes

Cloud Flora

How do I get rid of this? When my character wears tailored clothes, these lines across the neck show up.

Sometimes they only appear on sprite’s side view. Other shirts will show these lines at all perspectives.

There is a similar issue when wearing a ‘simple skirt’ as each time the sprite walks, black lines appear above the head - which is more obvious.


The exact same thing happens with the wedding veil on iOS also, at least for me it did. I had a shadow over me and for my wedding which was not nice, felt a little uncanny. I almost wonder if it really is on the sprites or if it is some kind of other bug affecting certain sprites on iOS...I feel like it might have been a "sometimes" thing, probably it is on the sprites but I can't unpack to confirm. Thanks for mentioning, I had completely forgotten to post about it, so appreciate the opportunity now.
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