- PC (Steam)
- Version 1.5.4
1. Wrong recipe's name.
Now: "Черничный коблер"
Should be: "Ежевичный коблер"
That's because we're using blackberry (ежевика) for this recipe, not blueberry (черника).
Also: TV show using correct recipe's name so only problem in global name.
2. Wrong reply from Abigail
Look at attached screenshot. I have full stars of relationship with Abigail. Here is she coming to place behind the bus. And I catch her while she doing it.
Message is "Seems like Abigail don't want to talk." So, here is % symbol that wrong in this message. For us it looks like "Seems like %Abigail don't want to talk.".
3. True cap.
Is this name correct? :) I don't think so.
4. Spiritual grandpa
The situation happens when the main hero meet grandpa while can get maximum scores (4 candles).
In this situation we get absolutely useless text that looks really ugly.
English version:
It's really confusing for Russian. Better to say: "Ты стал фермером гораздо лучшим, чем я когда либо был, и этим ты оказал великую честь нашей семье.".
Absolutely wrong. Better to say: "Теперь я чувствую... Мой дух наконец то может уйти на покой. Благославляю тебя.".
5. Professor Snail
I'm sorry but I have no screenshots for this case. But, Professor Snail have no translation of his name. In game I see "Professor snail" instead "Профессор Улиткин". Also my dialog was freezed permanent (until click "skip scene") with this gentelman before reply where he say his name.