Please Read Dedicated typo and translation error thread

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Platform: Switch
Language: Japanese
Version: 1.4.4

Year 1, Day 2, Caroline
The kanji in the dialogue should be changed from "来て (come)" to "着て (wear)."
This error likely occurred due to both kanji being phonetically identical in this case.
I have not played the English version yet, but the meaning of the text should be along the lines of:
"Hmm... what should I wear to today's aerobics class?"


Plattform: PC
Language: German
Version: 1.5

It appears that the Menue for the not fulfilled big quests are mixed in German and English


Platform: PC
Version: 1.5
Language: German

There is missing the asked ressource of Robin. Also, you write "Werbeaktion" instead of "Werbe-Aktion". German does not use the "-" very often.
So it would be "Ressourcenrausch" as well.

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1.53, Mac/PC, English

My rainbow trout pond asks:

"If it's not too much to ask... could you bring us a Jelly?"

I'm a speaker of British English, and Jelly in this context is Jam. In my dialect at least, this is plural. It should be some Jelly, or a pot of Jelly.


1.53, Mac/PC, English

My rainbow trout pond asks:

"If it's not too much to ask... could you bring us a Jelly?"

I'm a speaker of British English, and Jelly in this context is Jam. In my dialect at least, this is plural. It should be some Jelly, or a pot of Jelly.
Same issue with my super cucumber:

"Excuse me, we'd like a Pickles please"

Some pickles


Plateform: PC (Steam)
Language: French
Version: 1.5.3

Some syntax errors that break dialogs.
- Data/Events/Beach
"739330/t 600 1710/*n spring_2_1": "ocean/-1000... que tu attrapes.#$bSi ça sent, ..."
should be:
"739330/t 600 1710/*n spring_2_1": "ocean/-1000... que tu attrapes.#$#bSi ça sent, ..."

- Data/Festivals/winter8
"Penny": "$y \"Mmm... Quel genre de bonhomme de neige devrions-nous faire ?_Genre classique. Nez de carotte, chapeau haut-de-forme, écharpe._ J’imagine que c’est peut-être préférable de s’en tenir aux classiques, non ?$h_Quelque chose d’un peu drôle. Des antennes en stalagmites, yeux en pomme de pin._D'accord ! Cela semble amusant.$h_Les bonshommes de neige sont ennuyeux. Il faut faire preuve d’originalité !_Euh, d’accord... Je pense que je vais m’en tenir à quelque chose de plus conventionnel.\""
should be:
"Penny": "$y 'Mmm... Quel genre de bonhomme de neige devrions-nous faire ?_Genre classique. Nez de carotte, chapeau haut-de-forme, écharpe._ J’imagine que c’est peut-être préférable de s’en tenir aux classiques, non ?$h_Quelque chose d’un peu drôle. Des antennes en stalagmites, yeux en pomme de pin._D’accord ! Cela semble amusant.$h_Les bonshommes de neige sont ennuyeux. Il faut faire preuve d’originalité !_Euh, d’accord... Je pense que je vais m’en tenir à quelque chose de plus conventionnel.'"
"Willy": "$y \"Salut, @. Tu participes au concours de pêche sous glace ?_Oui. Je ferai de mon mieux !_C’est une bonne mentalité !$h_Oui, et je vais te battre !_C’est ce que nous verrons.$h_Pour être honnête, non. Je ne sais pas très bien pêcher. Eh bien, considère ça comme un bon entraînement !$h\""
should be:
"Willy": "$y 'Salut, @. Tu participes au concours de pêche sous glace ?_Oui. Je ferai de mon mieux !_C’est une bonne mentalité !$h_Oui, et je vais te battre !_C’est ce que nous verrons.$h_Pour être honnête, non. Je ne sais pas très bien pêcher._Eh bien, considère ça comme un bon entraînement !$h'"
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Platform: PC (Steam)
Language: Russian (also Spanish)
Version: 1.5.3

Egg festival, 2nd year. SMAPI 3.8.4.

[game] Failed parsing dialogue string for Abigail:
$y Думаешь, я слишком взрослая, чтобы яйца искать?_Да_Хм-м... да ты прямо как моя мама!$a_Нет_Ага, и мне так кажется. Зачем останавливаться, если мне весело?'
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length
at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
at StardewValley.Dialogue.parseDialogueString(String masterString) in C:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Dialogue.cs:line 481

Missing dialogue with Abigail.

Same problem in Spanish
Location: Content/Data/Festivals/
"Abigail_y2": "$y ¿Crees que soymuy mayor para la caza del huevo?_Sí_Hmmph... ¡Suenas como mi madre!$a_No_Creo que tienes razón. Pero si me estoy divirtiendo, ¿Por qué parar?'",

from here:


Version 1.5.3
Platform: PC
Language: German

In Robins Mission, where she asks for stones, she asks for "1000 Stücke Stein". This is not a proper German translation as "1000 Steine" are enough to say.

one stone = ein Stein
thousand stones = tausend Steine

German is a bit tricky, as when it comes to paper for example, you can use "Stück" --> xxx Stücke Papier (even it is not a too proper use, it is possible). ^^


- Platform : PC (Windows/Steam)
- Language : Korean
- Version : 1.5.4

1. translation of "wool"
- status quo : "양털"
- should be changed to : "털"

"양털" literally means "Sheep fur". ("양" means "sheep", "털" means "fur")

This is little awkward, since wool can be obtained both from a sheep and a rabbit.
I think it would be more natural if "wool" is translated as "".

(If the translation of the item name is changed, the translation of the item description also should be changed to "부드럽고 푹신푹신한 털." )


2. translation of the description of "crystal path"
- status quo : "톡 쏘는 향과 맛이 나고, 과즙이 많습니다"
- should be changed to : "바닥을 장식하거나 길을 만들 수 있습니다"

The English description of "crystal path" is "Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors."
The Korean description of "crystal path"(수정 길) is something different. It says "톡 쏘는 향과 맛이 나고, 과즙이 많습니다", meaning "It has pungent smell and flavor, and it is juicy". This text describes crystal path as a kind of fruit..!
This should be translated as other path descriptions, which is "바닥을 장식하거나 길을 만들 수 있습니다."(Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors.)

crystal path.png cobblestone path (for comparison).png

3. translation of the description of "auto-grabber"
- status quo : "매일 아침마다 자동으로 가축들의 생산품을 자동으로 채집합니다. 소, 양, 염소로부터 채집이 가능합니다"
- should be changed to : "매일 아침마다 자동으로 가축들의 생산품을 자동으로 채집합니다. 닭장이나 외양간 내부에 설치해야 합니다"

The Korean description of "auto-grabber"(자동채집기) is "매일 아침마다 자동으로 가축들의 생산품을 자동으로 채집합니다. 소, 양, 염소로부터 채집이 가능합니다".
The translation of this text is "Automatically harvests from your animals each morning. Can be used for cows, sheep and goats."
The sentence in bold face is different from the English description, which is "Must be placed inside a coop or barn."
The Korean description misleads users to think that auto-grabbers can be used only for barns.
It should be changed to match the English description.
"매일 아침마다 자동으로 가축들의 생산품을 자동으로 채집합니다. 닭장이나 외양간 내부에 설치해야 합니다."


4. Festival of Ice Notice
- status quo : "오전 9시에서 오주 2시 사이에 방문해주게"
- should be changed to : "오전 9시에서 오후 2시 사이에 방문해주게"

There is a typo at the end of Festival of Ice Notice. 2 PM should be translated as "오후 2시", not "오주 2시".

Festival of Ice Notice.png
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Plaform: PC
Language: German
Version 1.5.4

"tage" should be with a capital letter, also you can use instead of "produziert" "trägt" (but that is just kinda a beauty thing, I guess).

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Plaform: PC
Language: German
Version 1.5.4

"Koch-Rezept" is wrong, it should be written "Kochrezept" or just "Rezept". German does not use the "-" quite often. Also, "Anweisung" is more like a command from someone above, use "Anleitung" instead or just "Drehe den Brief für ein Rezept für eine supergesunde Mahlzeit um!" again.

Thanks :)

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Plaform: PC
Language: German
Version 1.5.4

In this letter, there are several errors.

First: Player is a woman, the title of the letter is for men instead. (Liebe NAME instead of Lieber NAME)

Second: There is a missing word "ich" --> "Normalerweise trinke ich Tee allein...." A better translation would be: Normalerweise trinke ich meinen Tee alleine, es hat mir jedoch Spaß gemacht, mit dir diese Erfahrung zu teilen!"

Third: "Ich habe eine Anleitung beigefühgt..." --> without h ---> "beigefügt"

Also there might be a thought for "züchten", maybe use "ziehen" better.

"Kein Stress / Kein Druck, aber falls du am Ende selber eine Teepflanze ziehen solltest, bring mir davon etwas mit!" --> You do not usually bring a cup of something from a plant with you.

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-Platform: PC
-Language: Spanish
-Version: 1.5.4

When you give the pirate's locket to Birdie, she says "tentos" when it should be "tantos"


Boling H.

Platform: PC
Language: Chinese

The recipe for "Algae Soup" is 4 "green algae", but there are also items in the game named "seaweed". The Chinese word for "Algae Soup" is " 海藻汤(Seaweed soup)", which is a name that is easily misunderstood by Chinese players (seaweed and green algae are both algae, but in Chinese they can refer to two completely different things).

My suggestion is to translate it as "藻类汤剂", "藻类汤" or "绿藻汤".


Platform: PC
Language: German
Version: 1.5.4

A small, grammatical error:

It should be "Wissen des Bären" and not "Wissen des Bärs" :)

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