help me

  1. Solved Mouseum

    I have been playing on my farm for some time now and in the collection, it says that I have all artifacts and minerals for the museum but I have not gotten the achievement nor have I gotten the stardrop could someone please help me. Here is a picture of my museum if someone sees what is missing...
  2. Android Please help! Invalid IL code

    I think I'm going crazy. I don't know how to fix this problem. It keeps saying something like this: Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details: System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in SpaceCore.SpaceCore:doPrefix...
  3. Windows Please help. Game screen is too small.

    I don't know if this happened because of the 1.5 update or because I got a new, higher resolution computer. I didn't play for a few months before wanting to start up again. But when I try to start the game, whether it be straight from steam or through a mod loader (I've tried all sorts) It's...
  4. Jboo

    1st prismatic shard, now what?

    I’m curious what is the best thing to do with my first prismatic shard? I don’t have the bus station unlocked yet. I’m struggling terribly with fishing on a iPad mini.
  5. Windows [HELP] Game works for a bit, then moves so slowly, I can't do anything...

    So, I am playing the game. I got to a day and a half, but then, at random times, for no reason, my CPU usage is maxed out and I can't do anything. I like what little I have done, but this makes it impossible to play. I tried all the help things I searched for. But then when I changed...
  6. Windows [HELP] My PC keeps freezing while playing stardew valley.

    Everytime i play Stardew Valley my entire PC (Windows11) freezes after about 30min i can't do anything but restart my PC with the power button. This doesn't happen in any other game. My PC is definitely powerful enough to run this game and I'm not using any mods.
  7. Windows [HELP] Why is my game broken?

    Me and my siblings have been playing co-op stardew valley a lot and for a while. No problems. But all of a sudden, it's just broken. Let me explain: When I launch stardew valley from steam (I use steam.) It says it's "running", when it isn't. It usually takes 5+ minutes for the window to pop up...
  8. Rose_Palitsky

    Question Help a fellow farmer please oof i am in trouble!!

    So I came back to play stardew after a long break and let's just say everything is out of my mind like how i forgot to make a extra copy of content folder of the game and now i have made some changes and cant go back. If anyone has a extra copy of the content folder, please be a sweetheart and...
  9. Windows [BUG] Constant hotbar scrolling and main menu

    Hey , I was trying to play stardew today and all of a sudden when i loaded up the game into my coop world I was greeted with an infinitly scrolling hotbar , and i tried unplugging my mouse and using a different mouse and even a controller but nothing helped it just kept scrolling to the right...
  10. Solved Game wont load up save file? Just boots back to Concerned Ape Screen.

    Hey All, Just as the title says my game won't load my main save file, however it will load my alt save file. Every time I click on my main save file it boots back to the concerned ape screen. Not sure if its a mod or what because i was able to play just fine until i noticed when i went to sleep...
  11. Windows Help me plz. I don't know what else to do :(

    So, a couple years ago I purchased Stardew Valley on my android device. Now I recently received an Iphone and have no idea how to transfer my purchase from one device to the other. I've tried everything but It doesn't work. I would purchase it again but I don't have a credit card, I bought it...
  12. Question Clarification on a mod translation

    Hello! So I been trying to translate a mod for self use as in the page it doesn't really say it can be edited but my question is if for translating it I only need to change the dialogues, mails or any related things or do I need to edit and translate the whole mod? I'm really confused as this is...
  13. Windows [HELP] Turning Co-Op Farm into Single Player

    Hello! I am not sure if this is possible, but I thought I'd go to the forums and give this a shot. So, my friend has created a file that her and I used to play on a lot. She has lost interest in the game, but it's the only farm I've ever had. I do not want to restart this progress, but since she...
  14. Solved Help with bug (?) needed!

    I have the latest version for switch. One of the golden walnuts fell in the sea back when I didn’t realise what they were but now I’m trying to get 100% perfection I cannot complete the walnuts due to this problem. Can anyone advise how to fix this? It hasn’t re spawned since either.
  15. Windows [HELP] Can’t find my save game!!

    So I’m very new to Stardew Valley and I just got the game like a week ago. But I got to summer, have a coop and silo, have decorated my farm and have worked hard on the community center.(ive watched a lot of videos!) and I have been working on relationships with the residents. Ive been playing...
  16. MookieMoo

    Windows Help: Delayed/Laggy gameplay

    Hello, I need help fixing my game. I have over 300 hours on the game and have never had an issue until today. When playing my game suddenly it will begin to lag and the gameplay becomes delayed by around 1 second. I've scoured the internet and found some threads on how to fix this issue and...
  17. Xbox [Ajuda] Centro Comunitário

    Eu terminei dois pacotes no cofre e agora eu não consigo coletar as recompensa! Obs: eu terminei todos os pacotes do cofre
  18. Issue White screen trouble again

    Hello, I have previously asked for help a couple months ago. I haven't played my stardew game in a while but I've been making sure everything is up-to-date with my mods. However when starting my save file, it takes much longer than 2 minutes and the screen turns white saying the the stardewapi...
  19. Zgirl785

    Issue Stuck in Loading screen

    So I keep having problems whenever I go to the next area. I am always stuck in the loading screen, and this is what the error from SMAPI looks like: