
  1. iOS Save not loading

    Hi, My game crashed and stopped loading so I copied my saves, deleted and redownloaded stardew. I’ve done this previously and once transferring my saved files over they worked fine. However when I did it this time it gets to the option “start the game where you left off” then when selecting...
  2. Windows Stardew plays normally then crashes and lags

    I start playing normally after a few minutes, it starts to freeze and lag, I've played without mods, but the same thing happens, I don't know what to do anymore, the game runs fine on my laptop and then this happens I really need help to solve this problem I really like Stardew Valley
  3. Destiny1013

    Multiplayer not working with mods

    Hello u all! After the 1.6 update, we tried playing coop but it's not working right. Me and one of my friends got SMAPI and some mods (not all matching), and 2 of my friends don't have any. Before the update, there was no problem, but right now we only get a message that Unnamed Farmer joined...
  4. PlayStation Game crash after completing Ginger Island Museum Ps4

    I'm playing on ps4 version and after completing the Ginger Island collection, at the end of the conversation with Dr. Snail, the game crash and I cant do anything, I only can close the game. Please I need some help with this because I cant let unfinished this 166 hours save and I tried...
  5. Windows Games won't load

    I haven't been able to play Stardew for a while because of this, the game won't start unless i delete startup preferences just before launching it. Then, when i try to load any file, it loads and then freezes, then crashes. I really want to play with my friend, but I don't know how to fix this
  6. Windows Broken save file

    this was my first save file... i opened it after a long time, it said loading... in the corner, and then it crashed :( can someone help?
  7. Windows Game Crashes when going to Sleep - Online Co-op Multiplayer - Winter 1 Year 2

    I have tried all of the recommended fixes I could find, such as running steam as an admin, verifying game files, reinstalling the game, emptying the fridges, reorganising the chests, removing items from coops, reorganising inventory, etc. Nothing seems to affect it and it also doesn't matter...
  8. Issue help needed with finding the problem of the ''An error occurred in the base update loop: System.Exception: Error on new day: '' crash

    Me and my girlfriend have a a game that as of today crashed and locks up everytime we go to bed, we added some mods today like the multible spouse and cute seasonal outfits. I'm not the biggest hero with reading logfiles so if someone could lent me a helping hand figuring out whats going on here...
  9. PlayStation Game (Seemingly Randomly) Crashes on Save

    Recently I have started playing this wonderful game again with someone else. Co-Op is fun, but recently about a year into the game we started having this problem where the game would crash after saving on both ends with the PS4 error code ce-34878-0 randomly. I've seen other people talk about...
  10. Moss Goblin

    Switch game crashes when i take a screenshot

    when i take an in-game screenshot (not sure what else to call it other than in-game) outside on my farm, the game crashes. the screenshot itself is saved and shows up in my album. i can take in-game screenshots in my house and i can use the screenshot button without issue. no mods and i have...
  11. Mlovespugs1011

    Windows Crash: Talking to the Wizard outside his Tower.

    I went onto my day as normal, did some foraging, etc. I found the Wizard standing outside, I decided to click on him to talk and then suddenly my game crashed. I didn't attempt it again as I don't want to have to replay the same chores again a third time, but I'd imagine it would happen again...
  12. Stardew crashes after a time

    Hello together I have installed some Stardew mods via moddrop. Unfortunately the game always crashes after a while. Maybe you can see where the problem is. Thanks for your support
  13. Windows Game Crashes When Switching Audio Devices

    Hello, As the title suggests, my game is consistently crashing when I try to change audio devices from my Bluetooth earbuds (JBL Free II Hands-Free AG Audio) to my laptop's built-in speakers or vice versa. I've found a couple threads about similar scenarios on the forum, but they were all...
  14. Xbox Game crashes during Feast of the winter star

    Day 25th of Winter during The Feast of the Winter Star my secret person is Jas. After I give her my gift I read her dialogue and the game immediately crashes.
  15. Android Need help

    Hello my game constantly freezes (time pauses can't move or interact with anything but can change inventory slots in the hotbar) or the game will crash altogether at random times. I tried reinstalling multiple times and the furthest I've been able to get is day 8. I am using a Galaxy A71 with...
  16. Issue Smapi crashed repeatedly in game. Please help.

    Hello everyone. I have a problem with my smapi where it crashed repeatedly when im in game after couple of minutes it suddenly close by it self. Whether im using a new game file or load game file it still happen. And it frustrated when i already go far and suddenly it closed by itself. Im...
  17. Windows Crashing on PC when playing co-op

    Hey, My wife and I have been trying to play co-op but we keep getting random crashes. She's hosting and usually I'll crash first and then she will a few minutes after. We're playing it on Game Pass on PC and here's the error log: Message: Input string was not in a correct format...
  18. Solved Cannot load Android save on PC after mod uninstallation [Windows]

    Hello I wanted to try some mods on my mobile save but after an hour of playing, I noticed they didn't run. I deleted them since they didn't work and transferred my save back to my phone. The save works perfectly on my phone but now when I try to transfer the save to my PC to play vanilla the...
  19. Issue [HELP] My game apparently crashes everytime I enter/leave a place but only during the evening and night

    Hello. Since yesterday I have been trying to deal with this problem. For some reason, the game is totally fine until the evening/night. If I go from one place to another during that time, the game crashes. I tried removing some mods and I updated all of them, but it keeps crashing. I do not know...
  20. Issue SMAPI XML exception

    Hello there lovely people. I've run into a problem and am not sure how to proceed. I've started a new modded playthrough a few days ago and everything seemed fine until today when upon trying to load into the game it instead restarted the game. I've checked the SMAPI log and am somewhat at a...